Getting back from a family reunion= I'm the living dead. x_x
So glad the hubby's family reunions aren't plentiful. I didn't drink to keep up with them so much as to take the edge off of being around the handful that make such gatherings unbearable; namely his one cousin who was doing a bang-up job of playing Courtney Love for the weekend--well, minus the drugs. >.>
...Yeah, work's not happening. After pretty much no Z's last night, I think a nap's in order.
So glad the hubby's family reunions aren't plentiful. I didn't drink to keep up with them so much as to take the edge off of being around the handful that make such gatherings unbearable; namely his one cousin who was doing a bang-up job of playing Courtney Love for the weekend--well, minus the drugs. >.>
...Yeah, work's not happening. After pretty much no Z's last night, I think a nap's in order.