"Survival Horror" stopped making sense as soon as you try to get into detail with it.
Everybody has their own interpretation and nobody can truly agree on a universal definition.
Screw the details. As long as there's elements of survival gameplay into it (resource gathering and management), the name Survival Horror makes sense, to distinguish from those other horror games, such as the ones I mentioned earlier, that don't have it. The various definitions as to what should be put in a game that's supposed to be a Survival Horror, with all the different views people have on it is another story, and frankly I don't care much about it.
Anyway, what I'm saying is, who came up with the name and why it ended up sticking shouldn't matter as I see it, as long as the name is functional and is not redudant with other terms. Just like, say, First Person Shooter: who invented it and the reason why it stuck doesn't matter - is it in first person, and the main mechanics revolve around shooting? It's an FPS. Simple as that. The origin of the genre's name, I don't see it why it should be such a big deal as long as it does its job at describing the game. And maybe, just maybe, such names stuck
because they are functional and make sense. And it's probably the reason why names such as the other ones you mentioned will never stick no matter how much the game makers will flash em in our faces during loading screens. Because they're either redudant ("Tactical Espionage Action" for example, doesn't do nothing that a simple "Stealth" doesn't do at describing the game) or make no sense (once again, "Stylish Hard Action"... that still makes me chuckle... :laugh

But I remember the long winded tirade you and VampireWicked (believe was her) once had on the matter of the definition of survival horror. So I think I'll leave with this post cause I'm hella not willing to get into a long winded tirade myself, LOL. If you still don't wanna acknowledge the term, so be it and be my guest, I just wanted to share my two cents. But in case you do wanna discuss it further, you could always open another thread, and maybe tag me in there. Cause I remember mods ain't too kind on people discussing a specific topic in this thread.