Damn hurricane harvey intensified rather quickly, thankfully over here its not gonna be as bad but im still not looking forward to the rain its gonna bring.
This is the amount of detail that goes into a classic DMC game.
Are you taking offense to what i said? Where did i ever mention about DmC?I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're trying to say. are you trying to insinuate something? is this about how DmC's simplified combat is a bad thing somehow again?
Are you taking offense to what i said? Where did i ever mention about DmC?
In this case, depending on what your reply is. yes, I will take offense. and to elaborate and expand on what I've said, whenever DMC4 (or classic DMC in general) is brought up it's so people (on DeviantArt and the like, not here though) can diss on the reboot with an excuse ready beforehand.
From here on out though, I will be maintaining rules of cautious replying. so as to not derail the thread too much.
That would be the best option.I will be maintaining rules of cautious replying. so as to not derail the thread too much.
I want to do nothing, but September's exams call me. @Foxtrot94 why did we enroll to university? It was better to make abusive valets.
Eh... I remember you that asshole teacher of G. S. who will strike in September.Take it like a man, pal. Take it like a man. *massages butthole*