The ranting thinking thread

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I have this terrible habit of looking at wikis of games I gaven't beaten yet to try and get a bit of side info.

What happened yesterday is that I saw a major spoiler for Persona 3 which I was close to beating. Why do I do this to myself man
I watched the entire animated series adaptation without actually playing the game.
Now I know who the real villain is and it won't be enjoyable if I actually decided to play Persona 3 some day.

Annoyed when people call taking inspiration from another work as ripping off them off.
I don't like it when plagiarists rips-off someone and then claims it's a "parody" or "homage" later only after they are cornered.
Normally, they deny ever seeing or coming across the material they ripped-off from.

"I could care less."

Couldn't. It's couldn't care less. If you don't put the not in it, you're saying the exact opposite of what you mean. Gosh.
I still consider "could of", "would of" and "should of" a lot worse.
I really shouldn't do this but when I see someone type those, I immediately assume they're dumb...
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You know what legit drives me up the wall? When you're having a discussion--for example, one involving where being a millennial begins and ends--and you know the answer. Then when you explain out of embarrassment (when you're told you're smart) that you looked it up out of curiosity, the one other person in the conversation basically undermines your intelligence by saying, "Oh, but you had to look it up."

Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that how everyone gains the vast majority of their knowledge? By researching the things in which they're curious about, in which they could have no other means of obtaining said knowledge otherwise? I mean, seriously eff off with that ****; until I said it, you didn't have the ****ing answer, did you? Did you bother to look it up, to investigate it on your own? No. So where the hell do you get off trying to make me feel small, just because I actually sought out the information, rather than believing myself all-knowing "just because I've been alive sixty plus decades"? You're not a credit to your age group; for all the older folk's talk of "the younger generation thinking they know everything", I see an awful lot of older people thinking they don't have anything left to learn, just because they're older.

"Pot, kettle, black" much?
I'm tired as hell, but I think it's mostly mental exhaustion with having to get back to the grind.

Also I now gotta go on a strict diet from the doc... that won't help energy levels

And I got a month of school reading to catch up on before January. :whistle:
I don't understand why you're being such a pr*** lately when I don't immediately bow down and kiss your *** about your "good" ideas, but I'm getting sick of it. We may have been friends for a long time, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like a nonentity. My patience only extends so far.

(Not about anyone here, btw.)

This video focused on the news of a live action BLEACH movie being stopped by Kubo. It was produced by Warner Bros and Kubo was brought in to consult. He thought it was decent but less like Bleach with each revision and closer to DragonBall Evolution. So ultimately he withdrew his support and the project was canned. Granted there is a Japanese movie made so maybe those guy got it better?

As a fan and someone trying to get in as a screenwriter I agree with Kubo's decision. With my own TV pilot i'm trying to guess how they wanna make it more marketable and plan for it so yeah i get it.

My concerns are more about the movie being set in the states than the high school aspect being played. I'm legitimately OK with the high school aspect being used more because that's what made BLEACH interesting in the beginning. Ichigo was a regular guy with normal aspirations thrown into a larger than life situation so playing with that more is great to me. I'd be more upset if they never did the SS arc but if they just put it off or explored a new route before going to SS I'd be fine. That be better in a TV show setting than a film and could help BLEACH out before the Arrancar Saga starts (that's when BLEACH looses it's steam to me).
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So this guy auto invites himself to a dinner at our home, then changes his mind at the last second and wants to go out to eat. And now my parents are trying to force me to come with them even though they knew I had other plans for the night. And trying to make me feel guilty to boot.

I'm sorry, but am I really at fault or is it just that this guy was extremely rude to boss us around like that? And I'm supposed to go out as well cause it's the "nice" thing to do? No thanks, no guilt trips for me tonight, I don't wanna go out, so I won't. And I don't feel bad one bit.
"Well, as an actress, I think she's..."
"It's female actor."
"It's not actress, it's female actor."

Huh? Since when? I was always thought that actress is the proper term to call a female actor. Why is it avoided like the plague nowadays? It's not derogatory or anything.
No, screw your politically correct bullshit, it's actress. I'm gonna keep saying actress and if you don't like it, suck my dick. But not really.
"Well, as an actress, I think she's..."
"It's female actor."
"It's not actress, it's female actor."

Huh? Since when? I was always thought that actress is the proper term to call a female actor. Why is it avoided like the plague nowadays? It's not derogatory or anything.
No, screw your politically correct bullshit, it's actress. I'm gonna keep saying actress and if you don't like it, suck my dick. But not really.
When I was in college I was hanging out in the smocking section during break with the teacher and some friends, the teacher, by the way, is only a year or two older than me, and I mentioned a story involving a black friend of mine and she interrupts, in an angry tone, mind you, and says
“It’s African Americans!”
If that idiot didn’t have power over my grade I might’ve gone off on her because every time I’ve said African American in front of a black friend they’ve always corrected me saying
“I’m black, dude.”
This woman was as white as a woman gets. She had no authority to dictate to others how to refer to jack s***, she was just demanding political correctness when no one asked her over something she had no right to demand of me. She was just some ass**** with an opinion, nothing more.
What gives this person authority over the proper word for a woman who acts? Are they also telling you that the word policewoman is wrong, that it’s female cop? Because that’s just as stupid and trivial.
Hell, just keeping them in for any setting feels like it defeats the purpose of a "translation".
I also prefer 100% English translations, regardless of setting but if I can accept random phrases in other languages (like hearing "arrivederci" in Assassin's Creed II or "senor" in Zorro), then I guess it's "okay" for some Japanese honorifics to slip through.

But again, I prefer a complete translation.
I don't care if this makes me sound "anti-feminist" or some bs like that, but "women can't sexualize women like men can" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Anyone can be sexualized or harassed in that manner. Having boobs doesn't magically make you unable to be a disgusting person. Stop using "I'm not a cis, straight white man" as an excuse to be a terrible person. That's not an excuse and you're even worse than the people you claim are entitled if you think you're allowed to do whatever you want for no reason.
Dude, people on YouTube can be SO stuuuuuuuuuupid. Like, for real. I was watching a few I Am Legend clips for the hell of it, and down in the comments, three main groups of comments made me really doubt humanity's intelligence.

1. "I really doubt that trap was set up by the infected, how could they? They can't stand the sun, how could they leave that mannequin there in broad daylight? LOL"

Because night doesn't exist apparently.

2. "Where did all those wild animals come from?"

Duuuh, zoos? Maybe? Is it so hard to figure it out?

3. "Apparently in the middle of an apocalypse you have plenty of time to clean your car."

Well you know, considering you're all alone with pretty much jack **** to do, yeah I'd say you do have time.

Jesus Christ. Though I had a good time reading the responses these dumbasses got.
Maybe it's just me, but the term "people of color" sounds identical to "colored people" to me, which is currently considered offensive by most people, yet they switch it around and say that "POC" is not offensive, it's the "new way of saying it", like POCs invented it so it's okay to say practically exactly the same thing.

Yet whenever I hear people saying "POC" that's pretty much what I think - I think of people back in the 60s playing identity politics for all the wrong reasons. We know they're playing the same game these days, just the other way around.

I refuse to use that term. For a few reasons, but mainly because of how contrived it is and because I seem to dislike the kinds of people who really love throwing it around so much and using it as a weapon. I'm not going to use their jargon.
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Thanks Vauxhall for the letter admitting there was a fault with the handbrake mechanism of the model of my car after all... nearly 10 years later after mine failed and my car went through a wall. As part of the recall notice I can have my mechanism altered to prevent the fault from happening for free, even though I paid hundreds to get mine fixed already. As well as having to replace my smashed bumper which has now discoloured all these years later as it didnt have protective paint on it that I paid extra for when I bought the car. :banghead:

Why are teens allowed to go to the cinema unaccompanied? Specifically without someone to tell them to shut the hell up during a film?

Mind you, there was a certain amount of satisfaction gained by viciously booting their seats from behind every time they annoyed me.

Which was all the time.

Plus Coco? Not great. Not bad but not great.
Plus Coco? Not great. Not bad but not great.

Yeah, I found it a bit underwhelming, too. Like the hype raised the bar too high, or something. Ever watched The Book of Life, though? Similar theme (in that it deals with the Day of the Dead; found it much more enjoyable).
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