I am on the cusp of finishing my original story. I'm so excited that I'm literally bleeding pencil shards from my butt! (It's actually quite disturbing and troubling...

But who cares!?

) The pain, fear, revisions, massive, massive shorting of this originally long story is coming to its completion and I'm scared out of my rabid a@s mind. :'( Have you any idea the hardships of carrying this tale on my shoulders day after day, month after month, year after year?
The giving up, the trying to produce it through different medias, anything to birth this tale. It's no longer about creating a blockbuster that will pay for my addiction of strippers and Hershey chocolate, (although that would be a major plus...

) it is about finishing a dream. A dream that has both haunted me and given me strength for many, many years. Let us all rejoice in this moment DMC.org, for the completion of my original story (well at least in draft form anyway. :facepalm: ) is upon us!
Bow your heads low and awe and gasp at the brilliance of my determination! "The sleeper has awakened. I am the Prince of all Saiyans once again."
..... Ok, so I took that a little to far...

I'm excited and really, really scared. :frown:
"God slap it" I want some chocolate ice cream. :banghead: