God bless whoever invented plaster for treating blisters, cause I have a huge one on the bottom of my heel. Little advice, never ever walk longer distances in sandals with leather insoles.
I've come across so many bad lyric videos. Sometimes I'll be looking at one for a song I've heard like twice and I'll be like "Okay, so I may not know what the correct words are exactly, but it's not this."It is my belief that if someone is going to make a lyric video, they should make sure the lyrics are actually right--otherwise, what's the point?(Gods, the amount of people who get that one part of the chorus to Anti You wrong are just...ugh. Clearly, they're just copying from elsewhere, and not actually listening, otherwise they'd know they done goofed).
I've come across so many bad lyric videos. Sometimes I'll be looking at one for a song I've heard like twice and I'll be like "Okay, so I may not know what the correct words are exactly, but it's not this."
I actually thought this was Nero until I read what you said.Oh, hi, Nero's long lost twin...