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Yo, Prototype got a Shoryuken move too? LOL, all these years and never paid attention to it. Effing devastating with the Musclemass power.

I found out that League of Gentlemen will be returning with more episodes. I'm not sure when exactly, but the news is awesome. I just got Psychoville series 1 today. Been a while since I watched it on TV.

I can't wait for my two week holiday from work. Might not be so tired all the time then and actually get something done. I know I haven't exactly been as productive around here recently. Had a lot going on and such with work.

I also listened to Sam Smith's song 'Too good at goodbyes' earlier on. It's a really nice song in my opinion.
Some people are starting to bring up Sonic Mania and Christian Whitehead as "proof" that "fans knows best" for a game franchise.

What stinks about all this is that some fanboys are also bringing this up to discredit industry professionals while indirectly trying to glorify themselves as "better than developers".

The thing is that comparing Christian Whitehead with the average fan is a bad example.
Christian Whitehead is a full-fledged game developer who has created his own game engine.
He's not the same as those types of "fans" who do nothing but incessantly whine in forums about not getting what they want.

A lot of other professional game developers started out as fans themselves and a lot of games are companies "entrusting their IP to fans".
Woah I've played a crap ton of Prototype and didn't know this.

LOL, I was always so focused on the movement and power section of the upgrade menu that I neglected a lot of stuff on the combat section. There's some hella fun stuff in there. Like that move that lets you slam down to the ground and make a big ass shockwave, it's fun to do it from atop of tall buildings. Just destroys cars and makes people and infected explode in a bloody fountain. :laugh:
If i were to write a Bleach movie i was thinking about splitting the first arc (the everyday stuff) into two seperate films because the grand fisher and the uryu intro stuff are strong enough to hold a film on their own.
I'm trying to understand what this guy (HyperBitHero) was thinking while making this video, especially since he made and uploaded this video to YouTube over five months before DmC actually came out on retail release.