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The ranting thinking thread


Supporter 2014



"Gamer" is not an identity. "Star Wars fan" is not an identity. Those are just things that other people made that you like -- and right now, they're things that everybody likes. It does not distinguish you at all to like them more or "harder" than other people do. Because you're not making anything. You're just consuming something that other people made and saying, "Yeah, that was pretty good." You deserve no credit. You deserve nothing more, in fact, because the transaction is complete. You paid for your ticket and got your movie/book/video game.

It's not just that nerds are entitled; it's that we feel like we've been ripped off in some way. We care so much about our movies and our games, we care so much about the things that we're fans of and have sacrificed so much of our lives on the Altar of Our Favorite Thing that surely, surely, we are owed something, right? We're owed a Blu-ray release of the original Star Wars trilogy. We're owed video games that fulfill our every niche preference. We're owed a satisfying conclusion to our favorite TV series. Because we've given these creators our time and our energy and the space in our memories. We've done the work that a good artist expects a good audience to do. So where is our goddamn recognition?

The problem is that no one asked us to do that work. It didn't serve any purpose beyond our own fulfillment. Nerdiness exists outside the "hard work gets you an external reward" social contract. It has to, or what incentive would there be to do any other job? If society rewarded you for bingeing on Star Trek episodes, who would grow our corn?

Nerdiness can't be the primary part of your identity. If you do that, you're setting yourself up for a half-life, because you're defining yourself by things that have nothing to do with you. No matter how much you love Mario, he will never love you back.


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Really sick of the boys I work with being total idiots. No need to tell me how to do my job when I have YEARS more experience than you. And will you please stop sending in dogs that do not need to be going in. They either came in late or they could use the extra exercise. And stop disciplining dogs that didn't even do anything! There's a difference between a dog with aggression and a dog saying no.

Point of this rant, stop questioning my methods! I don't need you to question everything I do!


the horror was for love
I don't get why you're upset that I don't want to go to lunch with you. Maybe if you'd given more than five seconds warning, I would have been up for it. But, as it is, I'm still in my jammies...I haven't showered or cleaned up or anything...and I also have some housework that needs to get done. :/ It's really rude to just assume I'm going to go to all of mum's doctor's appointments (when that's the only time I get to myself) and then use that as a basis for planning things. So, what? If I don't sacrifice personal times, then I don't get to do anything? How's that fair? Mum gets time to herself when I'm working, and you get to go out with your friends. Why do I have to accommodate you every minute of every day? And, honestly, if you wanted to make me excited about lunch then you could have at least forgone with the lecture about how I need to come and do work and how you're not going to get us groceries because we "always need something" (despite it being more than two weeks since the last time we bought groceries and our fridge is nearly empty :/ ). So much for being considerate.
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The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I think I found a pretty cool trick in DMC4. When being Nero you can practically get as high as you want. As high as the map allows at least. Just use devil snatch and enemy step. Repeat the steps fast. It's not really useful but it's kinda cool lol. Exceed split is fun.


Supporter 2014


Elite Hunter
I just love how the news blame the rain and the slippery road when a drunk guy dies in a car accident. How dare you rain, weather! Can't you see he's driving drunk?

Killer rain, right... the only killer rain is the alcoholic one that flooded the guy's stomach before he put his hands on the wheel.


Well-known Member
That frustrating moment when an overly-enthusiastic fanboy is posting replies that are dangling between heated discussion and harassment, because he is the all-knowing god and we are all peasants or something... and there is just no way to elegantly, and without consequences for yourself, tell him to **** off.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
It drives me up the wall that for the last two years, I have barely taken more than the odd day off from writing to enjoy anything else. And yet, the first time in a long while that I'm gaming--not just playing for half an hour one day and forgetting all about it for the next month, but actually gaming--I feel guilty for missing a bloody day of writing.

Why do I insist on torturing myself like this? :facepalm:


Elite Hunter
It drives me up the wall that for the last two years, I have barely taken more than the odd day off from writing to enjoy anything else. And yet, the first time in a long while that I'm gaming--not just playing for half an hour one day and forgetting all about it for the next month, but actually gaming--I feel guilty for missing a bloody day of writing.

Why do I insist on torturing myself like this? :facepalm:

Gotta alternate, mate. Write a couple days then the next one, do something else. You should avoid routine.

Il troppo stroppia.


Elite Hunter

Try the Balrog, they said. It's not THAT hot, they said!

You ****ing bastards, I know I'm gonna sh!t lava bolts tonight.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I'm getting pretty sick of you acting like a wounded animal when I snap at you, as if you didn't say or do anything that merited it. I have been taking care of my child for nearly eight years, now. I have been taking care of myself for much longer (though that sieve that passes for a brain of yours may think otherwise). Stop asking me a **** ton of stupid questions or giving me suggestions when I didn't ask for it.

And for the record, if I were to ever ask for advice, you don't even come dead last on that list. Your self-important attitude for the few, meager things you've done "right" is bad enough without stoking that particular fire. >.>
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I was jogging across the car park earlier on, and this van was in front of me driving really slowly towards a crossing. I slowed down, because I didn't want to run out in front of it. What does the driver do? Instead of driving off, he stops completely to let me walk by the crossing. I'm not even right by his van yet, so I'm thinking "just carry on driving". Eventually after gesturing for him to continue driving, he does. I don't need you to stop for me to go by a crossing if I'm not even technically there yet. I stopped jogging for a reason. What a doughnut!


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Kinda shame. AHS Hotel was good. Like really good. But ending was kinda underwhelming and AHS Freakshow like.
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