I meant it more as a "I'm a very very anxious person and I want to learn coping methods for that", not so much anger lol...but thank you both so much for giving me tips
I meant it more as a "I'm a very very anxious person and I want to learn coping methods for that", not so much anger lol...but thank you both so much for giving me tips
Yup, changing a thread's title is easy. Tell me the detailsXD
EDIT: Nevermind, found it. Should be ok; )
what about when the possibility of someone letting you down and hurting you arises?Ah then you shouldnt have been so general. :lol:
Worrying about something normally makes anxiety worse so should run over situations and outcomes in your head and always try and be prepared. Things go wrong but if you fail to plan you plan to fail, just have to adapt to different situations and try not to be too hard on yourself.
what about when the possibility of someone letting you down and hurting you arises?
Thanks Tony...that helps..i'm just somewhat worried since my girlfriend is older than me and in a couple weeks she's gonna go to a party...and a lot of people hit on her (even in front of me) and when alcohol is served, it's not the best for judgement...I trust, but it's just a thing at the back of my mind that I want gone
^you make a very good point...and it's happened...I didn't think of it that way, an I kinda wish I had before posting here...thank you so much
*pokes head in*
Hello. I've have an idea if Mr. Steve would be interested.
I like making wallpapers, avatars, and sigs for fun. I have some really cool ideas for DMC/DmC themed ones. I thought it might be cool to offer them on the main site for people to use. (Like the avatars that are already available.) Let me know if you are interested, or if you want to see some samples first.
Well, Steve was 20 when we got married and he's managed ok so far
Do not get married if you're not ready yet. And how do you know you're ready? When you are no longer even contemplating the question "Am I ready yet?" in the first place. Marriage is hard - don't let anyone fool you otherwise. It's not about gooey feelings and roses with your breakfast. It's about choosing to stay together even when things are really tough, money is tight, you've barely got a roof over your head and every morning you wake up, look at each other and think, "did I really marry THAT?".
It takes effort to keep it going - if you're prepared to make such a serious and lifelong commitment then go for it and enjoy everything marriage has to offer. But if in your heart of hearts you do not feel you are ready for a big step like this then there is nothing wrong with holding it off for a bit. If he's that serious about marrying you then he won't mind waiting for you to be completely ready. No one should ever enter into marriage with the back-up plan of divorce in mind - it kind of negates the whole point of bothering to get married in the first place if you're not intending for it to be for life. People split up, of course they do, but it should never be part of the initial plan.
I would probably advise seeing if there are any marriage courses being run in your local area. They're not for very long and they can help couples get their priorities right before marriage to make sure the pair of you are on the same page. Money, kids, employment, living arrangements - these are all things that couples inevitably argue over and it helps to have that sort of thing worked out insofar as it is possible before you tie the knot rather than figuring it out as you go along.
/old married woman
Haha - I don't think there is a foolproof way of doing that with anyone! Simply saying, "I appreciate the gesture but it's not something I'd use/normally have/some other 'nicer' word" will have to suffice and if he gets upset then that is kind of his problem. It's not your responsibility to ensure his total happiness. And if he were to hate you for not wanting something he gives you then that's just silly - sure, he might be a bit put out but it's the only way he'll learn what you do and do not like. Or you can just be like my sister with her husband: "What the **** is that? Do I look like the sort of person who would even be remotely interested in that? Get it out of my sight and do it now. Moron."Is there a polite way of refusing something he gives me without hurting his feelings and having him hate me?
I'll be honest, that last bit of your last sentence there made me a tad concerned. You should never feel that you owe your other half - it's not about favours or making another person feel beholden to you. If you think certain stuff, think away. If that's how you are feeling at the time then that's perfectly ok otherwise you'd be a repressed mess! If he does something that consistently makes you think "I'm with you because...?" then perhaps you should talk to him about it, if you can.Your quote earlier, I'm not married to him yet, but I do think sometimes, "I'm with THAT?" But when I feel like that, he knows somethings up and makes me feel better about what I was thinking and that I shouldn't be thinking that stuff in the first place, since I feel I owe him quite a lot.
Well, I had Jessica when I was 18 and with someone else. That didn't pan out so good and she was 4 when Steve and I met. Jake came about in 2009 after we decided to have a baby, thinking it would take years before conceiving thanks to a nasty problem I had two years previously which resulted in my losing twins before birth. But it was only 5 months into trying before I fell pregnant and then less than 2 years later, I was pregnant with Joshua. My job is very relaxed and I can do everything from home aside from the AGM each year down the south of the country but it's like one weekend out of 52 so hardly taxing. I haven't had proper employment since I was 17/18 so I'm not the most qualified person on the planet - Steve works for himself from home and we use his income solely to live off. I don't think I'll ever have a career anyway but I'm ok with that - if you want to get your qualifications and stuff before having kids then that is one thing you guys are going to have to agree on. Kids, whilst a blessing, are hard work and it's harder when the responsibility of having them is put upon you under duress rather than by choice. My sister had her one and only child because her husband was desperate for kids - it's seriously caused some resentment now because she wasn't ready or willing to have any children. Ever. Don't ever do something like that for someone else because it's to huge to be just one person's decision in a relationship.The kids department, I don't really mind that he wants them cause I'd like some too, but I'd also like to finish my education and study to become something more before I completely fall off the wagon and can't get a job when my kids are grown up. If you don't mind me asking, how do you manage to have kids and work at the same time, or did you leave the kids till later when you felt you were ready to have them?
Now you're just being sillyI feel I'm burdening you guys with all my problems about marriage and stuff so I completely understand if you take offence or don't want to answer my questions, but you and Steve have been so much help to me( I'm so glad I found this site, it's awesome!)and I think it's great you have a thread like this...