NaNo may be finished, but that's about the only thing around here that is. -stares at partially completed docs--hides in mug-
Considering corpses usually can't get up and walk, one must take into account that whatever is making them move can also enhance their strength, or at least make them react as a desperate living being, nothing gives one a power boost as having food at hands reach while nearly starved.I think I've come to the point where I won't take any zombie movie seriously if I see a guy easily overpowered by a single zombie. They're corpses, for God's sake! How much strength do you need to fend one off?
one must take into account that whatever is making them move can also enhance their strength
nothing gives one a power boost as having food at hands reach while nearly starved.
Someone: "Writers are only good if they write smut
Wot. Apparently this someone likes taking their Johnny for a spin each time they read a story.
I really don't get this thought process. If smut doesn't fit in the story it doesn't fit in the story. You shouldn't put smut in just for the sake of having it.
I write it, but only in a believable sense... I don't think a story has to have it in order to be good.
Exactly. There's nothing wrong with writing smut in itself; if you like doing it go for it. But there's no such thing as needing to write in a certain way to become a good writer.