Have you guys ever thought that if this DmC fails Capcom might just let go of the series all together? That they might just put the franchise on the shelf forever and focus on something else? That is quite a plausible outcome as well.
Yea I have thought of that.
But its pretty unlikely.
DMC is a well established series and it really was not doing to bad in the sales and popularity category (hence the reason why I still think the reboot was not necessary in the first place).
So I highly doubt that if this game where to fail Capcom would just get rid of the series. This whole thing most likely started out of lazyness on Capcom's part for not wanting to address the plot holes and unexplained storyline elements. So instead they just decided to hit the reboot button and see how this all plays out. If this game where to fail my bet would be on Capcom finally getting off their asses and deciding to address those issues in order to keep cashing in on the DMC money train.
After all, like I said the series was not doing all that bad in the first place. All it would really take is for Capcom to put some effort into it and start working their asses off to please the fans. After all Capcom is a business and they know the popularity DMC holds. It would be a horrible business move to put such a established series on the shelf because a reboot (which already had a bad initial reception) failed to succeed.