CT: There is something wrong with my phone one moment it says battery is 10% and then suddenly it changes to 2% and when i plug the charger it changed back to 10%.
healthy eating is overrated xDThey're still trying to decide so I'm sitting in McDonald's stuffing my face instead. So much for healthy eating
Should get their wraps, or salads. With the Portugese dressing. You get so focused on eating through the spicyness that you don't notice it's not a burgerThey're still trying to decide so I'm sitting in McDonald's stuffing my face instead. So much for healthy eating
*virtual bro-hug*
up up down down left right left right *hug*
mgs reference
I wish stores would keep clothes sizes the same. It's such a hassle shopping from store to store. Siz 6 is either too small or too big; same goes for size 8. I even had to buy size 10 in a coat once because size 8 was a bit too tight.
Then there are the 'super skinny' clothes that are really one size smaller than the label says.It's silly.
Late reply, I know... but wow, that explains some things. Being on a forum doesn't really help, at least it didn't for me in the past. And I don't mean that in a bad way or anything.I don't know what to do with myself. I've been suffering from major depression as of late and my body is just thrown out of whack because I was forced to stop taking my medication for bipolar and this cold turkey.
I feel sick and have just been lying in my room in the dark basically for the last two days trying to distract myself with random crap. It makes me not wanna do anything. And no one here at home gives a crap. They don't get it and just are basically like, "You just have a case of the sads. Get over it and go to your room, you're sick in the head".
I don't know why I'm even sharing this stuff on a public forum. Maybe I'm crying for help, maybe I just don't care about what I do at this point. I can't even keep my thoughts straight.