Relatively unpopular opinions about any and everything

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A bounty has been put on (and pulled offline) Putin's head. I don't believe that killing people is okay under any circumstances.
But give me a gun and I'll put a few holes in that bully's kneecaps and maybe blind him with a flame thrower.
The thing is, even if he gets taken out, there will always be another asshat to take his place. He's one screw short of earing himself a stray-jacket as it is. Just break him.
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Nurses are on a strike here because of low salary and poor working conditions (too much work for too few people). They demand a raise on their salary and have e.g. suggested lowering the salary of doctors for that.

The public opinion is on their side.

My view is that this is illogical and ridiculous.

1. How does a raise help with your claims on too much work and stress? Raising your salaries only result to even less possibilities for hiring more staff. Oh, but hey - it's really about the money, right? Even though you try to hide it behind something that sounds more humane and not like, you know, putting a price tag for the lives of innocent people.*

2. Cutting the salary from doctors, eh? Have you heard about progressive taxation? Who do you think to actually pay your salaries? Ever thought about the demands for doctor's work and the stress over there? Like, I understand it's a low salary, and yeah there ARE government funds that SHOULD be assigned to you, but taking it from doctors is just not 1. smart 2. fair.

* Also they're risking lives here because there are not enough nurses for emergencies at work, so my honest thoughts are if anyone dies today at the ER units it's their fault and they should face consequences for that.
Billions Season 6 was absolutely the best season of the show. People who complained the plot was overcomplicated were probably just not paying enough attention.

The beauty in the show is in those seemingly unnecessary details that make sense when The Big Twist steps in.

Also I love Kate Sacker's character, and if I ever become a judge as I wish to become, I want to be as cool as her :D
Gamers' double standards: they feel contempt for modern predatory business practices and how games are built around them, but nostalgia for arcade machines.
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Nobody seems to want to admit it but the ones to blame for the modern trend of microtransactions in gaming are not the companies that make them, but us, the gamers. They keep on going with the trend and getting worse and worse because gamers ****ing buy into that stuff. The internet can yell at Activision Blizzard all they want about Diablo Immortal but really, they should also be mad at the players who poured money into it. The game is a big commercial success and people just throw insults at the company when that's only one half of the coin. They make the gun but we give them the ammo to shoot us with. A LOT of ****ing ammo.
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Nobody seems to want to admit it but the ones to blame for the modern trend of microtransactions in gaming are not the companies that make them, but us, the gamers. They keep on going with the trend and getting worse and worse because gamers ****ing buy into that stuff. The internet can yell at Activision Blizzard all they want about Diablo Immortal but really, they should also be mad at the players who poured money into it. The game is a big commercial success and people just throw insults at the company when that's only one half of the coin. They make the gun but we give them the ammo to shoot us with. A LOT of ****ing ammo.
While you have your points, I would not despair too much. Immortals got banned in the Netherlands, Belguim, and China of all places. Though apparently, China is a "delay". Screw off China! Don't act like you have standards all of sudden when you were more than part of the problem to begin with. All the more ironic as Chinese developers worked on Immortal.

Here's an unpopular opinion: The FFVII remake being split in to three parts is a scam, and something I won't be touching at all. This adds to the problem with the AAA industry of over pricing games. It's a remake of a game that costs $50, and is charged at $60-70+ per game. The Epic store version of par t I still cost $70 with no sale on sight, and still has technical issues. That is not getting in to those cock sucking corporate whore "special and collectors edition", which cost even more at $200.00+. Then making the DLC exclusive to PS5 was big dick move by Square. One person gave me flack for calling out, and called me "hypocritical", but it's a problem when he keeps falling for the same **** over and over again.
I don't believe that killing people is okay under any circumstances.
Does that include self defence? I ask because I've handled armed people. I love being abused and threatened. It's amusing to see them deflate like a balloon. Consideration is a powerful thing. Think Putin would reconsider if people thought of him?

Unpopuler opinion: Abuse, conflict and hypocrisy can be good things. Breaking people can be pretty fun. They'd even say the same.
I don't consider Scott Pilgrim a good brawler, let alone a spiritual successor to the River City/Kunio-Kun franchise. The game is indecisive on what it wants to be. The game wants to be linear, while having RPG elements at the same time. Neither is done well. Enemies are too spongey and certain stages go on forever. The game should have been an open 2D sandbox brawler like River City, or just a linear brawler without the RPG elements. Now with so many brawlers out, and the return of the River City franchise with RC Girls, I find it eve more pointless to play Scott Pilgrim.

Another hot take on God of War Ascension's combat is how it does the whole "Don't get hit to unlock moves that were already default moves in past games" mechanic. That was done better in Killer Is Dead and No More Heroes 3. The only difference being your moves weren't exactly locked out. KID had it where the higher you combo without getting hit, the more damage you could do and execute 1 of 4 optional finishers that upgraded your stats. There is an upgrade that extends your sword limiter and allows you to do more damaging moves.

No More Heroes 3 has a similar thing, except your moves sets aren't locked behind it either. Travis's beam katan gets more powerful and extends in length the more hits you makes, and not taking damage. Whenever you get it hit, meter goes down. The meter is represented by kitty (weakest) to red tiger (strongest), and it is awesome!
I hate the hassle and bureaucracy in health care. But at the same time I think people in my country (including me) are darn entitled to be able to complain about bureaucracy as we live in the land of free health care and paid maternity leave. Talking with people in the US has been an eye-opener in that sense.

Giving birth cost something like 400 euros for me. A set of daily medications for three months costs 4,50 euros, the rest is paid by the state. Having an eye surgery costs something like 70-100 euros for the patient. A pregnant woman is given a free of charge maternity package by the State (or around 170 euros of maternity grant instead, but usually it's worth taking the package because it's worth is something like 300 euros). The state also pays 3 months of maternity allowance and 6 months of parental allowance after that so you can take care of the baby instead of going to work, and if you wish, you can have up to 3 years of allowance for taking care of your child at home. If you wish to get back to work instead, we have free of charge daycare system (and low cost daycare system if you are financially well). Also the child is getting checked at the maternity guidance center like every 1-3 months depending on their age and it is free of charge.

And still people keep demanding more free stuff in health care. IMO using health care should be more expensive to people who earn more. Some say it's basically already done by progressive taxation but I don't agree to that. If additional expenses were tied to the actual usage of health care institutions per person it would be more justified.

On the other hand that could lead to accumulation of health care issues and more costs due to that. I would love to see a study comparing these systems and their costs.

This train of thought was sponsored by my hyperactivity/ADD issues and the fact that no one knows at the student's health care institution who is legally allowed to tell me how much iron should I take per day.
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People that don't do straight answers are cowards fleeing with their assumptions. They always will be until they learn to be upfront and honest and talk about the ideals they claim to value. Try telling them that though. In their point of view it's an unpopuler opinion.

Those that can do straight answers? Suddenly they stop being so sure about themselves. And there it is. Doubt. Uncertainty. Contradictions. Proof that people lie to themselves. At least these people stop pretending though. From this point things can get more honest. Provided one can provide the right direction.

Depeding on the situation this either leads to forming agreements or it turns out it's about what they wanted all this time once the situation is made clear.

Here's some food for thought. Corner a coward and say they can flee. Suddenly they change their mind. Perhaps demand to go with you. That's where things get amusing. They get curious. End results like these make it all worth the hassle.
Private schools should be a thing in my country.

I understand the segregation argument, but how is that different to the current system where upper middle class chooses their place to live in on the basis of getting their children to a better school?

Thinking about this every time we're discussing about apartments for sale with my husband. We'd stay right here where we live now unless it didn't mean our daughter would be allocated to a really poor school.
I'm reading good reviews about Prey, but among those who still haven't watched it I keep seeing the same trite argument that a skinny woman shouldn't be able to stand up to a Predator.

I find that argument nonsensical honestly. These people who apparently are so invested in the original seem to conveniently forget that it wasn't Dutch's chad ass physique nor his military equipment that allowed him to kill the Predator, but his cunning and resourcefulness. The whole point of that confrontation was to show that no matter how buff you are, you're still gonna get your ass badly handed to you in a hand to hand fight against a Predator anyway. So to me no, it's not unbelievable that a "skinny woman" gets to be the protagonist in this, and unless they show her beat the Predator to death or something, I don't have a problem with it.
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I'm reading good reviews about Prey, but among those who still haven't watched it I keep seeing the same trite argument that a skinny woman shouldn't be able to stand up to a Predator.

I find that argument nonsensical honestly. These people who apparently are so invested in the original seem to conveniently forget that it wasn't Dutch's chad ass physique nor his military equipment that allowed him to kill the Predator, but his cunning and resourcefulness. The whole point of that confrontation was to show that no matter how buff you are, you're still gonna get your ass badly handed to you in a hand to hand fight against a Predator anyway. So to me no, it's not unbelievable that a "skinny woman" gets to be the protagonist in this, and unless they show her beat the Predator to death or something, I don't have a problem with it.
It's more than likely the same douchebags that can't get laid or find a woman. The same butt-f#cks that said this can't happen because "realism" and sh#t:

Yet will happily accept all the dumb **** that happens in the Jason Bourne sequels.

I'm an atheist. But open minded nonethless.

Here's how I see it. God is a hypocrite. Rejection is not love. Religious people like to preach about love yet fail to point out the contradictions when god rejects and banishes people. Adam and Eve. Noah's ark. Even Satan himself.

Something I will not do under any circumstances. For any reason. So by that logic wouldn't that mean I do something even god doesn't?

Want to know how monsters are made? We learn it from those that reject. Rejection breeds hate. Rejection is suffering on repeat.

Look at warhammer lore. It's the same thing. Chaos exists because of the "holy" empire. Because of the rejection of the emperor, who is worshiped as a god. Warhammer then it a representation of christianity. I can only come to the conclusion that god gave into fear/anger, leading to the rejection. The only logical way to explain this from a religious stand point is to go with the phrase "We're made in his image". Which would mean even god isn't perfect.

As an atheiest, when people act like god is perfect I find it demeans him. Hypothetically. Power and strength are two different things. Is god really that strong even if powerful? Or is it possible we're stronger without a crutch?

All of my strength is forged through my own blood sweat and tears. It's only made me stronger. Oh, I mean it. Any situation, put me in it. The most volatile of events I will face. With a genuine smile and a grin. Meanwhile god's picking and choosing while I accept everyone for their flaws. If heaven is sunshine and rainbows then I choose hell. Pain and suffering is something I face and embrace. If being cursed is to learn to make the best from the worst then what is the point in heaven? Seems foolish to have a perfect place where people remain unchallenged. Seeking out such challenges is what I crave more then anything. So by this logic, what if the whole point of god is to challenge him? Now there's a thought.
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I cannot even be arsed arguing about anything to do with Resident Evil anymore. I'm too old to even give a damn any longer. Plus, nobody cares anyway. :D
I cannot even be arsed arguing about anything to do with Resident Evil anymore. I'm too old to even give a damn any longer. Plus, nobody cares anyway. :D
Age has nothing to do with it. It's a state of mind. No one actually wants to be heartless. The reality is people get "tired" and then get selfish/inconsiderate.

Speaking for others doesn't make it true btw. People do care. Watched a vid about Wesker recently oddly enough. He actually wants to save the world. Which is an interesting bit of info. Thing is those that try to save the world end up destroying it. He believes mankind has to evolve.

Chris and Jill would like to disagree on that account. It would have been interesting to see what happened if Wesker hadn't been killed off. Could have had something like in the end of DMC5. Instead we got stuck with a QTE boulder for a final boss. XD
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I'm done using the pronoun "they" when addressing a single person. I'm sorry but to me language is important and I don't like how it's being butchered on the altar of woke agendas nowadays.

When in a public discourse, I'll address people with the correct pronoun for their gender. Even if they happen to be trans people or non binary or whatever else. Using a plural to address a single individual just doesn't make any sense and I cringe every time I do it.

If you're a dude who identifies as a dudette, when talking to you I'll refer to you as a she out of courtesy. And vice versa. I have no problem with that. But no more of this "they" nonsense for me while I'm in a discussion referring to someone else with gender identity issues.

I know it will upset some people. But I shouldn't be afraid of using logically sound language in public, and I won't be. The fact that society has come to that baffles me.
Chris and Jill would like to disagree on that account. It would have been interesting to see what happened if Wesker hadn't been killed off. Could have had something like in the end of DMC5. Instead we got stuck with a QTE boulder for a final boss. XD
That would have been stretching it. There was nothing left for Wesker at that point. His backstory got retconned to sh#t. Better a blaze of glory, than stretching until it's an unrecognizable mess. Also, the man crossed too many lines. I know the series has a couple of karma houdini's, but I'm glad Wesker stopped being one of them.