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I should be sleeping now...it's 5 am so why not......aaaaand it's gone

Why is it so hard to be comfortable when you sleep, and wake up still comfortable?

Do you think Goths are partially miserable because of all the make up they have to put on? Like every morning they wake up and think: "ugh...I have to put all that sh*t on again..."

My dogs fur is incredibly soft
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So I just got the news that Fable Legends is being cancelled and there's a possibility of Lionhead being closed. Utterly gutted and just...gods, there's just nothing right now. All I wanna do is cry. It's been such an honor to beta test for such a wonderful company and I sincerely hope they can keep going.

To hell with Microsoft, though. What the hell are you guys' problems? -rages-
So I just got the news that Fable Legends is being cancelled and there's a possibility of Lionhead being closed. Utterly gutted and just...gods, there's just nothing right now. All I wanna do is cry. It's been such an honor to beta test for such a wonderful company and I sincerely hope they can keep going.

To hell with Microsoft, though. What the hell are you guys' problems? -rages-

Nooo! :( That blows. And after all the hype, too... -Huggles- I really hope it doesn't get cancelled, and that the company continues to go strong.
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Nooo! :( That blows. And after all the hype, too... -Huggles- I really hope it doesn't get cancelled, and that the company continues to go strong.

-huglz- The game's already cancelled and the servers are going to be closed April 13 (though I'm hoping it'll still be playable). As for the studio...I hope they'll be able to continue on, as well. I just...don't understand. And Microsoft's explanation was basically "we're looking for cash cows and these companies aren't them, so we're getting rid of them". Which is about the biggest slap in the face ever. I feel so sorry for the staff. I mean...I feel bad for myself and other fans, but the staff...it's just horrible.
-huglz- The game's already cancelled and the servers are going to be closed April 13 (though I'm hoping it'll still be playable). As for the studio...I hope they'll be able to continue on, as well. I just...don't understand. And Microsoft's explanation was basically "we're looking for cash cows and these companies aren't them, so we're getting rid of them". Which is about the biggest slap in the face ever. I feel so sorry for the staff. I mean...I feel bad for myself and other fans, but the staff...it's just horrible.

Geez, what did they do? Take a page from Capcom's book? >.>

That really is disappointing. I hope the staff are getting good severance packages, at least--or better yet, I hope someone who isn't a complete monetarily-driven dick picks them up and makes Microsoft sorry they lost them. So in essence, Microsoft isn't the team to go to for new game devs, because they wouldn't be guaranteed cash-cows. They're totally shooting themselves in the foot, here.

CT: Holy crap, March Break's coming up fast. Hell, the fact that a quarter of this year has almost passed it crazy...
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Cable guy was here to fix the internet and seeing as the modem and router are in my room,thats where he has to check.Anyway some time later he said something about brothers room with the modem.I didnt realize my room looked like a guys lmao:tongue:
By consuming the product yourself. There is a fine but well defined line between liking what you are selling and selling something because you like it. I'd wager that since he, I'm assuming since he strikes me as that kind of rich man, provably eats a lot of stakes, drinks a lot of Vodka and gambles like an addict that he's under the impression that that equates to knowing how to sell said products/services, but liking something doesn't make you good at selling it. I'll be honest, I think it's possible he go into those markets to get more of each of 'em.

Anyway, I keep seeing a lot of hate for the new Ghostbusters and I have to say I kinda like the trailer. I'm going to wait for the DVD so obviously I didn't like it that much but I do like what I'm seeing none the less. With that been said, I went around and heard what a lot of people had to say as to why they didn't like what they saw and I can definitely see their position.

Originally I was not that happy to know that they made an all female cast because it struck me as them doing it not because it worked out that way but simply for the sake of saying it's an all women cast. I don't like it when they make a lesbian Batman to pander to the gays/lesbians/trans, I don't like it when you turn Spider-Man into a black Latino to pander to black Latinos and so don't turn Thor into a woman just so you can tell people the Avenger aren't just a bunch of white men anymore and you aren't a racist/sexist/bigoted bunch. How about you go create new characters and leave the ones that are what they are alone. Still, the trailer exited my expectations and I thought it might be worth giving it a chance. Others were not so kind.

One of the critiques I heat the most is that they missed the point of the movies, that they don't understand their spirit. Yeah, OK, I can see that. While the movies were at their cores comedies they often had horror sequences that scared me when I was a wee lad. Here it feels like a Melissa McCarthy/Bridesmaids movie with ghosts and faulty science. It's not false statement, it definitely feels like that when I watch the trailer, I am definitely not feeling the Ghostbusters vibe Harold Remus and Ivan Reitman crafted as much as those modern chick flicks Paul Feig makes, which is funny since he is directing this one, too.

Then there's the racism... Yeah, even the boy who cried wolf only got 3 chances before people stopped believing so when someone screams racist movie I tend to go to more reliable resources before I believe the claim. I honestly found the character of Penny to be obnoxious, the standard token black character, which is definitely not mirroring the character Ernie Hudson had. Winston wasn't the black man of the group, he was the every man thrown in with the weirdos. Anyway, screaming racism because she's not a scientist and she drives a Buick is an over reaction but I do agree that her character is way too token to not go unchecked so I somewhat agree. I'm guessing they had an inkling to make all the Ghostbusters characters rather than having one that was just a person.

Bottom line, as a Ghostbusters fan, I'm kinda surprised I liked the trailer but when I hear people hating it I can definitely see their point of view and why they might skip it. That and I didn't like it enough to drop $10-$20 to see it in theaters nor enough to own it. Red box for me on this one.
I'm at this point where I feel like I should be angry and protesting and anxious to go punch Phil Spencer in the face, but there's really been no news. I don't even know if we still need to be protesting or if we can call it a quits (either for a good reason or bad) or if I should just go cry in a corner and accept it. It's just...I'm still just so sad...and...and...

...I need to go write and get these feelings out or I'm gonna be useless. Lots of fluff fics. Lots of really dumb fics or really sad fics or really happy fics or something. Get it out. Get it out.

+ Why is the cake gone?
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"Anyway, here's Wonderwall. "
