Well-known Member
Some rules can be more generalized instead of specific/clear enough and can be opinion more then fact if not enough context is addressed. If a user said you're abusing them would you try to understand that or keep trying to be "In the right about the rules"? Danger you see isn't the same as danger others see.There are set rules on every forum you join that must be abided by, they aren't opinion or open to interpretation they are set rules and guidelines. When it comes to an opinion or thought on a particular topic then of course everyone is welcome to have their own and are welcome to voice it so long as they dont overstep the boundaries of mature communication.
Think about this for a moment. Many people suffer in silence and fear conflict. And thus fear speaking against those with power more. It's actually important to challenge others.
I'm mainly talking about people that remain up on a high horse and never claim accountability for their actions (not even once) when they speak for others. It has to be "just how they see things". You haven't made that mistake of speaking for others and seem to know better. Other people do not. As you said, communication. But some people only do "one way" communication. Full story can only be obtained when it's two way. So both peoples thoughts/opinions are known. Half story/full story logic.
Now I don't expect people to be perfect of course. Having rules about never making mistakes would be silly. I'm simply pointing out some people can't even answer questions or give straight answers. The moment that happens is when communication starts going downhill.
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