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Today is my 25th birthday!

Happy quarter-of-a-century birthday! :woot: Shall we bust out the champagne?
(This would be a good time for us to have a party emoji. Why don't we have a party emoji?!)

CT: *Looks over notes for today's scene.* My cheeks hurt right now, that's how happy this makes me. Messing with Reeves should be fun. :cool: All right, Phenex--make it count!
> Gets a message saying that package is arriving today.
> I sit by the door awaiting the postman.
> Package does not arrive today.

Will we ever see Titanfall 3

Only if it goes back to how TF1 was. You could be terrible but still gain your Titan within a reasonable amount of time. It was a amateur's paradise. Return the TF1 multiplayer story mode and THEN bring back all the changes TF2 provided.
Oh and we need a AI sidekick.
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@Sparda's rejected son yes it is Hebrew, and thanks :happy:

CT: For somebody who didn't mentally prepare for this, I'm actually doing really well for day 1. (...I say, before taking a massive bite of a slice of wholemeal bread with tuna and chickpeas and chilli on top :vomit: )

+My children remind me of The Originals. Too much! Klause....and Elijah....and Rebecca....the dynamic is just too similar....

++Well. That was embarrassing.:ninja:
Only if it goes back to how TF1 was. You could be terrible but still gain your Titan within a reasonable amount of time. It was a amateur's paradise. Return the TF1 multiplayer story mode and THEN bring back all the changes TF2 provided.
Oh and we need a AI sidekick.

i am breddy sure Respawn will listen considering many said TF1 mp was a better experience
Damn, how did these end up in my homepage? Youtube, you asshole, why you hit me with nostalgia like this? This **** was like, my whole childhood.

I don't wanna make one of those trite "stuff was better back in my times" speeches but dammit, I miss Giorgio Vanni at the microphone when it comes to anime/cartoon themes.

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Weird. Despite there being a 5k gap between them (AG being 26.5k, S&F being 31k) I've done a near-equal amount of work on both since picking them back up again mid-to-late June: 21.2k on AG, and 21.7k on S&F.

Guess we know which one I have a stronger affinity for. :unsure: (I'm sorry, Forneus! I still love you!)

CT: *Almost noon, and still in pajamas* I should probably get ready to go shopping... :whistle:
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LMFAO, I would buy the crap out of that album.

The olive oil one was HILARIOUS, I didn't even remember that one. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Sonic Mania is a love letter to the fans. Too bad we don't deserve it. But playing it has made me happy and I haven't been happy in a long time. I've been stretching myself thin lately.
Seriously thou, that Sonic Mania opening is juicy. Juicy I say!
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I'm really loving Mass Effect Andromeda, but I have a tiny suggestion for the ME team in regards to the planets you scan. I mean, literally tiny. Imagine: smol planet, lots of teeny moons. TINY SPACE FRIENDS. <3

+ I'm glad she understands what we're saying, but Avo if it doesn't hurt that this is becoming a reality.
As much as I hate doing it, I think I need to start taking a couple of days off here and there. I don't know what it's been about this year in particular, but my writerly reserves seem to be burning out faster than in previous ones. And since taking a week or more off pretty much kills me every time I've done it, shorter, more regular breaks are probably the best (and only) recourse in order to keep me a happy, rested, and efficient writer.

+Getting really sick of these headaches... :thumbsdown:
I'm on this here fence. It's a nice fence, why is everyone so afraid of it? It's not electric or barbed, no dogs, nothing scary. But I'm the only one on it. I can see everybody's house from here, plus it has a nice refreshing breeze. So lonely on the fence. I'm not up here because I'm scared or unsure, it's just the best place to be. I hope there is no fence one day, but for now here I stay.
So the Millennium Puzzle gives its owner a luck boost? I didn't know that. Oh ho, how about that, mister Yugi? All those speeches about believing in the heart of the cards, when in reality you were always basically cheating with your Millennium Item just like Pegasus. Tut tut.