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It's getting louder these days cause they're getting rarer to find due to the SJW pandering. DoA didn't have a large fanbase due to the fighting mechanics, everyone knows that.
Like it said in one of those articles, removing the fan service from DoA is like removing the blood and gore from Brutal Doom, yeah we'll still have the fun gameplay, but it's missing something very important and what the fans love about it.
Well you know what, that might be the first time I can see where the SJWs are coming from. I'm sorry for repeating myself, but seeing a bunch of people straight up ****ed off to hell because "muh bewbs" are not in a videogame anymore is just... Well I have no choice but repeat myself, I can find no other words: it really sounds sad and thirsty from an external point of view.
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Do you really think the Mortal Kombat fanbase would just sit by and be silent if the devs decided to removed all the blood, gore and fatalities in order to "grow up"?
But violence is another context. Getting hyped over badass bloody combat isn't as pathetically sad as growing a raging hard-on over a CGI videogame character's tiddies, to the point of yelling in anger to the high heavens the moment they get removed. That is the reason action cinema is higher class than porn, for crying out loud. You can't put violence and sex on the same pedestal as if they're the same context.
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Yeah. Either way, I'm glad Team Ninja is making the steps to improve their combat system with DOA6. Maybe later down the road they could do the sexy stuff, but I'm in no hurry for that. We got plenty of that in DOA5.
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Gamers all have what they love and DoA wasn't hurting anybody with it's fan service just like the Senran Kagura series isn't hurting anybody, it's a niche franchise with a niche fanbase that loves it for a reason.
If that reason is gonna be removed to please gaming's No 1 enemy then people are rightly gonna be angry.
If fan service isn't your thing then fine, but don't look down on the people who do like it.
Oh no, I'm very sorry, but I do take issues with those people, you bet I will. They give the rest of us gamers a bad rep making us look like a joke. Sure, fan service is fine and all... as long as it's not the main and daresay only focal point, but rather an extra.
Don't say that doesn't hurt anyone. It hurts me, and other millions of gamers that would like to be treated with a bit more respect.
Something to note is that DoA isn't porn, it's more in line with Ecchi Anime, Fan Service is key to them.
Silly, over the top stories with fan service all over the place.
I mean I saw this anime called Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid in which a big titted babe has to arouse her girlfriend in order to turn her into a freaking weapon!
Stupid? Yes. Perverted? Hell yes. But it's still a fun ride if your into that sorta stuff.
No it doesn't hurt anyone. People who love fan service type games often just stick to their games in peace not bothering anyone.
What's hurting the rep is the media, they've been bullying the gamers for years and will continue to do so for the years to come.
Fans of fan service type games will not back down, you must have seen the push back of the so called "Waifu apocalypse" that occurred on Steam.
It caused Valve to back away from bullying devs who make fan service type games and made them adopt the "hands off" policy they have now.
So yeah that happened all thanks to gamer who love fan service.
Correction, it was: #WAIFUHOLOCAUST
In the end, we shouldn't have to fight to be able to enjoy these kinds of games, we shouldn't have to push Valve into adopting a "We're sorry, we don't decide what you like" policy, we shouldn't have to call for Team Ninja's heads or kick DoA to the curb in favor of Soul Calibur 6 cause SC6 actually kept something fans enjoyed.
We shouldn't have to fight for our fan service games, but we do.
The media need ammo to bully. Juvenile ****shows like this DOA stuff give them plenty. It still gives us a bad rep and the worst part is, it's partly true.
Thing is the media is to blame for this, they are the ones who influenced this decision, including the Xtreme 3 situation, Team Ninja admitted it.
It's what the media does nowadays.
Gamer's aren't having any of it though and that's a good thing.
The media is also bullying the Star Wars fanbase and even the comic book fanbase for not liking the god awful movies/comics.
The media are scumbags.
Going back to that point about would Mortal Kombat fans be upset if the developers took out the blood/gore/fatalities: yes they would because it happened. Remember that Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe game? They drastically toned things down because DC didn't want to see its characters literally get ripped to shreds. I don't have a point; I just wanted to add that. Carry on!
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V's patron
V's patron
Easiest way to deal with it would be to let people control what they wear. Give them a wide variety of outfits ranging from skimpy to non-skimpy and let them decide what they want to use.
@Z218 They did that with DOA5 with that giant influx of costumes.