Anyone who thinks DmC is even comparable to that list of games has NOT played the recent Thief reboot.
You want to talk about a game that's such a grotesque, unrecognizable tumor of the franchise it's trying to emulate? Take a gander at THAT catastrophe. For game that "retcons" literally everything from the main series, DmC sure as hell maintains a lot. Same moves, same premise, same origin story and character arc, key gameplay elements like the Style Meter and real-time weapon switching...that sways pretty close to the original.
But THIEF? That game ditches practically EVERYTHING from the original to the point where it's borderline laughable. From the absence of the series' landmark of FOOTSTEP NOISES, to a premise that has next to NOTHING to do with the original series---without even a reference or rebooted replacement for characters---and the introduction of a game-breaking focus mode that Warren Specter would've ousted if it had even made its ugly head visible at the original Thief's development table, are what draw-and-quartered this rotting disgrace into the abhorrent insult to the original games.
DmC didn't alter nearly as fact, for a game that was instructed by Capcom to be entirely different from the original series, it amazing tip-toes awfully close to the original series. Also, adding things but retaining what's already there is what sequels know, kind of like what Capcom tried to do with DMC4, but ended up failing miserably? For DmC to do that as a reboot, rather than a sequel, is pretty darn impressive, considering how NT was contracted to make the game feel as "different" as possible.
You want to talk about a game that's such a grotesque, unrecognizable tumor of the franchise it's trying to emulate? Take a gander at THAT catastrophe. For game that "retcons" literally everything from the main series, DmC sure as hell maintains a lot. Same moves, same premise, same origin story and character arc, key gameplay elements like the Style Meter and real-time weapon switching...that sways pretty close to the original.
But THIEF? That game ditches practically EVERYTHING from the original to the point where it's borderline laughable. From the absence of the series' landmark of FOOTSTEP NOISES, to a premise that has next to NOTHING to do with the original series---without even a reference or rebooted replacement for characters---and the introduction of a game-breaking focus mode that Warren Specter would've ousted if it had even made its ugly head visible at the original Thief's development table, are what draw-and-quartered this rotting disgrace into the abhorrent insult to the original games.
DmC didn't alter nearly as fact, for a game that was instructed by Capcom to be entirely different from the original series, it amazing tip-toes awfully close to the original series. Also, adding things but retaining what's already there is what sequels know, kind of like what Capcom tried to do with DMC4, but ended up failing miserably? For DmC to do that as a reboot, rather than a sequel, is pretty darn impressive, considering how NT was contracted to make the game feel as "different" as possible.