So it seems since things are getting significantly worse all over Europe it might be that I get a callback soon, but it doesn't actually bother me at all since I can carry on with these studies online anyway.
Also, I just noted that I've got so much extra studies that my degree is gonna have like 350 completed credits in it while the required amount is 300 credits. A pleasant surprise
Overall I'm happy to be happy. Happy to wear jeans the size I haven't been able to fit in since 2012, happy to get good feedback from my thesis, happy to feel so alive that some setbacks such as realizing the possibility of getting evacuated from here aren't really bothering me. A year ago I would've been crying all day long because of that. I've been thinking for a reason for that, got some thoughts about it, but I think it's just some overall cognitive stuff that has been happening inside my head. Learning to set problems on their correct scale and so on.
Gonna get that tattoo soon. To savor the moment.