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7 more chapters to micro-edit, then I can take a legit break from the trilogy. :dead: Whether that means continuing where I left off with the prequels or doing some edits to one or two of my fanfics, only time will tell.
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I'm a novice writer. No dount about it. But I'm reading a Sword
Art Online Official English novel and... They breaking every rule I was told to avoid.
Mainly calm your a$$ down when it comes to using "!," "?!," and things like "Dante shouted" vs "Dante said." So I'm led to believe one of two things. Either I took my minor lessons to seriously or my aid was wrong.
Or they misled me out of jealousy or general di@kishness. Or maybe the novel is crap and lacks a "professional" touch. Maybe the simple answer is actually the correct answer? Either way I'm confused.
I'm a novice writer. No dount about it. But I'm reading a Sword
Art Online Official English novel and... They breaking every rule I was told to avoid.
Mainly calm your a$$ down when it comes to using "!," "?!," and things like "Dante shouted" vs "Dante said." So I'm led to believe one of two things. Either I took my minor lessons to seriously or my aid was wrong.
Or they misled me out of jealousy or general di@kishness. Or maybe the novel is crap and lacks a "professional" touch. Maybe the simple answer is actually the correct answer? Either way I'm confused.
While you are correct, I would just give my 2 cents that since that novel is a translation of the original Japanese then it is entirely possible that it's the translator's/editor's fault for the poor translation.

But then again, I have a very low opinion of SAO so I wouldn't be surprised if the novel is just that bad anyway. :tongue:
SAO is iffy in terms of quality. But It is a gulity pleasure of mine\my. But the way the dialogue is put on the paper does intrigue me. If this novel can be translated and published then I have more hope for my original work.
I should have bought that Ergon book. Maybe that book has good examples of proper writing? I remember reading it in school, and I do like dragons.
@Sparda's rejected son Those guidelines (calming down with "?!" and the various synonyms for "said") are true; it comes down to moderation, mind you, not dispensing with them entirely. Like @Izzy said though, it may very well be the translator who bears some fault for the way the English version came out--or it may be that different rules apply to different countries.

As for SAO itself, I only got as far as partway through...was it the second season? (Y'know, when they're elves and faeries, or whatnot?) I don't hate it, but I kind of found it boring...and a tad more sappy than I'm accustomed to. ^^; I've actually been considering watching it again to see if my impression's changed much (mainly, I've forgotten a lot--which honestly doesn't bode well; my memory's usually impeccable).
Ah in truth after the first part the whole "we will die for reals yo!" angle is dropped. The show becomes a cliche fantasy anime at that point. Although in season 3 Kirito (the OP main character) uses a gun and lightsaber (with the Star Wars sound effects mind you) and that was pretty neat. The show has great music however.
And well, "the more you know."
Why do some people talk about wolves and dogs (dogs especially) as if they're one single species with no races? "Wolves are larger than dogs"... Well, what wolves are you talking about? And what dogs? Cause I'm sorry, but any wolf you can pick sure as hell isn't as large as a San Bernard, for example. Or an Alaskan Malamute.
Like @Izzy said though, it may very well be the translator who bears some fault for the way the English version came out--or it may be that different rules apply to different countries.
Y'know, I was thinking about this last night, and while scanning through some of my JPN books I came to this conclusion: Most of the time, the JPN language doesn't use "he/she/they said" in dialogue and so I reckon that the translator decided to put them in and got a bit overzealous with the "Said synonyms".

Translations are always such fickle things. :unsure:
But if I abuse it.....

Why do some people talk about wolves and dogs (dogs especially) as if they're one single species with no races? "Wolves are larger than dogs"... Well, what wolves are you talking about? And what dogs? Cause I'm sorry, but any wolf you can pick sure as hell isn't as large as a San Bernard, for example. Or an Alaskan Malamute.
It's the ignorance of the people, especially if we speak about Italians. I remember you that we are the ones who think that if a guy plays to videogames over the age of 18-20, he will be a failed in life, if not worse.
That's actually a problem all around the world. It's a media problem. Not country.
I know that you was speaking about something of general. But what I wrote was related to something I contact every day. I know that everywhere there is the "ignorance" that you speak.
Me: -broke and in need of cash- I should schedule my work days.
Weather report: "LOL It's gonna be about 110 the entire next week and it's only going to get worse."
Brain: "Friendly reminder that work involves chemicals and you will pass out in that heat."

...looks like I'm gonna be broke until November unless I get some editing commissions.
I honestly have no idea why people like Wonder Woman that much. Even Doug Walker (the Nostalgia Critic) and his brother, who've take a huge dumps on better movies, are saying this is the first good DC movie. Is that really what everyone really wanted, mediocrity? It's so safe it's forgettable and yet everyone is going ape***t over it. I won't argue the quality of the other movies by contrast because that is a whole thesis length publication. Anyway, this is not as good a movie as everyone is making it out to be, it's cliche, forgettable, and tries to do nothing new, and yet every person and critic whose opinion I trust online, whom I've usually share somewhat similar tastes with is going on about how the movie is the only good DCCU to date.

Is it because they have jokes? If that's the case then I'm disappointed because if the one thing that would change their opinions on the difference between a good and bad superhero movie is just that, if someone made a movie and everyone says it's bad but then added jokes and suddenly it was good (or it doesn't take itself seriously, however you want to phrase it) then it tells me that those people are just overgrown infants who get bored easily and I know that's not true.

The reason I'm so up in arms on this is because of something that Doug Walker's brother, Rob, said about Man of Steel. When he talked about the scene where papa Kent told Clark 'maybe' he referred to Jonathan as 'psycho Kent' for saying that, which I thought was the most shallow way to perceive that, with so little attempt to understand what happened, almost like he was angry and didn't want to look at it any further than at quick glance and I thought better of that guy, yet he finds something so mediocre great praise it at as good. I find myself wondering if people really do just want more of the same, if for all their talk of change, originality, and trying to tell better stories they only really want to have their fanaticism bonner stroked.
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Dreamt that I and a group of people (couldn't tell who they were) kept addressing each other with French honorifics. I think it's safe to say the book has me well in its grasp... :cautious: (What was being discussed, I couldn't tell you--but I get the feeling the Count was supposed to make an appearance, or set one of his plans in motion, and apparently I may have been privy to it? Hopefully I wasn't to be a victim of one of those plans. O_O)