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Well, I’d like to say ‘ya’, totally’ but I’m kinda biased in the matter. My little sisters had to wear braces for 3 years and suffered the absence of carné asada. Her inner lip was constantly cutting against her braces and she had a hard time sleeping. Frustrated as she was and with a temperament to match I never thought she was less pretty because of the braces, but what do I know. Like I said, I have a biased position in the matter. On the day she had hers removed I took her to get some carné asada fries to celebrate.

You've now made it my mission to figure out how to get carné asada fries I can currently eat. -didn't realise just how much she missed those-
(Also, I'm sorry to hear hers hurt her so much. =( I'm pretty used to being in pain, so I usually ignore it when the wire cuts, but the shifting...it's such a pain. Braces are just...not fun.)
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Reminder that the best way to play Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel is with dialogue volume turned to 0 and the subtitles off.
Throughout Earth's history, mankind has attempted to find 3 things, all of equal importance:

1) The meaning of life.
2) A higher power.
3) An FPS that's primarily focused on its single-player campaign having a multiplayer mode that doesn't suck.

The search for these things continues...
If you're adapting a comic book into a movie/TV show *never* shoot down an idea saying that it's "too comic book-y." That just shows your distaste for the source material. Never tone down the sillyness or color. All designs should be just as out-there as there are on the pages, no "oh we gotta remove the color, we gotta remove these details right here."
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I've had a pocket watch for the last decade that's never worked and we've never had a chance to take it to someone who knows about watches. And just now--JUST NOW--I discovered it didn't work because it needed to be wound. :| ...why was that not included anywhere on the packaging? Why did I not think of that?
If it's any consolation, as someone who fixes timepieces for a (partial) living, you aren't the first to make that mistake. :wink:

CT: With every passing piece of plot leak details that I see for SW: Episode IX, the less convinced I am that it will be able to save the franchise. :unsure:

Demetri Martin continues to be the only comedian whose Netflix specials I'll watch.
I want to start getting into MHA, but from what I've seen of the fanbase, they're very obnoxious.
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Iron Fist season 1 got me thinking about whether or not it was a good idea to do an Iron Fist solo show.

Not a good sign.

Vincent and freya dynamic in season 4 would have worked had they been given arc together in season 3. The actors are good at giving them an offscreen chemistry so you can imagine maybe they were friends, we just didnt see it.
Have you ever, while watching something with controversy surrounding it/is infamously terrible, felt like everybody on Earth just somehow *knows* you're watching it and is judging you? Even when you're completely alone and nobody can possibly know that you're watching it? I can never shake this.
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Have you ever, while watching something with controversy surrounding it/is infamously terrible, felt like everybody on Earth just somehow *knows* your watching it and is judging you? Even when you're completely alone and nobody can possibly know that you're watching it? I can never shake this.

Every time I watch a drama directed at teenagers...namely Gossip Girl. Yeah, sure, it's cheesy and I'm sure everyone in the world is judging me, but...y'know...I don't care. Sometimes you just need to watch bad media.

So glad to finish one really super hard bunch of puzzles only to be handed an even harder one. .-. So nice. So fun.
Got to see Unleash The Archers in concert tonight. (And Helion Prime who I am also a fan of.) New favorite concert. I was an arms length away from the stage and the energy was great. One of the guitarists threw me a pick and I got to fist bump all of them.
I was re-watching a classic anime of my childhood - "Aura Battler Dunbine" and a thought struck me.

Man, it sucks that there really isn't that much Fantasy genre anime. Even the ones that do exist tend to be more on the RPG side with guilds and stuff rather than the High Fantasy I long for like in Dunbine. :'(
So Spider-Man for PS4 is amazing. I have spent hours web swinging around town gathering back packs and fighting thugs. God I wish I were Spider-man... No, I wish I were Japanese Spider-Man!
(Same powers as Peter but with the added bonus of a flying, missile shooting car and a Giant Fighting Robot)
Vincent Griffith is probably my favorite character on The Originals.

He's probably the closest thing the show has to straightforward good guy after Cami and Jackson died.

Granted he's got his own sins to deal with.

I actually dug his actor's rendition of Finn more than Finn's original actor. There were some missed oppurtunities btw them in season 3.

If he had a spinoff it would be a more traditional case of the week show.
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Not going to see the tweets for the Captain Marvel trailer because I already know half of them will be "lol of course soyboys are excited for this lmao" and the other half is "ha ha take that men we finally have the first woman in any movie ever" and it's all just so tiring.
Why are people on Reddit incapable of human speech? They can never just say "this is pretty funny" it's always "ah yes my fellow redditor updoots for you, hecking good post" like just speak English, ffs.
Stop saying "she-ro" and "her-o." The word "heroine" already exists.
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