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  • Did I just see Cap actually stopping Thanos from hitting him with his gauntlet? Yo, how goddamn strong are they making him in these movies, jeez.
    I mean, it IS an adaptation so they can nerf or buff certain characters to a degree but I still think certain tiers should be respected. Like, Spiderman shouldn't be able to be overpowered by Cap and Thanos shouldn't struggle to subdue him either.
    I figured it was super soldier serum fulled adrenaline
    @Foxtrot94 Spider-Man vs Cap makes sense when you take into account the approach they took with the character. Spidey lacked experience and seemingly had trouble with efficiently utilizing his abilities, in stark contrast to Rogers who was a 100 years old veteran with a lot of experience.

    It is important for the Russos to do Thanos justice, power-wise, in order to justify the gathering of the ensemble.
    It's already disgusting that we're paying for a rerelease of a rerelease (not me tho, screw that)... If after this they don't announce DMC5, that's gonna be my breaking point.
    Style switcher is already in the works though, besides from what I hear there are no framerate problems in this port anymore.
    I meant to say that if I already have DMC3 with Style Switcher, there's no reason for me to spend 30 euros (!!!) on pretty much the same game, since I would barely play the other two.
    True, I'll probably replay DMC1 a bunch, and DMC3 finally gets better controller support out of the box, but I get what you mean. I'd say it's 10 bucks per game though, wich in my opinion is a fair price.
    Wait, Vermintide is actually a first person ACTION game? Damn son, talk about being swayed by the Warhammer title. Gonna grab it for sure.
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    Reactions: Erian1Mortal
    Why not good in single?
    Bots aren't all that good (sometimes they tend to steal the items you wanted to take and you cannot tell them not to do something) and story is really not all that present. I mean the gameplay is really fun (reminds me of Dark Messiah) but without a group to play it's just a much less enjoyable experience.
    Awww, was hoping it was more like Dark Messiah in terms of single player value too.
    Idris Elba or Mahershala Ari to play Geralt in the Witcher Netflix series? Get the hell outta here with your SJW token black actor candidates crap, IGN.
    Just when you think Charlize Theron's James Bond was as bad as it could get...
    @tehrugger The only characters of color in that series should be people coming from Zerrikania and Ofier, which are inspired by Africa and Middle East respectively. Not any *Nordling* coming from the *Northern Realms* in a universe heavily influenced and inspired by *Slavic* mythology.
    Ugh, Valentine's Day... Thank God it's almost over.
    Really struggling finding a game that keeps me invested as of late. :/
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Whatever price the Witcher 3 is at its worth it as it was stunning, haven’t fully finished it yet but no other game could get me away from it for months. In the end my backlog got pretty large because of it so I had to put it aside while I cleared out some other titles. You after another RPG like that or is there any genre you prefer?
    RPGs, action adventure, you know, games that can get you immersed in an environment. That's what I lack right now.
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Haven’t played it myself but Monster Hunter World is meant to be a pretty impressive RPG with a large scale world and much like The Witcher III with the hunts & monster battles.
    Why do ALL the Dragon's Dogma screenshots on its Steam page look miles better than the graphics in the actual game? ;.;
    But that doesn't make it right... if that is indeed the case.
    @Steve Oh, it most certainly doesn't. As someone who has played the game in both launch and vastly-improved PC form, I can promise you that my infatuation with the game has never stemmed from its mediocre graphics. As good as the art style and creature design is, I can't help but mope about how much better the game might've looked if Capcom hadn't down-stepped its engine so sloppily.
    I just saw Get Out. How in the tits can some people say it was a funny movie? Like, it baffles me so much. It has SOME comedy relief is all.
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    Reactions: Lain
    People say it was funny?? I haven't seen it, but wasn't it advertised as horror or a thriller? Or am I getting movies confused.... @_@
    Right? The trailer also perfectly sells it as a thriller. But apparently the director is famous for some comedic stuff he's done, and that + a few funny moments in the trailer/movie = a funny flick, I guess. Go figure.
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    Reactions: Shadow
    Welp, finding myself marathoning Men In Black for no apparent reason. I'm fine with that.
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    Reactions: Aurelius
    I've always liked Men In Black. The cartoon series was pretty cool too.
    I think for me, there are still some iterations of characters in the DCEU I really liked. Superman and Batman (before JL), Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, etc. I still have an attachment to those DCEU characters, but not the way they're used in the DCEU. That, and I'm a huge Zack Snyder fan.
    I thought you liked JL though. I remember you posting a status saying it was lit or something like that.
    I did. But I failed to mention that I saw it the first time in IMAX, which made the experience amazing. Then I saw it a second time in a regular theater in 3D, and the experience just wasn't the same. It also allowed me to see just how flawed and pretty boring the movie was.
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