Why is there a sizeable number of people on Twitter defending shoplifting? There's enough of them that it's like, a corner of Twitter at this point. Like it's a culture.
"It's still consumerism even if you don't pay for it..."Why is there a sizeable number of people on Twitter defending shoplifting? There's enough of them that it's like, a corner of Twitter at this point. Like it's a culture.
I get looked at weird because I don't drink tea like it's my only source of nutrition. I just cannot fathom how people drink it multiple times a day and then also when they are thirsty. To me, you don't have a hot drink when you are thirsty - you grab something cold and easy to gulp down.Kinda weird how drinking some beverages is almost like a ritual in some cultures... English people with tea, us with coffee... I'm so annoyed by being looked at funnily whenever I say I don't drink coffee.
I agree, it's also seems to be double standards, when Scarlett Johanssen gets a tons of flack for playing japanese character, but as soon as it's slavic character replaced it's all ok and fine.This whole Witcher thing, the casting thing. To be honest I find it less than professional.
Everyone knows how I feel about turning a character who is white and turning them into a minority, or just any one part meant for someone given to someone else. I'm against it. It's the most blatant form of pandering of modern times and I don't make a secret of it. Beyond the whole false accusation of racism because historical accuracy is racist, I actually find the idea juvenile and unprofessional.
When I was a kid I saw a Disney remake of Cinderella with an all star cast. Brandy was Cinderella, Whitney Houston was fairy godmother, and the prince was this asian dude. Here's the thing: The stepmother was this pale redhead, looked of Irish descent to me, the king was this white dude and the queen was Whoopi Goldberg. The next day we couldn't stop making fun of it in school. When your black wife has a filipino son that is yours and you're white then someone messed up at the hospital. The stepmother is ginger, one step sister is white, the other black and it's all very colorful and fun but it's not realistic. You know what you have when your actors and characters are of completely mixed and mismatched nationalities and races? A high school play. That's what that production was, and that's fine because we're not supposed to take it seriously. It's for simple fun and entertainment which value of doesn't extend beyond that of a high budget high school play where they cast whoever gets the role irrelevant of how they fit.
The thing is, when you are making something that we are supposed to take seriously and your casting is so mismatched and nonsensical that it parallels a children's stage play I find it just as unprofessional as one and take it equally as seriously. I don't care what the reasons are, the effect is the same, I no longer believe that this production is being taken seriously and therefore I don't suspend my disbelief in the same manner. Like having a historical figure, like Castro or Einstein, been portrayed by someone that doesn't even look like them. Wouldn't really work to have Steve Buscemi playing George Washington. In a comedy, sure, don't have to take it seriously, anyway, but as a drama the whole thing would fall apart.
In this case the actress doesn't even have to slovic but she should be able to pass off as one. Exempli gratia, Antonio Banderas can play Mexicans because he could be one us and if I didn't know he was Spanish beforehand I wouldn't guess he wasn't one since he looks the part and can fake a Mexican accent but I find the portrayal of Zhang Ziyi, Michelle Yeoh and Gong Li in very Japanese roles unfitting because they have distinctively Chinese features. Just because they are asian doesn't mean they look Japanese and that's an easier pill to swallow than a black asian girl in ancient Slavic regions.
but as soon as it's slavic character replaced it's all ok and fine.
I mean for journalist and big multimedia companies.What do you mean? Lots of fans are speaking up against it.
I must confess that I am one of those that drink 15 cups of tea a day... And I love it :tongue:I just cannot fathom how people drink it multiple times a day and then also when they are thirsty.
True...If there's any proof at all that distance from religion hasn't made people more rational or capable of caring about anything, this and the general state of popular culture is it.
Well, I’d like to say ‘ya’, totally’ but I’m kinda biased in the matter. My little sisters had to wear braces for 3 years and suffered the absence of carné asada. Her inner lip was constantly cutting against her braces and she had a hard time sleeping. Frustrated as she was and with a temperament to match I never thought she was less pretty because of the braces, but what do I know. Like I said, I have a biased position in the matter. On the day she had hers removed I took her to get some carné asada fries to celebrate.Does anyone realise "you'll be so pretty when they're [my braces] off" is actually an insult? Like, honey, I'm pretty now. My teeth just hurt and I haven't eaten a full meal since I got them on. On the other end of the spectrum, I've lot count of how many people have told me I'll be pretty when the braces are off. That isn't the concern, here. The fact that I've got 18 months of struggling to eat, however, is.
+ why do I reblog "send me writing prompt" memes when I know that 1) probably no one will and 2) I will probably never get around to them?
++ Inception makes a lot more sense than I remember it making....