That I am embarrassed...
I invited a friend of mine for a dinner party in our apartment tonight with his spouse (whom I've never met before). I was going to make pumpkin pasta, salad, pumpkin panna cotta and chickpea flat bread.
I am super proud of the flatbread recipe, it's delicious and I've made it several times before. I thought that it would be really nice to have some freshly-baked, still warm bread with the pasta :inlove:
Well, I failed the bread. I burned it.
Literally. The baking paper caught FIRE
There was smoke everywhere and my spouse was panicking. It was like from a silly 1920s silent film.
It soon turned out that my spouse doesn't know how to use the fire blanket. He took the whole package off the wall instead of pulling the blanked out from those emergency strips.
I told him to hold the package while I'll pull the strips. It slipped from my hands and we both nearly fell on the floor.
I managed to draw the blanket from the packaging and gave it to my spouse like "here, take this, I'll take the baking tray out". I turned my back and took the tray out of the oven. When I turned back to him, I noticed that he doesn't know how to hold the blanket (you know, it's supposed to be held so that your arms will be covered behind the blanket and he was just dangling it under his hands). So I decided that I can't let him do this, I've gotta come up with something else.
A couple of seconds passed, I was just standing there with the flaming baking tray on my hands and thinking "WHERE'S THE WINTER WHEN WE NEED IT" (because if we had snow, I could just throw the tray on our balcony). I ended up throwing the tray to the kitchen sink and turning the tap on.
So there was no bread in the menu anymore. And yes, I'm the one who was working the whole last summer as a cook.
Well, even though I'm embarrassed, it was quite a funny situation. And everything turned out well.
Tomorrow I will teach him some first-aid extinguishing with the fire blanket...