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Completed Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and the 1st DLC. Skipped the Bright Lord one since they changed up the combat in a way I wasn't fond of.

Started on Shadow of War, and I can already tell it's a big departure.
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Multiplayer titles, mostly.

Been struggling to find a singleplayer game that captures my interest. I've either already played it, belongs to a genre that I don't care about, still has to come out, or is a cutscene-infested movie wannabe with some gameplay sprinkled in. RE8 is interesting but I won't be able to buy it at full price so that'll have to wait. Sigh.
Fallout New Vegas.

Not bothering with any more of the DLC considering how utterly broken it all is.
Now playing Resident Evil: Romanian Roster of Darkness.

LMAO. That's just my wee clever name for it. ;)
Having a total nerdgasm over the fact that Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance just randomly rose from the ashes and I barely remember it. Spent many years playing both Champions of Norrath and it's sequel Return to Arms. You can definitely tell they ran off the same game engine. If it weren't for Dark Alliance, Champions would cease to exist... WHAT YEAR IS THIS?!?! :ROFL:
Finally got around to giving Mad Max a go. The controller layout is a little quirky but I'll adapt. What really has me baffled is why does Max look like Chris Redfield?
I'm also in the middle of Astral Chain so I might put that on pause.
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Finally got around to giving Mad Max a go. The controller layout is a little quirky but I'll adapt. What really has me baffled is why does Max look like Chris Redfield?
I'm also in the middle of Astral Chain so I might put that on pause.

Been debating whether to purchase Mad Max when it next goes on sale on Steam, always seems to be on a lot of peoples underrated lists.
Been debating whether to purchase Mad Max when it next goes on sale on Steam, always seems to be on a lot of peoples underrated lists.
It's not bad, though the control scheme makes no sense to me. Like I said, Max sounds like Chris Redfield and sounds like Gerard Butler while the game feels a bit sloppy at first, but once you have a few upgrades in the game starts to really come together. I like it well enough but I wouldn't pay more than $10 for it.
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It's not bad, though the control scheme makes no sense to me. Like I said, Max sounds like Chris Redfield and sounds like Gerard Butler while the game feels a bit sloppy at first, but once you have a few upgrades in the game starts to really come together. I like it well enough but I wouldn't pay more than $10 for it.

It gets really cheap when its on sale but might pick it up when I see it for a low price in future.

Played following in last few days:

Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Assassins Creed Valhalla
I stopped playing Mad Max because playing that, along with Astral Chain, two games with unique controller layouts, was too confusing. I stuck with Astral Chain, which I intent to beat, but, since it was cheap, I got Miles Morales, which feels like Spiderman Diet. Not bad but definitely a bit too shy of content for the asking price. I also downloaded the Scarlet Nexus demo. A little underwhelming so far but with definite potential.
Biomutant, mass effect legendary edition and hood outlaws and legends mpst recently

And tomorrow night plus the weekend I'll be playing necromunda hired gun and, sniper ghost warrior contracts 2
I played Zero Team and I'm starting the notice the differences between all of the characters. Spin (the glass canon of the group) has an aerial rave when pressing up and attack, instead of the Shoryukens the male characters have. She also has unique and highly damaging air throw that is done by pressing jump first, and then attack in sequence. I find Spin and Big O the most fun and unique. Big O, is the heavy and oddly enough, has no wresting moves. He throws enemies far and his throws cause huge damage. Speedy, a blonde and blue palette swap of Ace is just a better version of the guy. Better speed (though slightly fragile), a better consistent multi-hit uppercut, and is more fun to use. Ace comes off as too basic; which sucks, because red is my favorite color. Zero Team could have really used a dash mechanic for the player characters. Yet certain enemies and bosses do. For a brawler in 1993 that's iffy and not the best design choice. There several brawlers before and during that year that already implemented that mechanic. Still a fun game.


I've also been playing the Castlevania and Contra Collection.
Fire Emblem Three Houses. I am addicted to this game. Love the lore, the characters, the combat and the DLC content is short but fun.

(SMT3 looks at me from corner) I will get to you! You PS2 era jank you. I will.
I actually picked up Mad Max in the Steam open world sale for £4.99 and quite liking it so far. Also started playing Yakuza 0 on Game Pass.
I say that’s a pretty good deal. It was free on PS+ years ago and I just never got around to it. I’ll pick it up again soon, I was, actually, enjoying it but i kept messing up, but I just bought SMT3 and I haven’t played it, yet. I almost beat Astral Chain so once I’m done with that I can go back to trying to play two games at the same time.