It's taking the role of the mod himself/herself and telling other people how to act on a thread.
I feel dumb asking this because of how long I've bee here, but what exactly is backseat moderating? I ask because between here and REN, I've seen multiple staff members complaining about how annoying it is, but I've never been 100% sure I understand what it is. Is it really just regular members complaining to staff about what they should be doing? That's what I always thought. Or is it something else?
Just curious!And thanks in advance to whoever replies.
Thank you!People telling us how to do our jobs, how to handle things & what they want us to do in certain situations.
How often do you check reports of bad posts from 1-10 scale? question answered indvidullay.
I am using google chrome and forums seem messed up past couple of days. Is there something wrong with my browser? Other sites like facebook seem to work properly.
Dear all-knowing staff, which is better: frozen burritos or frozen pizza? (Or some other type of frozen food?)
could I have my name changed to Dynamite Darin?
Will this thread will every end? If wanted to end this thread, how will u endit?
Why do we need to avoid multi-posting?????
Is there technical reason which would affect the forums?
Just makes threads look untidy & some members would just post say 4 separate posts to boost post count rather than one long detailed one. Plus people would go around 'bumping' their own threads by multiposting & just clutters everything up. When you see a thread has 20 replies you want there to be 20 replies & not one person posting 12 separate posts in multiples with a couple of replies doing the same.
But one person can most multiple replies to the same thread as a part of discussion. If a thread has 20 replies, we can't expect 20 replies from 20 different people. The difference is the replies will not necessarily be in succession as in multi-posting but with replies from others intervened. So technically, a person can post multiple times to same thread. Then why not allow in succession.
I am by no means , against the rule.:lol:. I thought it had a technical significance behind it.
Is it abusing the Likes system if a member setup download links through that feature. So other members would have to give that member a Like to gain access to that link.
Yea guess but it feels a little unsavoury though. I mean if it's something you know others are going to enjoy, & you're on a forum you like, then why not let members give a like because they want to, instead of getting them by seeing what members are willing to do to get to a link just for your own personal gain.