Ask the Staff Anything

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Well-known Member
Feb 28, 2008
Ask the Staff Anything

In the hopes that this thread will be used as a tool for good, and not evil, we have decided to give it a try.
In this thread you may ask the staff any question you like, assuming its content falls within the forums rules.

This thread we hope, will not only be a good laugh, but also another helpful tool for the members of this great community!

Want to know if your Signature is within its limits, ask us.
Want to know the perks about becoming a Gold member here, ask us.
Want to know the best way to make a Pastrami Sammich, ask me -- I make the best ones ^_^

You get the idea.

No trolling please, or flaming, and if a question isn't answered, we may not answer every question, but we will certainly try our best :)

Don't expect us to attend to EVERY question without fail and without wait, but with luck this resource may be more useful than sending out a barrage of PMs.

So, without further adeau, I declare this mayhem...I mean, thread, open!

I think we should have a Members Only section. Is there anyway that this could be done?

Anyways, what's the answer to life?
Favorite number?
Favorite candy?
What celebrity do you hate most?
Love the most?
And favorite and least favorite books?
Henorrhage;266959 said:
I think we should have a Members Only section. Is there anyway that this could be done?

Members only? Please elaborate ^_^

Anyways, what's the answer to life?
Favorite number?
Favorite candy?
Cola bottles -- the plain ones, not the fizzy ones
What celebrity do you hate most?
Far too many to list -- seriously ^^
Love the most?
Ahh, Jackie Chan, Michael C Hall, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry...some more too ^_^
And favorite and least favorite books?
Loved: Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Death Note: Another Note, Jackie Chan: I Am Jackie Chan (Autobiography).
An estranged book of poems from High School, I love poems, just not these.

Just a few :)
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If you could be any video game character... who would you be?

Biggest Phobia?

Ideal job (if you could do ANYTHING)
Vergil'sB*tch;266975 said:
If you could be any video game character... who would you be?

Hm, Dante or Vergil -- Don't make me choose!

Biggest Phobia?

Snakes. *shudder* They just kinda freak me out!
I'm not too bad with Spiders, I just don't want them on me ^_^

Ideal job (if you could do ANYTHING)

Games Development or Design, or failing that, the owner and writer of a successful Gaming Magazine/Blog...heh, watch this space! ^_^
Angelo Credo;266996 said:
Formerly an agoraphobic, but that was tied to my depression.
Always have been incredibly claustrophobic.

Formally? *high fives* I was agoraphobic for awhile. Not fun. Never been claustrophobic though. And my question for whatever staff member wants to answer is this: What are some things that you really love? And how about really hate while we're at it.
I am elaborating on the Member's Only section request. Member's Only is, like, you know, a section on the forum only members can see. Yeah, pretty self explanatory.

Also, can the regular members have an ask thread too? That would be dazzling. We could take turns and switch whoever gets asked stuff every five days or something.
There is a question i would like to ask.

When you ban someone, do you ban their IP address at the same time, or can they re-sign to the forum under a different name?

Can I apply to become a moderator please?

Dani, wouldn't a members only section be what the forum is already? Only members can post and participate in discussions. Or did you mean you want a section where the staff can't get in? In which case...yeah...I dunno bout that.

Okay, question for the staff - do you have a favourite member (who is not part of the staff)? Not asking for any names since I think other members might feel a bit hurt if it's not them, but I was curious whether you guys have a favourite or not?

Oh, btw, I was kidding about the mod position :lol:
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Which member of the forums could you see taking over the world?
HQQR - Solid;267257 said:
To all staff:

What is the SINGLE most embarrassing thing you have done to date.

Walking into my friend's house at 2am, drunk, then proceeding to remove my shirt and trousers and fall asleep in his bath tub, to then be woken up in the morning by his mother, stark naked, wanting to shower...

Vergil'sB*tch;267333 said:
There is a question i would like to ask.

When you ban someone, do you ban their IP address at the same time, or can they re-sign to the forum under a different name?


There are two types of ban, there's the standard time delay/perma ban which isn't IP based, but by account and then there's the IP ban.

The IP ban rarely has to be used, it tends to be reserved for people who constantly break the rule of ban evasion by signing up to the forum with a new account.

Chloe_Ryder;267415 said:
Can I apply to become a moderator please?

Dani, wouldn't a members only section be what the forum is already? Only members can post and participate in discussions. Or did you mean you want a section where the staff can't get in? In which case...yeah...I dunno bout that.

Okay, question for the staff - do you have a favourite member (who is not part of the staff)? Not asking for any names since I think other members might feel a bit hurt if it's not them, but I was curious whether you guys have a favourite or not?

Oh, btw, I was kidding about the mod position :lol:

Personally I have no favourites here, as far as I'm concerned, while some of you I do consider friends, ultimately I'm going to treat all of you the same.

meg127;267422 said:
Which member of the forums could you see taking over the world?

Angelo Credo, that handsome rogue.
No really, I'm aiming for world domination.

DreadnoughtDT;267425 said:
Do you think you have biased opinions when it comes to characters/games/anything in particular?

I like to think I try and remain as unbiased as possible when it comes down to fleeting discussion, but then, it's impossible to be entirely unbiased, otherwise I'd have no opinion on anything and I'd be an incredibly boring individual, so yes, I would say I do have biased opinions on quite a few topics, the one exception being the console wars, because I genuinely do not have a favourite there.
Chloe_Ryder;267415 said:
Dani, wouldn't a members only section be what the forum is already? Only members can post and participate in discussions. Or did you mean you want a section where the staff can't get in? In which case...yeah...I dunno bout that.

No, when I say "Member's Only" I mean a section that only registered members and staff can see. Guests have to sign up to see said section.