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Hmm, looks like I've found my stride again. It's nice to get it done early in the day; now I can relax as I see fit. Well, insofar as dog-watching permits, at any rate. :P (Which is actually pretty fair, considering there isn't anything else demanding my attention 'round here.)

+I should probably eat something. :unsure:

++Why did he switch the spelling from "Johnny" to "Johnnie"? That's going to drive me nuts, now. Maybe he switched editors, or something. I can't fathom a writer forgetting how to spell one of his own character's names, but hey--it's possible.
So I started up FF15 after months untouched and it hasnt worked its way into my heart :laugh:. I think I am done with this game. Now to play the waiting game with the remake.:rolleyes:
The last chapter is being written as I type this. The countdown to the end is fast approaching and I am freaking out! To be very honest this story is the last piece of "control" I have in my life. But the good news is that The Big O Blue-Ray is sex on my eyeballs.
I wouldn't be opposed to reading a Roger and Dorothy get together fan fiction. D...Did I just type that? Oh God, it's happening loneliness is setting in! :eek:
I asked a girl this morning if she likes my son. I guess I shouldn't really have done it with a car packed full of kids (and said son) but I figured since he's not going to ask her directly, I'll suffer him a moment of embarrassment and do it myself.
And yes, she does.
He ended up hopping out the car and walking to school with her the rest of the way.
I should wear the Match Maker badge now.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Oh boy the "I'm super prideful and better than everyone else" side of me is coming out. And do you know why folks? Because I'm going through the stages of break up. It is my way of coping and even I'm sick of me.
Sigh. I don't enjoy unloading my dirty laundry on the forums however none of us truly know each other in real life and the "mask" of a avatar is so much more inviting than posting it on Facebook. Alas as much as I keep things in I need to vent and God save me this is the place where I do it. So it short:

SRS is having girl problems and he's annoying right now. Give him time and he'll eventually go back to talking about Power blahblah, and "I want to bare Son Goku's baby!" Which is annoying too but we all "like" his posts because he always writes some off the wall "ship" that turns the pity party right on its head.

Wow... I just described me in a nutshell didn't I? "Ship" just got real.

Note: "Ship" is my substitute for "sh@t." For those who don't know.
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I want to post more often, but I worry all my posts would just be endless screaming.

+ DoV up in October? DoV up in October. -nods-
++ Avo, I hate taking notes.

Aren't most posts just endless screaming? Like when you really break it down to its nuts and bolts.
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I don't know how I've been managing to get so much of both in, but here's hoping it lasts. O_o

+Anyone else notice the pronunciation of character names (like Falcone and Ra's Al Ghul from Batman) change from one version to another? It kind of makes me wonder which pronunciations are correct: Is it Fal-CONE, or Fal-co-Nee? Is it Rah-s, or Ray-s? (Yes, my mood has been oriented around a fair bit of Batman stuff, lately).
+Anyone else notice the pronunciation of character names (like Falcone and Ra's Al Ghul from Batman) change from one version to another? It kind of makes me wonder which pronunciations are correct: Is it Fal-CONE, or Fal-co-Nee? Is it Rah-s, or Ray-s? (Yes, my mood has been oriented around a fair bit of Batman stuff, lately).
Problems with translations and dubbing. Everyone has his version.

I don't think there will ever be a point where that doesn't make me laugh.
It kind of makes me wonder which pronunciations are correct: Is it Fal-CONE, or Fal-co-Nee? Is it Rah-s, or Ray-s

Ra's sounds like a middle eastern name so I can't say but Falcone is pronounced like, Fal-co-neh. Gotta pronounce the 'e' like in... uhm... "meh" (LOL sorry, couldn't come up with a better example).