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  • "Find him... Or I'll peel the flesh off her bones." is probably the most intimidating and well delivered threat in any Marvel movie, by one of its most memorable villains.
    Ridley, stop. Or at least think stuff through this time. You've already been butchering one of the franchises that gave you fame back in the day. Try to keep the count at 1, you don't need to drag Gladiator into it as well.
    Never knew I would love an isometric RPG so much till I tried Thronebreaker. It also helps that I was starving for more Witcher stories.
    I've been waiting for Black Mesa to be finished for a loooong time but it seems it will still take quite a while. At this point I wonder if I should just play the original Half Life first.
    The Avengers theme was used to accompany really epic and awesome moments in the first movie. I hate how it's utilized during relatively small and insignificant scenes in Infinity War, basically as often as they could use it just because it's recognizable, resulting in a kind of ridiculous and cheap effect.
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    Reactions: Lain
    Give them some slack it's the only song that people remembers from this cinematic universe besides Black Panther's soundtrack.
    Wait... The guy in Vice playing Dick Cheney is Christian Bale?! Holy mother of transformations.
    V's patron
    V's patron
    Fun fact- he was gonna play George W. Bush in another biopic a few years back. He had to pull out and the role went to Josh Brolin.
    You know, it's amusingly funny to see the Nostalgia Critic trying to sell movies like The Mummy (the one with Brendan Fraser) and Van Helsing as disliked by the general audience when that's so not the case.
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    That's always been Nostalgia Critic's gimmick which is why I stopped watching him. Especially after the constant unnecessary Zack Snyder hating.
    That is unfortunately the case. When someone uses a gimmick to attract attention even if what they’re saying isn’t a generally expressed opinion. CinemaSin’s gimmick for instance is mostly making bad stuff up about movies to give them a sin score at the end. It’s all just a catchy way of gaining views and attention.
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    I can't stand NC. It's like he's always nitpicking on smallest stuff while ignoring elefant in the room. Also his attempts at commedy is simply not fun.
    Sitting at the dentist's scared ****less. It's been good knowing y'all.
    I had a root canal once and, okay yeah dentists can vary a lot (I had one once who seemed to think cleaning teeth was the same as being a dominatrix and the one I currently have is the total opposite), but it's really not bad while you're there. You might feel some weirdness in your jaw while they're poking around but it shouldn't hurt too much.
    * Once you're home, if they haven't given you meds for it, then make sure to get something for pain cuz the surrounding area might be tender. If you get a crown, that'll probably feel funny, too. But it probably won't hurt as much as you might be imagining. -will be rooting for you-
    Just well propably all will laugh on me but i had three - four times visits at dentist, well 3 been for canal thing and one ended total reconstruction ofone teeth and it hurt really bad, even this not helps as one dentist i used to visit tried for me not feel it as whole pain hitted me after still bad things to have in life
    If Kamiya is at work the same way he is on Twitter, I wonder how in the **** can his colleagues stand him.
    @Teal Which is why I wonder how can the people around him stand him.
    When you work in an industry, you gotta take a lot of crap from horrible bosses in order to keep your job.
    ^What he said. And to double down on that, pretentious pricks of Kamiya's caliber probably wouldn't mind using their industry connections to make sure you never work in gaming again. They have to stand them because they have no choice.
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    Reactions: Lain
    This to me totally smells like a case of them wanting to shove the politically correctness down our throats one way or the other but they feared the backlash of doing so with a main character, so they opted for a side one.
    Not the end of the world, granted, and I'm sure a black Fringilla Vigo won't break the show for anyone but goddamn is it still irritating, this will to change characters' race for no reason other than pleasing the members of that race even if it doesn't make sense in the context of the world and story they're trying to build or, in this case, recreate from another medium.
    And for the record, white washing irritates me just as much as black washing or asian washing, so don't try to pull the racist card with me. It's about needlessly changing a character's race, not changing a WHITE character's race. A white Blade would annoy me just as much as this. Actually even more so considering Blade is the protagonist of his own franchise and not a secondary character.
    Good riddance, Google Plus. That's what happens when you force a social network no one wanted into people's throats.
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    Reactions: Lain
    Google + is gone? I barely noticed.
    It'll just be replaced with something else. Their blog post says so. Google+ will continue to exist, but under a different name.
    Seeing Rowan Atkinson with grey hair makes me sad. :(
    Haven't delved into the New Lands section of the Skyrim Nexus in a long time. Holy crap the number of expansion-sized mods with new territory and quests is unbelievable. And I thought I couldn't get any more enjoyment out of the game.
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    Reactions: Shadow
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Its insane, I havent even played my PC version of Skyrim (hundreds upon hundreds of hours on Xbox version) but I do keep up with the modding scene for it.
    Apparently the first impressions of Venom describe it as Catwoman level of bad, with the worst performance by Tom Hardy yet. I'm not gonna lie, that's what the trailers always came across as to me.
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    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    I dont tend to pay much attention to movie critics these days, so many times they have picked a movie apart before release and I have enjoyed it & some they have praised to high heaven & I thought were awful. Sometimes critics opinions can push your views 1 way or another before even watching it. You either go in with negative feelings already or go in expecting too much and both can effect your enjoyment beforehand.
    I don't trust Critics. ( as evident by my icon) I'd rather see it for myself. Plus most critics always have this "if it's not MCU it's bad" bias towards Comic book films.
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    From what I had read so far it seems to be that the script is muddled and cant decide what tone to take. That should have been expected however after going from R rated to PG13 as lots of the more dark scenes/lines would have been cut or toned down. Most say that Hardy did his best with the script he was given and actually a lot of positive comments in those reviews are said about him.
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    Reactions: Lain
    The werewolf transformation in An American Werewolf in London remains one of the best ever filmed. But I'm sorry, the creature's design itself is pretty luckluster in my opinion. Never been a fan of the full wolf appearance, and that movie's version, I find particularly corny on top of that.
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    Reactions: Not Satan™️
    Not Satan™️
    Not Satan™️
    Couldn't agree more. I like the movie itself, but man, did the design of the monster itself disappoint. I've always been more fond of the mid-transformation appearance.
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