Oh my gosh questions.
Love it! Pretty sure that half the people I'm about to quote are banned, but... LET'S DO THIS.
@Dark Drakan
What happen to the thread creator ribbon ?????
That was very helpful in identifying who originally created the thread especially when jumping in towards the thread's end pages back & maybe wanting to ask them something directly without having to flip back to the start.
Or having to see "This is for the OP" all over in messages.
The thread creator ribbon actually cleaned that up as well as make the forum seemed a little more sophisticated, organized.
I think I recall temporarily disabling it whilst I was designing a much more DMC-themed ribbon... but I can't remember how that went. I see we have no replacement ribbon now so something something bad Steve.
What about that issue of lack of edit tools on mobile? Any update? I miss em sooooooo much.
Hmm... almost a year on, but is this still the case? XenForo supposedly was pretty crap with supporting Internet Explorer/Edge in the beginning, but several updates later and I'm pretty sure that it's improved in this sort of area. If not, then it could be down to a design issue (i.e. my fault) and I'll need to look into it.
Whatever happened to that sticky post about banned versus threads?
I... don't know. Will have to check that one out. I'm guessing it's probably back now in some form.
I signed up in the RE board like, 15 mins ago or something but the confirmation email hasn't arrived yet. Is there any staff member who's also there to look into the issue?
There seems to be a problem with the server sending out confirmation emails. Romero pointed it out on the RE forum and we made it so that all registrations are now handled without requiring email confirmation (yay!) Were you able to set up your account okay?
That blue icon for chat is terribly distracting on the entirely red color scheme. Perhaps it's time to introduce Vergil to the design?
I agree on both counts. Us staffers are looking at possibly introducing a new template which will sport a brand spanking new design. Will bring up the Vergil suggestion (bit of a crime that he's not present in the main header design right now tbh).
I was thinking that since the chat is the only one with an icon, then perhaps it might be a good idea to give the other ones an icon also. It looks a touch out of place being the only thing with an icon that corresponds to what the feature is. Either that, or it's just me.
Agreed. Whether the chat returns or not I think it might be worth considering adding a little extra spice to the navigation buttons. But in all honesty the way XenForo handles certain stylistic elements makes it a huge pain to work with for me.
So what is the deal with the new chat thing? Do we create a special server for the forum and if so, where is it/what is it?
I actually know very little about Discord other than it seems to be pretty hot poopy nowadays. I've reinstated it over on me Resi forum and since having
@cheezMcNASTY work his magic he's made it into something pretty darn awesome.
Okay so now that I've finally got my $$ and

oop: together, I can't find where the whole campaign to raise funds to buy Devilmaycry.net went.
Help please.
Or has this ship sailed?
Nope! I'm still very much sending an offer into HugeDomains every 4-5 weeks, but they haven't yet gone below... $1,400, I think?
Here's the listing. In truth, it's a pretty despicable industry. When I buy a 'hot' domain, it's because I'm passionate about the topic. I am legit still super thrilled to own dinocrisis.com, .net, AND .org. I love the DC series.
There's big money to be made domain squatting and flipping domains. They'll typically buy an expiring domain for roughly $10-$60 and stick it on a marketplace the next day with a few extra zeroes added on the end. Yes, the butthurt is strong in this one.
Here's two boring scenarios that I myself was in, that I can only loosely remember:
Approx. 5 years ago I discovered that residentevil.org was soon to expire and go to auction. The previous owner did use it as a RE site, but it wasn't super chock-full of content. I have no problems with this fella/fellette(?) and mucho respect to them for being the first to purchase the domain or in some way acquire it. Well, anyway, it's going to auction and I put in an early starting bid to enter in... about $49. Auction begins... I wait... BAM - insta-win. I'm the only person to bid on it. I'm over the moon. I immediately change the old Resident Evil Forum domain to point to it - thus having it become the community's new home.
Around the same time, maybe a week or two or three later, I find out that dinocrisis.com is going to auction.
Say whaaat. I cannot pass this up. The previous owner was a domain squatter and sat on it waiting for some chump like me to come along and put in an offer of $1,000 for it. Eff that noise. So anyway it's going to auction and I preemptively slap down the minimum entrance fee of $49 (something tells me it might have actually been $69... I tend to get my 4s and 6s mixed up...) and here comes a new challenger. We're climbing up in bids slowly, then quickly, then I decide to check my opponent's profile... turns out they are a domain flipper looking to grab the domain nice and (relatively) cheap and sell it to morons like me whom fangirl over old PS1 era survival horror dinosaur games. I can't say for 100% certain that they
wouldn't have turned it into a Dino Crisis fansite... oh wait, yes I can. All of their other domains are littered with 'buy me' ads and pr0n. I specify a maximum bid amount and I go and play whatever was popular in whatever year this was going on; I think the amount I was willing to go up to was around $380, I'm kind of ashamed to admit. I don't know how long bidding went on for but I managed to get it in the end for around $200. I was over the moon.
I sort of lost steam writing the last few sentences there. Apols if you were expecting fireworks.
Anyone know what happened to Chancey? Noticed he's not been around in a while. Was he banned or something?
Oh man.
Hi SRS here!
Have you ever thought of giving the forum app like features? Say something that informs members on their phone of alerts and inbox messages for instance.
Ooh! Like 'push' notifications? I don't really know what those are... my phone cost £15.
I believe there does exist frameworks that allow you to app-ify such things, but something like that would probably require money and additional support time. I'm a little too old-fashioned, also.
Can we get a twerking Dante Emoji?
Hmm... you've actually given me an idea. Will need to properly discuss it with the team, but for the past year I've been working with a wicked-cool independent pixel artist whom could no doubt design some great new bespoke emoticons for us. Also, when did 'emojis' replace 'emoticons'? I have a teenager whom says the former and I want to correct her, but I don't want to risk being wrong. :O
Edit: Forgot to answer one other question.
That covers 2016. Will tackle 2015 at some point.