It's a very interesting situation, to be honest. This person, over the last 5 years or so, has been bringing up anything and everything to appear controversial. It's like they are a teenager trying to rebel, only no one really cares but they can't see it.
From religious to major atheist, atheist to pagan, pagan to goodness knows what right now... And then came the " alternative lifestyles", whatever the hell that means in their book.
And now it's, "oh and I'm bisexual now". I already called it a few years back because I knew she was gearing up to something and it was the only thing that her Facebook hints were getting at. I don't even care, it's not my business, it just seems...I don't know. Contrived, perhaps? My guess is she'll soon "decide" she's transgender, just for the shock value.
Seems kind of demeaning to genuine LGBTs, to me. Like she's run out of drama and now needs to create it. I'm not even sure she's genuinely bisexual, which is why I posed the question, I guess.
People can be weird.
Unfortunately some people sometimes do just want the attention or to see if they can get a reaction. Maybe they really don't know what they are or are just on the lookout for some new novelty to attach to. In the LGBT community, I haven't met too many people who are like this... of those I've known for 10, 12+ years, I know one guy who is "questioning" gender and bi who wanders about between one interest and another but he's like... the exception to dozens I know who don't and don't tend to change their views on core things much. This guy changed his mind about being trans, but it's more like a spectrum than two extremes and given how androgynous he is in all things and has been for a very long time, I take it for truth that he's somewhere in the middle by nature. Can't speculate on the person you know without knowing them but, I'd probably feel the same skepticism if there were not long term indicators or hints before recent.
That person admitting to being transgender would be quite the test. What's said can't be unsaid, and it would take a certain kind of crazy to want to face up to the potential flak and repercussions if it was all just for the attention. People sometimes troll it, but usually only from the safety of an anonymous internet username. To do it in real life... well, you'll know if it's more likely to be B.S. or not if nothing ever comes of the confession. Trans people don't tend to admit to being trans lightly, and if they really are a lot of them are compelled to do something about it. But I've seen a few trolls before. They're nearly always terrible at it, since it's pretty hard to replicate the reality of the condition without 1st hand knowledge.