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I find it fascinating how countries' names become known to each other.

To take two examples, my home country is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" yet the entire kingdom is referred to as "イギリス" (Igirisu) to the Japanese as it came through Portuguese traders who called England "Inglês" which came to refer to the UK as a whole.

Japan on the other hand calls itself "日本" (Nihon), but Portuguese traders (them again) in Malaysia encountered the Malay word for Japan, "Jepang" and brought it to Europe.

Long story short, don't listen to the Portuguese. :tongue: (Joke, joke)
Long story short, don't listen to the Portuguese. :tongue: (Joke, joke)
Oh!Thank you very much!:tongue:

Portuguese traders who called England "Inglês" which came to refer to the UK as a whole.

We call Inglaterra to UK; Inglês is what we call to a citizen from UK.
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Portuguese traders who called England "Inglês" which came to refer to the UK as a whole.
Really? We call it Inglaterra, too, but we call them Britanicos.
We too. We can say the country is Inglaterra or Grã Bretanha( Great Britain) or Reino Unido( United Kingdom) and we call English citizens Ingleses or/and Britanicos.
You forget you saw this mistake. :shifty:
We learn with our mistakes. don't take it too serious!:laugh:
To think that the only Marvel villain on the big screen that is truly memorable is Ian McKellen's Magneto, and that it's not even done by Marvel Studios, is pretty sad.
Okay, that's it--when I finish the first draft of FotS, I am going to go back and edit my chapters of a particular, adopted DMC 'fic. By the gods, some of it makes me cringe so bad--especially those technical mess-ups. :cautious: (And yet there are still parts where I'm like, "Wait, I wrote that? What sorcery is this?" I'm either destined to be horrified by my older work, or pleasantly surprised; there's no in-between). ._.

+Sleep sounds good right about now...:sleep:
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I feel the urge to write a Witcher fan fiction all of a sudden.

Please put Zoltan in it. Zoltan kicks ass. Zoltan rulez. Zoltan is life.


"You can't beat the classics"... Mark 1 armor in 10th position. *facepalm*
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Y'know...as much as I'd love to live forever, I'm really looking forward to being a grumpy old lady, waving her cane at children and shrieking for them to get off the lawn and concede to the misery that is adult life. :thumbsup:

+ -types up a paragraph- Is this...is this writing? -computer explodes- Whaaaaa-?
Exactly what my brain does when I am thinking about something.... Prepare yourselfs...
5..4...3...2...1: Commencing ADD...

Oh geez RP! 15 views, but no replies hmmmmm?
mmmm, what percentage is my phone at? lol Still 100% lol I havent unplugged it today LMAO
_keyboard mash- I need to sell that stuff!
Need Job!
OMG Squirrel!!!
Wait where's my water?
must write fanfiction....powerless to resist!!!!
I was all for #feelthebern but now he's talking about all this feminist rubbish so.... good luck America.

In other news, I feel like a dick but I love ruining stuff for people. My friend made a Krystal Fox account on Facebook and I showed them a few pictures of her from Rule 34 and then they realised why they had got so much attention on that account. XD
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I love when they interview two different scientists about the Yellowstone super volcano and one's just like "Eh, everything's stable. It'll probably stay that way for another hundred thousand years." And the other's just like "Nononono! Guys! We are all going to die! Probably tomorrow, possibly next week!" And the first guy looks like he just wants to punch the second in the face. It's like physical manifestation of arguments between my brain and my anxiety. :laugh:
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