Considering this has gotten into the whole 'recommendation' scenario, I will give my two cents just to feel involved somewhat. I believe that considering issues may happen at non UK time, either someone with past experience of Modding/A mature enough background, that is either situated in the UK (considering they stay up late) Or someone from a different country, would suit the requirements. All personally what I believe, I have no idea what we may be wanting to go with here.
Well, my good friend Chaos Master is extremely mature. He gets along with Staff members, and has never caused harm to anyone. He is very capable of doing a good job, and I believe he'd be more than suitable.
And because he pesters me, I would suggest Wickse. He has helped with many issues before, and has shown maturity. I feel if he believes he could do a good job, there's no harm in giving him a try.
I would recommend Angelo Credo. He is highly mature, and seems to stay up; so he might be able to help when other members of Staff are sleeping or whatever. Plus, he was very helpful in another forum he helped Mod with me. Showing clear enthusiasm, and an air of good authority.
And finally, The Da3dra. My good friend, highly capable. Sure he'd be more than suitable
Those are just my recommendations. I'm not saying those four are better than anyone else, just from personal understanding; it's my view on what I think may be beneficial.