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The ranting thinking thread


Earthbound Immortal
Sigh, I have an appointment to go to so I ride the hour long bus into town, only to be told that they had muddled the time and I needed to have come in earlier. All they can do is say to come back tomorrow instead.

So I get back on the bus home, feeling like my time (and bus money) have been wasted. :meh:

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Know what I love? When the emotion part of my brain shuts down from all of the well-meaning (and sometimes ill-fitted) advice, and I go into auto-pilot. Like RDJ said:


There's a time to take advice, and there's a time to become selectively deaf. Now is that time.


I Saw the Devil
Why do you tell everyone it was Obama's fault? Are you insane? You sound like an ignorant, conspiracy, a'hole. Every person that walks in the door hears how it was Obama's fault, well, it wasn't, why do you tell everyone you meet that obvious lie. I know you believe it but have some common sense.



Supporter 2014

And on the ninth day...

God spilled some coffee on an angry possum and God made a Liberal.

God said I need someone to get up at the crack of noon

and check their facebook and tweet vile things, take a nap,

borrow money from their parents, drinking paps ironically

and snorting bath salts -- and whine until midnight.

So God made a Liberal.


He said I need a person who can take a thriving community

and turn it into a debt-ridden, post-apocalyptic, welfare state.

I need someone who thinks meat is murder, produce is raised

in grocery isles, who can't fix a flat tire, or change their own oil...

And who when forced to finally get a job as a barista makes you

wait for your latte while they play angry birds on their iphone

and takes his union-mandated, two-hour break.

So God made a Liberal.


God said, I need somebody dumb enough to believe

in global warming and deficit spending, yet arrogant enough

to look down on hard-working folk 'cause they don't have a worthless

PhD in 17th century Belgian-lesbian studies.

It had to be someone that would tax and spend, sue and attack, flip

and flop and legislate from the bench, and pass an unread bill.

A person that would take a story of American success and turn it

into a lesson of injustice.

So God made a Liberal.


It had to be someone who would lie to themselves and others, and envy the successful.

Someone to whine, cry, demand, screech and scream:

Sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, racist, bigot.

It had to be someone that at the end of the day, they could go home after

helping rip apart a country with divisive race and class war, and who would

laugh, and then sigh with mocking eyes thinking,

If I hadn't aborted all my children,

they'd probably say they want to spend their life doing what dad does.

So God made a Liberal.
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Elite Hunter
there are a lot more interesting fight combinations thst have yet to be explored.

I disagree. In the sense that just because people continuously talk about a certain vs topic doesn't make it less interesting or interesting in the first place.

That said I too wish they gave it a break for a while.


the horror was for love
Of course it would happen on the day I finally wear some light coloured pants.
Of course.

D: I hope they're not ruined!

I want nachos...

-ebil cackles- No, seriously, though...if you want nachos you should get some. D:

Lady there is no possible way you could have not seen me. You almost hit me. Wtf? Having a toddler with you does not make you entitled to cutting everyone off.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Oh well. If you guys say it's nothing to worry about, okay then. I'll get that in written form from you. Then, when I die, hubby can take you guys to court and live the rich lifestyle he's always wanted (one that does not involve a wife who spends it all before it's even in the bank).
This much pain for this long is not nothing to worry about. Logic says so and my instinct is saying all is definitely not well. But whatever, you guys are the professionals.


Well-known Member
Me: Since exams are over and lab practice is yet to start, I've been thinking about taking my big book on organic chemistry to work to refresh my knowledge. (thinking how smart and invested in work I'll come out)
Mom: NO! You can't take the book, you're still on trial period and they'll think you're stupid. Read it at home but don't ever think about bringing it to work.

Right. I'll just continue to... *sigh* suffer slow brain cells suicide while watching other technicians type on their phones or listen to their gossip mixed with personal problems.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
By the gods, I'm tired of people making assumptions about what's happening in the story and basing their advice on said assumptions.

I'm also getting tired of being told things I already know; trust me, I know that, that, and that need fixing. I. Effing. Know. How many times must I say I'll be fixing those specified areas in the next draft before you lot get it? Do you imagine that I'm so deluded and think so highly of my work that I don't notice its pitfalls?

Stupid ****ing priorities. If I didn't have FotS to worry about, I'd have already begun draft 3.2 of WoN, by now....

Why am I so moody, lately? ._. Where is that off-switch, now?
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