Capcom and Ninja theory talked about DmC's Dante as if it was the same Dante. And Tameem talked about "There is a reason why things are like they are" bla bla. again as if DmC Dante is DMC Dante. But then they said that DmC is a parallel universe to DMC and that its not the same Dante.
So with that said - when i said "story and background is not needed to be explained" i meant that since its not the same Dante i dont care much.
A game with good gameplay and no story isnt a great game. So i love npc dialogues, npcs individual stories etc
But if you priortize story over gameplay then you might as well go and make movies. But again stories and npcs individual stories is what must be in a great game.
Just because you don't care doesn't mean that the story and background aren't needed to be explained. What I find was a failure of DMC4 is exactly the lack of background information about who Nero is and what not, so I think it is definately a necessity to get some background story on DmC Dante, so they won't repeat the same mistake.
I choose not to judge if the game is bad or good BEFORE the game is out and I've played it through, because until then, I can't be certain if it is good or not. The same with the storyline, the gameplay and such. So far, the gameplay looks quite good from the trailers we've seen, in my opinion, but I cannot ultimately judge it before I have actually played the game.
I see those who are already saying "The game is bad, the gameplay is bad" etc. as rather narrowminded people, because they don't actually know if it is good or bad. They can say if they like or dislike what they have seen so far, but that's all, really. And all in all, it is just a matter of opinions. One can hate the game and think it is bad, but that doesn't necessarily mean it actually is bad - that's just how that person sees it.
And also, I have always seen story first, gameplay second. If a game does not have a catching storyline, then it doesn't really matter how good the gameplay is - I will eventually get bored with it. But that's just how I enjoy videogames. Saying "then they might as well just make a movie" is rather shallow as well. To go through a story in a game is like being part of it yourself. You can interactively be responsible for the outcome of the very story, and that's what I like about NT's games, and others like it, like the God of War series.
There are other games who have picked up on this. E.g. the Dragon Age series don't have the best gameplay to date, nor the best graphics, but the storyline is captivating and it places you as a player in charge of how the story should turn out. The same with the game Cathrine which has a rather simplistic puzzle-like gameplay that aren't really all that amazing or original, but the storyline is just so great and again, you as a player decides how it should turn out.
You can't do something like that in a movie. Then you just sit back and watch. The interactivity of a videogame is what makes it so special.
I have come to realize, CoolDemon, you and I... we simply do not agree on much about how videogames should be, and we do not share the same opinions about DmC. But that is quite alright, it is why such forums like this exists - so we can discuss our opinions and chat about the game. There's room for both of us here. I admit, at first I thought you had only made a user on here to start flamewars and bash the game, hence my rageful response in that other thread some days ago... All I ask is that you try and stay openminded.