In case you never noticed, that's what EVERYONE does in this fandom with DMC AND DmC. All we do is grasp for straws. We do it with Vergil, we do it with Dante's past, we do it with Nero's origins.Yeah right. Thats just a joke. "But she could have asked somewhere where we never see, suspected or have impression she did." that's just one hell of a straw, you grasping on there.
There's a difference between expression an opinion, and acting like a total jackass.Or maybe some people can't past their fanboyism and gonna sugar paint anything about DmC. And that Kat was nothing but a plot tool, isn't only mine opinion since I saw some people on this very forum expressing same opinion. At least I don't try to portrait DMC women as some well written characters. If you don't like to hear other side of argument, maybe you shouldn't have opened discussion, since you know, apparently you expected some wild cult praise for DmC humans and bashing of DMC ones.
All you've been doing is trying to prove me wrong on something that's as clear as day in the instance of her character all because you're salty as hell over DmC. I get you don't like it, but don't be a horse's ass over it and try to argue with me and then use the excuse of "its just an opinion" as if it makes it right.
You should be smart enough to realize that when you express an opinion in an obvious aggressive manner, you're gonna get challenged on that opinion because it stirred someone up. Like how in that DmC thread I gave praise to DmC getting 100k over DMC4 with 34k. Who was literally one of the first to get on my case about that?
If you didn't want your opinion argued, you shouldn't have posted here, because this isn't the "Unpopular Opinions" thread where you can use that excuse. This thread is specifically for discussions.
Don't bullshit the bullshit.