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emo pole


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Is not rat, is hamster
Children, children, children - can we at least TRY to play nice? Good Lord...

And VI-Raindow? My thanks to you personally for being mature and helpful in your responses where others have gone down the flaming route. Much appreciated and +rep to you.

IF there are people here all miserable/depressed/suicidal/whatever then it is ENTIRELY separate from DMC and this is NOT a counselling board. Therefore, please refrain from discussing suicide, how you're sitting in your room cutting yourself and putting suicidal messages/images in your sig/user titles.

IF you are simply some bored teenager attention seeking, then I will just say this: GROW THE HELL UP AND SHUT UP. Nobody has time for this sort of nonsense.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
I'm pretty much indifferent to the existence of "emos/scene kids." Mostly I just find the fashion kinda silly (then again, I find most fashion rather silly).


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ That info is so gay :lol: On a serious note, I agree.

Yet, to stay on topic I'm not fussed with the way they dress.. Just if the try to bring others down, I don't like that...

The Da3dra

Master Of War
Devil Hunter 95;129495 said:
they just have a worse childhood than normal ppl,
No they didn't, thats utter crap. Because I have been beaten, shaken by the throat, reminds me of the simpsons lol, all that crap and I am completely fine, More or less. Emos lives were no worse than mine but i'll explain what I mean in the next part.
Devil Hunter 95;129495 said:
and doing that kind of thing makes them feel like the rest of their lives will be just as bad. and we dont need some ppl makeing them feel worse right now,
Yes I know if you actually read the whole post instead of just posting crap at the end you would know I brought this point up. I'll type it again though because you are apparently to lazy.

I have took both sociology, and psycology my senior year of highschool and yes its true, it is 100% true that most depressed people also have mental problems, not like down syndrome or anything like that. It's just a thinking problem, you can't telll them that the way they are living their life is wrong or stupid, they just don't understand, your more or less telling them THEY are stupid and it makes them Feel worse.

Like I said I postyed this erlier in the thread read the whole thing next time k?
little_d;129542 said:
it sounds like u guys think emos r bad not all emos r. its pretty gay u think u know whats it like to be emo those of u who arent. u think u know the pain, the depression, n the anger when u dont.

Once again if you had read the whole thread you would have read that I said that even I have emo friends it's the emos that are all "i'm hurting inside my heart is black, My souls is blah blah blah" that annoy the hell out of me

And yes, I do know that crap because for 4 months my friends Pat and Isaiah would come over every day and watch me because they thought I was gonna kill myself, I understand what it feels like to hit rock bottom and "THINK" That everyone hates you no one loves you suicide is the only way, I brought this up early in the thread as well. But it's so much bull ****, If no one loved this kid why would his cousin stop him from killing himself? If he wants to be alone, Why would he join a forum. everything about this kid points to him being an attention grabbing whore, I don't even think he ever tried to kill himself.

K people to recap,
and on top of that I'm sick of wasting my time here this went from being a good thread to a **** one because you guys like to post **** without being informed or reading what came before, I'm done this thread is dead to me.

And yeah that image was inappropriate I was just mad


Aya Brea
little_d;129542 said:
it sounds like u guys think emos r bad not all emos r. its pretty gay u think u know whats it like to be emo those of u who arent. u think u know the pain, the depression, n the anger when u dont.

Stop refering the term "gay" to define something far off from it's actual definition. This goes for alot of people. It annoys me. Sorry. Also, I can assure you I know what anger and depression feels like. I think everyone here does. We don't have to dress in black with pseudo rock bands on my t-shirt with god awful unreadable text for the band name or write dark poetry to know what it's like.

Yes. It is a way of expressing it, but not everyone looks to that to get some sort of emotional uplift. There are many other ways, but it's their choice of what they make of the situation to either worsen it or make it better. I think alot of you kids need to realize there are people who are going through something far worse than you ever could.

Oh! And Da3dra. All I can suggest if this thread is bothering you in any way is to just ignore it. You're a cool dude, so don't let it get you all outta whack or something. You can tell people like it is, but not everyone will listen. It's sad. Very sad and unfortunate, but you can't change them. :/

Devil Hunter 95

Supreme Trickster
ok even i have to say im sick of emo ppl whinning about somethings, but trust me on this, most of my last post actualy made sense. i have a bunch of friends that are emo and they had a rougher childhood than anyone i ever known and i feel sorry for them. so if this is going to turn into a big deal calling emo's gay or stupid just think what your life would be like if you were them.
i don't know what does the word emo means. and i don't care about what the people say about them. for me i think that they are normal people like us and i believe that some of them have pure heart.


I "know" a lot of emo kids. To be honest, I went through that whole phase around four years ago when I was thirteen. I mean, looking back on it now, sure some things didn't work out right but I don't know why I made everything so dramatic and why I thought I had a dark, incurable soul. :S I hate to say it, but emo kids make me cringe. I find the whole concept rather cheesy and over the top, with the entire, "I have such a black soul. I am dead inside" and yet still fantasise about the whole emo-love-romance thing. It's contradictory. Not to say this in a horrible way but to be honest, a lot of emo kids just want some love and attention and feel "misunderstood" and yes, I understand what their problems are but I don't think they should just go all whiney and whatnot and try to seperate themselves from society while convincing themselves they are different and think it's all rebellious. I'm all for being unique and finding one's innerself, but seriously -- being emo is like a fashion scene these days and when you know, the love of your life who've you've known for two weeks suddenly dumps you, you go all depressed about it... well, I've made this post pretty disjointed but what I mean to say is that I really think all these emo kids should chill the hell out once in a while and get a grip, and realise, that 99% of the time, their lives aren't actually that bad.

Darcy Willows

Substitute Soul reaper :D
can I just point out, I am a emo/scene kid and i am straight so whatever person (trying not to insult anyone)told you that is wrong, because you have just stereotyped loads of people. I am not depressed either, I wear the clothes, have the look and listen to the music, yes sometimes I have those moods but generally I am happy and hyper after sweets, suger, booze etc.

There are a lot of reasons as to why I became like this and originally I was one of those stereotypical emeo's but then I sorted out my problems but that doesn't neccersarily mean that anyone can insult me.
Emo is cool and emo guys are generally fit.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
can I just point out, I am a emo/scene kid and i am straight so whatever person (trying not to insult anyone)told you that is wrong, because you have just stereotyped loads of people. I am not depressed either, I wear the clothes, have the look and listen to the music, yes sometimes I have those moods but generally I am happy and hyper after sweets, suger, booze etc.

There are a lot of reasons as to why I became like this and originally I was one of those stereotypical emeo's but then I sorted out my problems but that doesn't neccersarily mean that anyone can insult me.
Emo is cool and emo guys are generally fit.

Here here! Emo kids aren't all bad. I'm the same way :lol:

Devil Hunter 95;172462 said:
I really hate it when ppl use stereotypes against a group of ppl, its just not right, so i'm with nova on this.

Ditto, stereotypes are wrong:p

The Da3dra=If you hate your cousin and life then wouldn't a true emo say something like, he kept me from breaking free from my mortal chains or some stupid **** like that instead of he saved me? second If you werent an attention grabbing whore you would have stopped posting an hour ago. you are obviously a fake piece of ****. I am going to go get more friends to make fun of you brb.

@The Da3dra= You are an idiot. You have no right to bully another member here the way you have been doing. All you have accomplished is creating a ton of spam, and causing me to lose what little respect I had for you. Your stupidity should have resulted in a ban getting more people here to make fun of another member WILL result in a ban. You are stupid, pack it in and shut up.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Angel;129184 said:
Do not care how someone wishes to dress/what music they listen to...the only objection I have to the whole "emo" thing is the incessant need by some to go on and on and on and on and on and on about how they're going to kill themselves, cut themselves, they're so depressed etc etc. Get a grip, get a therapist, get a hobby - whatever. Just don't push it in everyone's face that your little middle class life is, like, soooooo depressing. Some people have real problems, y'know...:dry:

Pretty much sums up what i was thinking.

EDIT* Just realised how old this thread is after reading it back, how did this end up getting revived...? :\


Well-known Member
Old thread is old.

Devil Hunter 95; Why the heck did you see fit to revive a thread that was not only OLD, but OLLLD. Not to mention the fact that by the way this seems to be progressing it is about to develop into a full on Flame War.

People are people and people can be who they want to be.
I agree with Angel and Mr.D.

Remember, this is a COMMUNITY FORUM and any predjudice or mallice towards any without just cause is a quick way to recieve an infraction with a pretty bow. Remember, we're all here because we love DMC ^_o

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