Kaz should be okay. They gave him an allergy shot, gave drops for his ears for the next ten days, and we can also give him ibuprofen and Benadryl by turns. We got him some wet dog food to mix with the kibble (since eating hard foods was hurting him--pressure between the ears I'm guessing), and he seems to be in slightly better spirits. Fingers crossed the infection clears up quick (though he's likely to suffer this one to two times per year, considering where we live is allergy central).
@Shadow I'm sorry for your friends. I hope their family members will come out of this all right.

Thank you, hon! <3 I hope so, too. And I hope Kaz is alright! Poor dear.

Allergies and ear infections are horrible. -hugs lots-
Wash your hands.
Wash your hands.
Wash your hands.
Wash. Your. Hands.
One of them is the grandchild a 91 yr old woman who was infected because someone walked into her nursing home who
was infected but didn't know it and
they accidentally ended up infecting
the entire home. The other friend is worried about her step-dad, who might have been exposed via a co-worker who didn't know his gf had it (she only found out while the co-worker was at work); if he
is sick, he risks infecting my friend's mother, step brothers, and their 80+ yr old great aunt. These aren't incidents of purposeful carelessness on the sick people's behalf--it's more of really horrible strokes of bad luck. But that's beside the point: we are all tired, we are all stressed, we are all dealing with the very real possibility that we or someone we care about, or even our pets, could get sick and possibly die from this. Maybe this isn't the best time to be postulating over something
we all know we need to do and are doing, when what people probably need more right now is some compassion and a break.
Something to consider while you're washing your hands.
Tea gets cold too quickly...hmm...