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  • So people's first impressions about The Predator are that it's got a funny tone, there's no tension, it's funny, story's all over the place, characters are cringy, and it's funny. Movie's been delayed to October 11 here so I can't see it yet, but if all that's true, good job Shane Black. I was worried about his talk of wanting to "reinvent the franchise" and all that crap but I tried to keep optimistic. Sigh.
    Haven't seen it either but if it really is like that, then Black hasn't reinvented shlt. Those were basically the first two Predator films.
    Not really. They had some cheesy lines and a few funny scenes, but they above all had plenty of tension and suspenseful moments. These people are saying this movie is so over the top funny and devoid of tension that they're starting to call it an action comedy, which is absolutely not how I'd describe the first Predator flicks, and even Predators. I'm hoping they're blowing stuff out of proportion and overreacting.
    Oh like a marvel film then. JK JK but I already had a feeling this film might not live up to the hype. Especially that stuff with Olivia Munn.
    I hope the rumor of Ciri being played by a minority actress is false (nothing confirmed yet). If it's not, I wonder what's next in this Witcher Netflix project. A crab playing Roach maybe?
    @DragonMaster2010 The Witcher is a Slavic series of books about Slavic folklore and mythology, set in the NORTHERN Realms. You can say race plays a big part in the whole world, not just her character. A black or Asian Ciri is totally out of place and betrays the world she's supposed to live in. The only non Caucasian looking people in the Witcher world should be characters from Zerrikania and Ofier.
    @DragonMaster2010 her race does play big role in books, with her being explicity stated being almost albino due to her heritag. + it's like asking "why black panther can't be white". BP is black because he's from Africa, and Ciri is white because she's from slavic region.
    jeez okay, I get it. Don't gang up all at once. But I do see the point though.
    Sure, it took me a decade to realize that Dragonball Z and onwards sucks but I do now. I'm not triggered by the new generation saying it's not good like the rest of my peers.
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    Reactions: Morgan and Teal
    I quit Dragonball a long time ago. Just lost my appeal to it one day.
    It's funny, I hated DBZ as a child that "ruined" the original DB. But as the years go by I find myself endearing to it more and more.
    @Lain - it is still amusing.

    Well, same way a trainwreck is amusing.
    PAX West's DMC5 panel was pretty interesting, they showed off all of the Devil Breakers and they all look fun as **** to play with.
    Resident Evil is one of those series that I would be mildly interested in playing, but holy hell do its dumb as frick controls put me off for good.
    I already have the first RE HD but I think it's not the game for me. The fact that you get limited saves, and so few and far between means you have to dedicate a lot of time planning what to do, and I just don't have that much time nowadays, I'd rather play more immediate games. Also even in the HD remaster, the controls, especially in combat, are still pretty clunky and uncomfortable. Maybe 4 is more for me.
    Nevermind. Luckily I have a friend who has RE4 HD so I could try it before deciding to buy it. Controls still make no sense, even in modern settings. A and D bound to turning instead of strafing... Hello Capcom? That's what the mouse is for. They allow you to use the mouse to turn the camera but not the actual character, gotta use A and D for that. What the...
    I've never seen a series with more botched controls tbh. I need to see if there is some mod or workaround to fix this, cause I really wanna get into this game but I wanna be able to play comfortably.
    So Joaquin Phoenix is the new Joker apparently. Thoughts on that? And will this new Joker movie be canon to the DCEU?
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    Reactions: absolitude
    V's patron
    V's patron
    I read that they wanted to do a mix of stand-alone movies and in continuity movies. So i assume Phoniex is part of the standalone set.
    Well, I can't possibly enjoy him less than Leto, so I guess I can give him a shot. I agree with Drakan about how odd it is that they keep switching actors all the time, though. It's a little...hmm. Marathoning these movies are gonna make continuity really weird after a while.
    Its an elseworld film, so it's a different Joker. Think of it like the MCU and the X-Men, Venom, and Spiderverse films. Leto is still Joker in the DCEU.
    Ok I'm not familiar with DOA but why are its fans so ****ed about desexualization of characters? What does the game... no, THEY as players lose from that? A boner? It's a fighting game. Will the fighting get worse just cause no boobs? Do they actually play for a pair of melons rather than the combat? Explain the anger to me, I don't get it.
    Thing is, it's not just the outfits, they've toned down everything, the boob sizes are reduced and the soft engine is removed, meaning no jiggle physics.
    It's pretty much asking to be Dead on Arrival.......6.
    V's patron
    V's patron
    @DragonMaster2010 oh ok

    @Foxtrot94 its less about jiggle physics and more about the role of sexuality in media. As well as questions of identity andhow to change and what it means to sell out that come with franchises. Questions that don't have easy answers.
    V's patron
    V's patron
    Tbh DOA5's character design was lacking compared to the other fighting games on the market
    So im hoping DOA6 has some cool new characters.
    Having that problem about cookies that prevents me from logging in again, but on PC this time (on Chrome).
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Commenting via phone currently to test to see if it goes through ok.

    Edit* Seems to have done the trick, nice one.
    See, the weird thing is that for me the 'fix' is absolutely not working right now. Effectively, all that I've done is a redirect rule so that anyone accessing the site via http:// be directed to https:// automatically, but it doesn't seem to do it for me in any major browser even with a clean cache flush. Glad it's working for you guys; please let me know if it starts misbehaving again.
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Well thats weird, tried for hours to post on this last night and was having none of it no matter what I tried but worked 1st time when I tried it earlier.
    The DMC5 trailer drops and I'm already seeing a wave of new people rushing to buy the previous games and play the series for the first time. Was it that ****ing difficult, Capcom?! Was it?!
    On mobile, I can't log in cause the site says I must enable cookies, even though they are already turned on. I'm consfused as to what is going on. Very sudden.
    I'm glad that Morrison, one of the best parts of the DMC anime, is in DMC5 but... Why's he black now? LOL
    Phineas as a character is "close enough" to black via facial features and voice, without the skin tone being absolutely correct. Faces are *usually* based on the mocap, and if the voice wasn't important they wouldn't have had Tim Phillipps don an American accent and just talk in his natural voice (he's Aussie). Fans would think "they made Dante an Aussie" if he did, when Dante's not human either.
    He's close enough to black that *actual black gamers* on this forum have said so. I'm saying so. He's a black dude, and he's been that way since day one. The point is, he's more black than Morrison was in 2007, and I don't see any good reason for Capcom to make Morrison black *now* except fake "progressive points" because NT and P* showed them up in that regard.
    @absolitude Yes really. I don't see a black guy at all when I look at Phineas. If anything, he comes across as a character playing on the wise old man stereotype rather than a racial one.
    Wow even a DMC5 section now. XD
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