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This Forum used to be .........


The devoted
omenminator;139198 said:
anyway if staff are needed then angel will tell us ! :lol:

yeah, DD said that he wants it to stop and i thought that more staff could mean less of this stuff before it gets the way it has done, and less bans


Is not rat, is hamster
It's just so simple but people seem to refuse to swallow their pride and be humble with one another and less self-serving. For example, if you are good at something and someone else is just starting out, offer help. But don't ram it down their throats, belittle them for not doing it "your way" or pull them down so that you seem better. I.E:
Person 1: I can make paper swans. Look at my paper swans
Person 2: I can make them too - what do you think?
Person 1: You have little talent, your swans look like retarded geese and your paper is all wrong. How about you learn some skills before you try showing off?
Person 2: Wtf?

this is basically how people here are behaving and if only you'd preview your posts before you pressed send, you'd realise how ridiculous you sound, bragging and boasting. It just angers people - it doesn't help them improve or feel good.


I knew I wasn't the only one to notice that this forum has gone to hell.

Vauxchen;139131 said:
so true, i just hope people take it into consideration

Probably not unfortunately. *sigh*

Angel;139258 said:
this is basically how people here are behaving and if only you'd preview your posts before you pressed send, you'd realise how ridiculous you sound, bragging and boasting. It just angers people - it doesn't help them improve or feel good.

I can't believe some of the people on this site. What can you achieve by being so hurtful to someone? How can they feel so good about it to?


Wesker's #1 fan!
I wasn't aware that there were mind readers here. Of course some of you that really know me have known about my awareness of the forum's recent...should I say failier? It's becoming just like all the other forums I abandoned a little over a year ago.

I stayed with this forum because it was different, there were actually nice people here.

I started to notice the negative changes a little after DMC4 came out. It's funny we have all these newcomers coming in,right after DMC4 comes out, claimingthey've been with the series since day one. Heh, yeah right. That when the arguments started coming. "No it didn't happen like that!" "My theory is FACT!" Blah blah.


Is not rat, is hamster
Well we've basically all but lost one very good member over a recent argument and I for one am very sorry to see her go, but have respected her decision and left the door wide open for her return - and I hope she does.

If anyone feels the compelling need to correct a person due to a misconception or perhaps teach them something they may not otherwise have known then do so by all means - but in a way which edifies that person and makes them feel encouraged to try your suggestions out. Similarly, if you consider yourself something of a pro at whatever then have the humilty to accept when someone doesn't agree with how awesome you think you are and perhaps has a (constructive) critique of their own concerning your work.

Calling each other names is childish. Dragging each other down is pathetic. Surely it won't hurt that much to say "hey, that was great - but what could work even better is if you try XYZ, if you want to. But a great job!"? Or "thanks for the feedback - I see what you're saying but that's kind of what I was aiming for anyway so I think I'll leave it as it is"? Is that honestly so hard?

And for the record, I don't believe any claims of "professionalism" until I see bona fide credentials.


Aya Brea
Another thing (it's a rare site, but I have come across it) that I see here is circlejerking. No, not it's sexual reference, but as in two or more people kissing a** of someone they find to have some superior standing (or at least in their mind). As I said, it's not common here as I see in other places, and I hope it stays rare and dies off.

I've seen alot of people on here lately acting a little superior or like they're hot sh*t and if you disagree, "well f*ck you, you're not my friend and never was." (Though I am unsure of what is actually said word for word, that's just what it sounds like.)

Though I'm not just saying it's all DA for what happend, but for anyone... just because you may not like someones art gives you no right to be an ass for just that reason. It goes for everyone who draws. Not everyone is going to like your stuff either. As said before... just because others from underground websites or even here think your art is the bees knees doesn't make you some special snow flake. The very least you could do is give some critique. All I saw was flaming and there is a huge difference between critique and flaming.


Gosh Napoleon...
Yeah. I totally agree with all of you. When I joined I thought this was one of the nicest forums around... and it was, I NEVER saw ANYONE get banned. Then I got busy so I left for awhile. And when I joined back, everyone is flaming, Kissing @@@, Acting tough. I see about 5 people getting banned. Its honestly like a totally different forum.

I see allot of people saying something and getting crap for it, Then someone "popular" will say the same thing in a SLIGHTLY different way and everyone will "totally agree"

I still don't understand why people can't just PM each other or AT LEAST write on there profile. Personally I think its a ego thing, and the people want a big bad I'm awesome ego. so they just type up what they think is cool of them to say over the thread. and maybe someone will agree with them, and they will be the coolest guy on the boards :cool:.

People have been attacking others for NO reason. WHY?

I seriously can't stand how it changed so much, its sickening the way people have been acting. and I hope the boards go back to normal.

PS- I like the 1 person 2 person example angel. :p

Edit- I think its funny how every time I go to a thread with drama, I'm thinking about saying WTF is up with the drama? But it seems Esura ALWAYS beets me to it. :lol:

Iced Digger

Well-known Member
I'm new here, but I've noticed almost every single thread that even hints at an arguement get's locked. I don't know how things use to be, but I find this place quite strict. I do like it here, don't get me wrong. I control myself, because the other forums I'm on are more outgoing. I think the closing of every thread is a little too much. I know "bringing a thread back" to life is a rule on many forums, but I find it stupid. No offence.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.:cool:


Shadow DMC Player
WOW i AGREE ALL THE WAY I MEAN JEEZ IT's just so stupid that people are like that and if have to let something out go to the counsel group or something on the forum or make a new group about ur opinions---just follow the forum rules!

And Really don't take your anger out on others you didn't do anything to you!

Anyways i agree with everything and i Hope we can all live PEACEFULLY!!!!

(Near Lollipop land and the Lollipop Guild :):):) :lol::lol::lol:)

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Iced Digger;139281 said:
I think the closing of every thread is a little too much. I know "bringing a thread back" to life is a rule on many forums, but I find it stupid. No offence.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.:cool:

When the threads are well over 1 year old theres little more that needs to be said in them if no-one had posted before that. Also its because we are tired of all the flaming and arguments so soon as they start threads get locked. It wasnt always this way but we have had to take these measures recently to prevent bigger problems. Its not particularly welcoming for new members to see flaming in lots of threads or continuous comments in a thread with no staff in sight. So we have to show that it will NOT be tolerated in any form.


Is not rat, is hamster
Iced Digger;139281 said:
I'm new here, but I've noticed almost every single thread that even hints at an arguement get's locked. I don't know how things use to be, but I find this place quite strict. I do like it here, don't get me wrong. I control myself, because the other forums I'm on are more outgoing. I think the closing of every thread is a little too much. I know "bringing a thread back" to life is a rule on many forums, but I find it stupid. No offence.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.:cool:
I'm in agreement with you here to a point, actually. Locked threads are not a good thing for any forum and we don't like doing it but there are people here who just will not grow up and insist on arguing to the point where someone comes to visit the site to ask about, say Nero's background and in no time at all the threads they visit are full of someone going "**** you n00b - you know nothing"...with little else happening.

If people would just stop being babies it would be great but as had already been mentioned, egos are abounding lately and in EVERY case the ego is not one that deserves his/her "status" - in fact the very things they are so proud of are nothing special AT ALL.

We never used to need to be strict in this way and we would like to go back to being able to relax but the sheer number of idiots ruining it for everyone else cannot go unchecked...it's a real shame, to be honest.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
If we only had an all purpose "idiot filter", but that won't happen.:lol:

We just need to lighten up some, I mean the rule I follow is "assume almost everything is a joke" and it works. I think we alwase should try to resolve disputes in a way that ends with no feelings getting stomped on. And if someone is really being abusive, REPORT THEM AND IGNORE THEM. We have a staff for a reason. That is what I have been doing, If I have a problem with a thread I report it then I don't post there.

We have no reason to argue here, and we have ways of arguing that don't involve the whole forum.
If you have to be a huge **** just do it in a PM.


Anti - Little D
its not a question of lighting things up BA it to do with the PEOPLE on the forum .... take for example " fav sandwich " thread and people suggest there fav sandwich's ....... most likely a argument will be made to do with a sandwich related fact for what ever !
people think just because its the internet they can act big and not get into trouble.... . its not the case........


Shall we dance?
When someone belittles, hides behind others and calls themself an artist without even criticizing their own work and judging others, it's commonly annoying not to just one person. Respecting others work without carrying an attitude and able to point the bad in your own work is a 'real' artist, because no real artist should like the word 'perfect';nothing is,thats the main lesson I learnt off tutors in college, always striving and not bashing;acting higher while others begin the process. Not being immature and too far up yourself.
I have full respect for this forum and regulations, when I get annoyed on prehaps another circumstance, I may PM someone about advice before I turn to spitting replies although I was kind of fueled.
Otherwise, silly threads like 'sandwiches' don't really have fueling to argue XD I apologized before and do it again.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I'm just going to voice my opinion on all of this. I think it is very sad and I wish people would have respect for others. What I have seen in the past is a complete lack of respect for other's topics. You take a simplistic topic such as someone only trying to say something, and you end up with an argument over the smallest thing. Seriously, it is ridiculous and immature people; and we should know better. And there are only so many times you can tell these people the same thing before they end up with a ban .etc. Staff are here to resolve things and everything, but we as members here need to understand how to get along. Of course there will be differences between members, as we are all different in reality. It really does surprise me, as when I first joined I thought most would get along due to this being about Devil May Cry. I think people here have lost that understanding, and feel that this is about themselves and that they can say what they please; which is wrong and foolish.

After more than a year here I have had enough time to look around and see where this mainly takes place. And potentially, it could be due to these general discussion topics, as if you look through I'm pretty sure most flaming happens in Devil May Cry General Discussion, and General Discussion *Not to mention General Gaming Discussion which gets a lot of fan boys and fan girls flaming about anything game related*. Because there, in those sections; I feel people don't seem to grasp the difference between the two Discussion Sections. That one is for Devil May Cry talk, and the other is for talk of anything. Possibly they think that they can get away with offensive posts because they feel that that section of the forum is less restricted by the rules, due to it partly being off topic discussions. Yet, this is clearly not the case. Thus, they flame in belief that they aren't breaking the rules so much. This is wrong people, the rules apply strongly on every part of dmc.org. The mods tell us time and time again, and we should listen to what they have to say. There is too much big headiness in members, as well as ignorance that causes these childish arguments that members, moderators and administrators simply don't need to look at and have to sort out. That's just something I have noticed whilst being here at this place, and I hope to see a change in members; behaviour wise.

As for ways to break down all these flame wars. I know the mods have currently been talking about new staff being needed out of the UK time zone in the near future. So I suggest that we all show some maturity in order to make this place peacefuller for the time being. And for the love of God, listen to other people and don't argue with people over nothing. And most of all, respect people's topics and accept their opinions. And I respect those who agree with me, but for those who don't I also respect your views too.


Shadow DMC Player
^^^^WOW LoD
Not A JOKE BUT MAN your so cool!!!! Really :)
and anyways LoD is right but either way there are gonna be arguments regardless of what we want to happen...and calling members idiots isn't really gonna help(No Offence to anyone) Even though you didn't direct it to anyone and yes it is your opinion and i respect that but still...the world just has people being Ridiculously Immature (No Offence again)
It really is disappointing and i respect everyone's opinion, but again the world is just full of Immature people!

Anyways yeah.....

Iced Digger

Well-known Member
Well, I used to be on forums that instantly banned people if they did anything stupid... so this is a little less strict.:D
^ still i was in a much less strict forum once in that forum there were no mods and the admin was never onlineso people there went crazy with flamin each other also a lot of spam bots used to post there and there was no one to look around
so i think that being strict is sometimes good in a forum
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