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Thanks for the input re sexuality, guys. I've recently heard someone coming out as bi after 50 years of heterosexuality, so wanted to get other views, especially from those who are bi themselves.

CT: my niece is such a whiny pain in the backside. Sorry chick, you need to man up in this house or you won't last five minutes...
On a side note, can someone decide to be bisexual? Genuine question, folks, and one that I would very much like the answer to, if possible

Okay, I'll give a shot at replying. Personally: no. I didn't choose to be bi, I've just always been attracted to both genders. Actually, I guess I should phrase it like this: gender doesn't factor in when I'm attracted to someone. I'm attracted to their mind or their personality, not their gender. It confused the heck out of me, when I was younger, because I just really didn't understand why I liked girls but I also liked boys. It was kinda a revolation to me when I figured it out. People that are bi don't seem to really be brought up as often when talking about the LGBT community (mainly, I think, because it's like @Ieyasu said: people see two people of the same gender together and automatically assume it's a strictly gay relationship and two people of opposite genders are going to be straight, and, unfortunately, there's a lot of people out there who think that someone being bi just makes them a slut).

I can see why people would think you could choose to be bi; after all, if you're a girl and you've been in a long relationship with a guy and things fall apart and suddenly you're with a girl and you never came out to your family beforehand...yeah, that would be confusing. And I'm sure there are people who go through a "who am I?" phase that includes experimenting with someone of the same gender whether they're gay, bi, or straight. But, in my experience and from talking to others who are bi, no it's not a choice. Sometimes I wish it was, though. Trying to think of what I would do if I had a girlfriend and had to introduce her to some of the really intolerant people in my family is just...it makes me wish I could just elect to be straight until I was far away from those people. But...I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


Shoot, forgot to type up that recipe. >_<
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I think the worst is over. I can pretty much eat and drink normal again. Still getting those pain flare-ups first thing in the morning and evenings, though. Luckily it's hit a more manageable level (where ibuprofen can be used in place of the "whoa, everything is moving super slow" pain killer).

+Chicken quesadillas tonight. Two weeks of just kiddo and I tomorrow. My solace is, once he's back from this field exercise, we'll have a week together, and then for the first time since ever, I'll be by myself all labour-day weekend while he and kiddo visit his parents.

There's a distinct possibility I won't know what to do with myself with that much free time. O_O I better start figuring that out now, so I don't panic when it happens, lol.
how come feminists will condemn a man for holding a door open for them

but they don't even bat an eye at the fact that teenage girls literally worship boy bands and other male popstars that will never even acknowledge they exist
Psst, feminazis, dude, feminazis. I'm a feminist and not only do I not complain, but I hold the door open for a guy if I happen to be the first to arrive (a guy I know of course, literally no one holds the door open for a stranger unless they are disabled and need help).

I don't know why feminazis don't touch the subject of boybands, maybe they are scared cause these kind of fangirls might be even crazier than them. :cautious:
Psst, feminazis, dude, feminazis. I'm a feminist and not only do I not complain, but I hold the door open for a guy if I happen to be the first to arrive (a guy I know of course, literally no one holds the door open for a stranger unless they are disabled and need help).

I don't know why feminazis don't touch the subject of boybands, maybe they are scared cause these kind of fangirls might be even crazier than them. :cautious:

-coughcough- I hold the door open for everyone unless I'm in a hurry. :unsure: -really doesn't understand why more people don't hold doors open-
how come feminists will condemn a man for holding a door open for them

but they don't even bat an eye at the fact that teenage girls literally worship boy bands and other male popstars that will never even acknowledge they exist
You can always hold a door open for me, I'll be grateful from the deepest of my heart for your gentleness.
how come feminists will condemn a man for holding a door open for them
I think this problem is exceptionally exaggerated, to be truthful. I don't doubt that it sometimes happens, but I've never, ever seen a woman get angry at a man for holding a door open. I'll hold the door for anyone who is behind me - it's just being courteous.

The only thing I can think of that might be slightly irritating, for me at least, is when I'm a good distance away and someone is holding the door. I feel like I can't have them wait on me so I'll start to hurry, but I'm usually in heels when I'm in public so I spend that 20 seconds hoping I don't fall flat on my face and make a fool out of myself.
Thanks for the input re sexuality, guys. I've recently heard someone coming out as bi after 50 years of heterosexuality, so wanted to get other views, especially from those who are bi themselves.
It could well be that they were bi all that time but in hetero relationships and while attracted to the same sex never acted on it because they were already committed to someone else. Not much different in a way from casual attractions people might have to others of the opposite sex but never act on or speak of because we're faithful to our partners. I have a close friend who is bi who said he'd never bother telling anyone else in his family unless he were forced to due to being in a relationship with another guy and having to introduce him, and that they're "better off not knowing". This is because, according to him, he wants his parents to think of him as their son, not "my bisexual son" or "my gay son". He tells me he very much does not want or need a prefix or for the prefix to somehow overtake his normal self in his family's eyes. Understandable to me.

A lot of people maybe keep it to themselves for reasons like this.
It could well be that they were bi all that time but in hetero relationships and while attracted to the same sex never acted on it because they were already committed to someone else. Not much different in a way from casual attractions people might have to others of the opposite sex but never act on or speak of because we're faithful to our partners. I have a close friend who is bi who said he'd never bother telling anyone else in his family unless he were forced to due to being in a relationship with another guy and having to introduce him, and that they're "better off not knowing". This is because, according to him, he wants his parents to think of him as their son, not "my bisexual son" or "my gay son". He tells me he very much does not want or need a prefix or for the prefix to somehow overtake his normal self in his family's eyes. Understandable to me.

A lot of people maybe keep it to themselves for reasons like this.
It's a very interesting situation, to be honest. This person, over the last 5 years or so, has been bringing up anything and everything to appear controversial. It's like they are a teenager trying to rebel, only no one really cares but they can't see it.

From religious to major atheist, atheist to pagan, pagan to goodness knows what right now... And then came the " alternative lifestyles", whatever the hell that means in their book.

And now it's, "oh and I'm bisexual now". I already called it a few years back because I knew she was gearing up to something and it was the only thing that her Facebook hints were getting at. I don't even care, it's not my business, it just seems...I don't know. Contrived, perhaps? My guess is she'll soon "decide" she's transgender, just for the shock value.

Seems kind of demeaning to genuine LGBTs, to me. Like she's run out of drama and now needs to create it. I'm not even sure she's genuinely bisexual, which is why I posed the question, I guess.

People can be weird.
@Ieyasu Yeah, I figure you're right, there. There have been times when I wondered if I was entirely straight, but because I've been with Charlie for nearly 11 years (since my teens) and had so little dating experience beforehand, I've never really sorted out whether I'm physically attracted to anyone of my gender, or not. I've had those "bi-curious" moments before, wondering what it would be like, but aside from being comfortable enough to admit another woman is attractive, I've never actually been attracted to another woman (so far). It's probably safe to say I'm straight with the potential to experiment, if I weren't already in a committed relationship. In fact, I have a feeling I would experiment, if given the chance.

@Angel From what you're saying of this friend, I wouldn't doubt you're right--she might just be using it as a bid for attention. Sadly, there's no shortage of people like that in the world, making it difficult for legit cases to be taken seriously.

CT: Must finish this scene. Finish the scene, and Chapter Ten's revisions will be complete.
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From what you're saying of this friend, I wouldn't doubt your right--she might just be using it as a bid for attention. Sadly, there's no shortage of people like that in the world, making it difficult for legit cases to be taken seriously.
That's my feeling on it - made all the more weird because it's my mother :laugh:

She's been on this weird journey of " me me me" for the last 20 years and is now coming out with anything and everything she can think of to make us all gasp in shock.

Except that none of us care - we're baffled at times, sure - but we're not shocked or horrified or anything. It's more like, "here she goes again..."
That's my feeling on it - made all the more weird because it's my mother :laugh:

She's been on this weird journey of " me me me" for the last 20 years and is now coming out with anything and everything she can think of to make us all gasp in shock.

Except that none of us care - we're baffled at times, sure - but we're not shocked or horrified or anything. It's more like, "here she goes again..."

Lol! That must be very awkward, indeed. xD Here I was, expecting it was an old school pal, or something. I'd say mid-life crisis, but I'm pretty sure they don't last for two full decades. :laugh:
just to be clear i do consider myself the dictionary definition of a feminist
"the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men."
and i'm sure just about any decent individual would be as well

but feminazis and tumbler feminism has just ruined the word for everybody