I see where you're coming from with this. Vergil in DmC works undergound. His advantage is that he can be hidden. He fights unseen, but then comes out in the open at a vital moment and does the killing so blatantly without fear of being seen or found out.You know what? No, you're being an ass, go away. I talk about a Vergil that uses deception and underhanded tactics in an example i come up with off the top of my head, something that implies that it was in no way how i felt it should actually go down and you call me out on being a DMC3 fanboy? No seriously. Go away. You're an idiot.
Like I said before that he could have planted a bomb on her, stayed in the hideout and watched with CCTV to find the right moment to detonate. Lilith would be dead and Vergil would not have his cover blown.
But I guess if Vergil had got his way, Kat would still be with Mundus and probably dead. He only gives in because he still needs Dante on his side.
Anyway, let's all not start calling stupid and insults. ^_^