Why the reboot happened

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Capcom and Ninja theory talked about DmC's Dante as if it was the same Dante. And Tameem talked about "There is a reason why things are like they are" bla bla. again as if DmC Dante is DMC Dante. But then they said that DmC is a parallel universe to DMC and that its not the same Dante.

So with that said - when i said "story and background is not needed to be explained" i meant that since its not the same Dante i dont care much.

A game with good gameplay and no story isnt a great game. So i love npc dialogues, npcs individual stories etc

But if you priortize story over gameplay then you might as well go and make movies. But again stories and npcs individual stories is what must be in a great game.

Just because you don't care doesn't mean that the story and background aren't needed to be explained. What I find was a failure of DMC4 is exactly the lack of background information about who Nero is and what not, so I think it is definately a necessity to get some background story on DmC Dante, so they won't repeat the same mistake.

I choose not to judge if the game is bad or good BEFORE the game is out and I've played it through, because until then, I can't be certain if it is good or not. The same with the storyline, the gameplay and such. So far, the gameplay looks quite good from the trailers we've seen, in my opinion, but I cannot ultimately judge it before I have actually played the game.

I see those who are already saying "The game is bad, the gameplay is bad" etc. as rather narrowminded people, because they don't actually know if it is good or bad. They can say if they like or dislike what they have seen so far, but that's all, really. And all in all, it is just a matter of opinions. One can hate the game and think it is bad, but that doesn't necessarily mean it actually is bad - that's just how that person sees it.

And also, I have always seen story first, gameplay second. If a game does not have a catching storyline, then it doesn't really matter how good the gameplay is - I will eventually get bored with it. But that's just how I enjoy videogames. Saying "then they might as well just make a movie" is rather shallow as well. To go through a story in a game is like being part of it yourself. You can interactively be responsible for the outcome of the very story, and that's what I like about NT's games, and others like it, like the God of War series.

There are other games who have picked up on this. E.g. the Dragon Age series don't have the best gameplay to date, nor the best graphics, but the storyline is captivating and it places you as a player in charge of how the story should turn out. The same with the game Cathrine which has a rather simplistic puzzle-like gameplay that aren't really all that amazing or original, but the storyline is just so great and again, you as a player decides how it should turn out.

You can't do something like that in a movie. Then you just sit back and watch. The interactivity of a videogame is what makes it so special.

I have come to realize, CoolDemon, you and I... we simply do not agree on much about how videogames should be, and we do not share the same opinions about DmC. But that is quite alright, it is why such forums like this exists - so we can discuss our opinions and chat about the game. There's room for both of us here. I admit, at first I thought you had only made a user on here to start flamewars and bash the game, hence my rageful response in that other thread some days ago... All I ask is that you try and stay openminded.
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First of all, allow me to correct myself on what I said before. As well pointed by Asmodaius some games ARE just mindless killing. I should have said that they 'shouldn't be' or that many people prefer a good story to no-story at all. But anyway.

As for DmC, guys let us just easy up on it shall we. Like with every game, it has its supporters and it has those who dislike it. Normally disliking it before they actually play it would seem kinda foolish, but well...special circumstances appear to follow this game since it uses the name of a franchise all of us here grew to love. Love as much as to sign up on great forums like this to discuss about it. Everything is normal up to this point.

One problem though, concerning the haters. First of all, I am on your side guys. I prefer the old Dante, he is one my favourite fictional characters of all. Before my current avatar, I had a Dante one for years, along with a great sig that a friend made for me. I love the DMC world, I love debating about, I love hearing more info about it, more pictures and certainly more games. You know what I do not love? Wrath. Anger.

It is one thing if you dislike the new game. It certainly tries WAY too many changes, and the fact that the main character is still Dante, and smokes and stuff is kinda heartbreaking, I agree. This is the easiest thing to understand, and I assure you. Every supporter of the DMC franchise who also supports DmC, understands you. However, many of you, don't try to understand THEM. - Aside from some superspecialawesome members we are happy to have who may not support DmC but are awesome enough to respect those who do, you know who you are:D

Opinions are something that's just there. They do not change because we meet someone who has a different opinion and transforms us into a copy of himself. Of course not. Especially in debates and heated discussions, we all try and support our sides with the best of our abilities to 'win'. There's a catch though. We can't win ;) We can only cherish the discussion. For those who can't, simply leave it be.

I am refering to those guys who are all like: hey-you-DmC-sucks-why-can't-you-see-it-just-look-at-how-they-made-Dante. I agree with you, but that doesn;t mean everyone else has to. Stick to your opinion but let everyone else stick to theirs. Discuss calmy with facts, and most of all: TRY AND HAVE FUN! THIS IS THE PURPOSE OF A FORUM.

Tony out. If I see any other form of irony/attack/etc I will lock the thread. Please don't make me, because I like it;)
All I ask is that you try and stay openminded.
Sure. Like i said with DMC being replaced with DmC it meant automatically for me that i dont care. But don't misunderstand me your right the story and background must be explained.

But i think Gameplay is needed to be used around 60%, story 30%, and the rest 10% to others. And like i have said in a other thread a game without a good story is not a great game. But it's important to find a balance i guess. But it depends on the developers - how experienced they are.

Alan Wake game on Xbox had a great story and really nice scary atmosphere. The gameplay was ok, but it could have been better. But me, a person who wants 60% gameplay and 30% story is still hoping for Alan Wake 2. I just think when you decide to focus alot on story, art and graphics - thats when you make boring games.

I think DmC looks DMC so far. However, it's more important for me to know whos behind the gameplay. If Ninja theory did it all by themself or if Capcom pitched and did some work too.
However, many of you, don't try to understand THEM. - Aside from some superspecialawesome members we are happy to have who may not support DmC but are awesome enough to respect those who do, you know who you are:D

Oh well thank you. :cool:

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I think DmC should have
100% gameplay
100% story
100% everything else

nothing is going to slip by me when im playing DmC. I often walk the entire way through out my first playthrough just to be consumed by everything the game designers have thought of and its my way of giving respect to them.
Same for combat. I will break down every single move until i cannot feel my fingers anymore


And since i've played Enslaved and own Heavenly Sword, i'll gladly watch the sun set or whatever breath taking visuals NT can come up with.
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^I personally don't care who's behind, only if it is good. To be fair, the gameplay looks awesome, so far, and very DMC-like.
But it´s important to know if Ninja theory did all gameplay work by themself or if they worked with Capcom on it. Because then it will be wrong to say "Ninja theory did agreat job on gameplay!" or "Ninja theory proved they are good at gameplay" when Capcom helped them.

So that is why i say its important to know. Because its wrong to credit Ninja theory when they didnt work on the gameplay alone or not credit Ninja theory if they did work on it alone.

And Tony i did say that DmC looks DMC and its because of the gameplay. So when i say ask who are working on the gameplay i am not saying that the gameplay is bad.

Also Tony i respect Kammo for liking DmC. But what i won´t respect is people blindly liking Ninja theorys games and not understanding why i am angry.

@ Meg : Lightining looks bad ass.
But both NT and Capcom's names are in the trailers. If the gameplay is good its because they made it that way. Its already known that capcom is great with responsive controls in the dmc series, so why would this game be any different?
Whether it is important or not is up to the judge of the game, yes;)
Personally, I don't really care who makes a game, as long as it is good. I find it much too tiring to give attention to the creators and start whining/supporting them. If it's good, then I'll love it and replay it many times, that's all I care about:D

But I understand what you mean. Of course many people equals many different opinions. Naturally you find it important to know who made the game, for your own reasons, absolutely no problem at that;)

As for the gameplay, I just said that because, the gameplay and how the places in DmC are, are so far the only things I like from what we were shown of the new DmC. So I wanted to throw a few good comments about that, I wasn't trying to say, CoolDemon said something wrong. If it looked that way, I apologize! Sorry^^
Whether it is important or not is up to the judge of the game, yes;)
Personally, I don't really care who makes a game, as long as it is good. I find it much too tiring to give attention to the creators and start whining/supporting them. If it's good, then I'll love it and replay it many times, that's all I care about:D

But I understand what you mean. Of course many people equals many different opinions. Naturally you find it important to know who made the game, for your own reasons, absolutely no problem at that;)

As for the gameplay, I just said that because, the gameplay and how the places in DmC are, are so far the only things I like from what we were shown of the new DmC. So I wanted to throw a few good comments about that, I wasn't trying to say, CoolDemon said something wrong. If it looked that way, I apologize! Sorry^^
No, problem. I hope Capcom will explain what they mean by "overseeing". For now i think advice and direction, but we can't be sure if that's all theres to it. I am interested to see how DmC story will be and how much of DMC gameplay it has.
^^ i also think its just advice and direction. How could NT ever learn if it's done for them
The annoying this is, that if they only go with this new DmC from now on, the old series remains kinda unfinished. I mean, only DMC & DMC3 have a definite Beginning and Ending. The others continually leave hints here and there for characters and other stuff but no information. Also, the Sparda game that every DMC fan wants to play will probably never be created<_<

I'm not exactly AGAINST the DmC, I'm against of it completely replacing the old one.

This is pretty much my EXACT thoughts on this whole situation.

I do not mind seeing this DmC game succeed.

But what I do mind is if it replaces the old continuity that I have grown to love. I guess that is one of the main reasons I am so skeptical towards this game (among other obvious reasons).
This is pretty much my EXACT thoughts on this whole situation.

I do not mind seeing this DmC game succeed.

But what I do mind is if it replaces the old continuity that I have grown to love. I guess that is one of the main reasons I am so skeptical towards this game (among other obvious reasons).
I feel the same way. But what i won't get is if Capcom says something like this:

"We have decided that we will make two game series. DmC and original DMC. We have plans to release sequels to DMC. So we won't disappoint DMC and DmC fans". If Capcom said something like that, then i will be speechless. What would the point of DmC be then if it's not part of original series?

If Capcom says "DmC is the game that will be the spiritual succesor to DMC series. We have no plans to work on previous DMC games" Then that means - original DMC serie is dead. And DmC will be the game that continues the franchises future.

However, i really believe that if DmC is successful Capcom will possibly forget original DMC.
Here is my reason for that (bold is Leo Tan Pr manager of DmC quote):

Will Capcom look at the numbers the reboot comes in and decide the franchise is the problem? Looking at these unreasonable expectations it’s a possibility. Leo Tan explained: “I think it’s important that we aren’t ruling out the possibility of a Devil May Cry 5 to continue the story. We just want to see where the reboot goes first, before making any further decisions.”
“[W]here the reboot goes” might mean whether or not it sells. It could also mean whether or not they’re satisfied with it, whether or not they deem it viable etc. In any one of those cases the situation is clear: The future of the series is linked to this game. It is not designed from the beginning as a sure “one off” situation. It is not being promoted as a “spin off” but as a possible future for the franchise; as a replacement for the current series.

But if DmC is not successful then Capcom will crawl back to original DMC serie games for more money. But if they do that (crawl back to original DMC) then it will show how pathetic they are. Because what would the point of DmC be? A excuse to test a new game using original DMC as marketing?

So with all the above: i don't think Capcom will consider making original DMC serie games again. Because that would make them SO exposed as a greedy company that Gaming community will notice. And if they ditch DmC after it fails to sell, then they will let down DmC fans as well just like how they let down fans of original DMC serie.
Have you guys ever thought that if this DmC fails Capcom might just let go of the series all together? That they might just put the franchise on the shelf forever and focus on something else? That is quite a plausible outcome as well.
Have you guys ever thought that if this DmC fails Capcom might just let go of the series all together? That they might just put the franchise on the shelf forever and focus on something else? That is quite a plausible outcome as well.
No, that i haven't thought. Realizing how greedy Capcom is i would be very glad if they did that. But i am sure in future they would take DMC serie off the shelf and decide to make a game out of it. So i hope they loose the rights to the game or receives so much negative reactions that they never release a DMC game again.

I am a DMC fan, but DMC 1 was the game that made me go WOW. And it was made by Hideki Kamiya. DMC 3 is cool, and 4 is impressive gameplay. But the story of DMC 2 and 4 is just crap. It's as if Capcom didn't even bother to make decent stories. But they have handeled DMC serie very bad when it comes to story. And if they release DmC and it fails and they go back to original DMC it's enough abusing of a serie.
@CoolDemon Great games with no story but good gameplay:
Most any mario game, Super Smash Bros, any great sports game, Unreal Tournament/Championship, Counterstrike, Devil May Cry (JUST KIDDING DON'T HURT ME :p ), any fighting game a la Soul Calibur/Tekken/Street Fighter etc., Ninja Gaiden (OK there's a story in there somewhere, but I'd bet a date with Ramona Flowers that 90% of players don't know/don't care), StarCraft, MMOs, Metal Slug, Sonic the Hedgehog, among many others.

Alright DMC fanbase: listen and listen good. Remember the Star Trek movie that JJ Abrams made a few years ago? The one that used a parallel universe to allow a no-limits reimagining of Star Trek as a series?
I don't remember any trekkies getting up in arms because it wasn't faithful to the cannon and those guys have a real reputation for that sort of thing. Everyone I knew, Star Trek fan or no, watched it and enjoyed it for what it was. If I were you all I would consider that a benchmark for maturity.
We're talking trekkies here. Given their reputation it's not a very lofty goal.

Honestly I stopped reading the DMC sections because the constant squabbling over it was giving me the mother of all migraines. Glad to pop in and see people talking about it with a more open mind. It's EXTREMELY refreshing.

Everyone in this thread has earned a candy bar and a hug from yours truly. :)
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