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This Forum used to be .........


Anti - Little D
i know i will most likely be told off for this thread BUT i have to voice my opinion ....... When i joined in April ( this year ) the forum was welcoming and nice to all user's but as the months went on a i noticed that it was not the case........ peoples threads were getting closed becuase of flaming , people getting banned for insulting other users and there family ( sorry dark darkan ) .... So im saying to all users please STOP flaming with each other and get on with the other users peacefully ...... if u dont agree with what someone has said DONT agrue with them .... ask them y they belevie that and then dont post in the thread......... or if someone has annoyed u .... dont start threads like " everyone hates me " as this will just create flaming and people getting banned ...... AS many of mods and users have sais in the past use PM'S to agrue or what ever ........ please people .......... :(

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I think we can all get along. I made several Vrs threads that haven't disintegrated into flaming. Despite the fact I'm a total fanboy...

The general attitude here needs to be better. I have started to see the nicest people here start arguing over nothing..........


Well-known Member
Amen to Angels Amen.

Things are a tad firey and trollish lately, but hopefully its just a passing fad ^_^


Actually a little over a year ago since I joined it was a very good forum. But now its just a bunch of people fighting for very stupid reasons. But w/e I tend to stay away from it.


Aya Brea
Black Angel;139044 said:
The general attitude here needs to be better. I have started to see the nicest people here start arguing over nothing..........

So true.

Though I never responded or anything, I read over a tread last night where a member here who seemed really nice and open to others had to get on his high horse and put others down just because they were not at "his level."

Just because one may have higher skills or knowledge of a program they use, doesn't make them a special snow flake or gives them the right to say mean things. There are people who do look up to you, and yes there will also be a fair share of those who can't stand you. It happens for everyone. Still, making smart ass remarks doesn't make the situation any better. I've seen this happen before in alot of other threads and it's not always about sigs or art either. :/

It feels like I can't come here any more to have at least a decent, fun, and mature conversation, even if I may not agree with what they said.

As for you omenminator, I agree HIGHLY with what you said about this unfortunate situation all the way.

Arrahgg. Sorry. I just had to let that out. :/

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I agree with you whole heartedly and seems some members have just gained a serious lack of respect for their fellow members. At the end of the day we are all here for the same thing and to discuss things. Opinions differ and forums are for opinionated conversations in a mature and adult manner. However it seems some people here have decided that their opinions are fact and everyone else opinion doesnt matter and is wrong. If everyone agreed on everything the world would be a boring place however theres mature debates and polite discussions and then theres the crap ive been seeing more and more of here lately. Why must people argue if they disagree? Its immature and embarrassing to be honest... and i want it stopped.


Anti - Little D
Vauxchen;139194 said:
could a solution be to have 1 or 2 more members of staff on duty?

im guessing u want to be one of them ? :lol::lol:
anyway if staff are needed then angel will tell us ! :lol:
i want the second place :lol::lol:

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?

Why do you think I'm on extended hiatus as it stands?

Ugh, the attitudes of some people disgust me now, people need to sort out their priorities rather than waving their E-Penis in the air, it's such a shame, this used to be such a nice place too...
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