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The Truth Around Lilith's Death *spoilers*


Smile it confuses people
I made this post in response to someone else's on tumblr, so I'll just copy/paste it if it's alright ^^.



I’m glad somebody else noticed this. The response to Lilith death had some controversy, although details behind this can sometimes be misleading with some saying Dante heartlessly makes fun of Mundus about the incident, while disregarding certain key factors behind that scene.

The fact of matter is, Dante never wanted Lilith and her unborn baby to die and was forced to mock Mundus about it an attempt to get him away from the Hellgate -which Vergil needed to shut down- after attempts to anger Mundus about doing it all for the freedom of mankind, failed. Meanwhile Vergil shooting Lilith was to prevent any heir getting in the way of his plans for ruling over the humans, since that was the only agenda he had in mind, becoming a ruler.

Another thing to take into account was that Lilith never loved for her child truthfully. She used it as a ticket to power, even allowing her unborn baby to fight Dante so she could prove to Mundus she was worthy of being at his side [even quoting “I’m nothing without this brat”]. She’s not a sweet innocent mother with a sweet innocent baby, she was carrying the next omen, and both were nearly no better than the father. Her shock at realizing she’s been shot, isn’t out of a mother’s loss of her child, it’s out of loss for power. In her dying moments she realizes she is no longer useful to Mundus because his heir is dead and her plans have gone up in smoke.

If anything in fact, The Trade scene actually shows the vast difference between Dante and Vergil, in that:


1. Dante was willing to spare Lilith and baby’s life in a fair trade. Even in the knowledge the baby might one day wind up becoming another Mundus down the line and with Phineas even telling him to kill them, Dante made the choice to let them live. This shows mercy in his character, the same mercy Dante showed to Trish back in DMC1, when he could’ve killed her, but didn’t.

Him warning the other members of The Order to get out when they’re under attack; helping Kat reach Vergil when he’s in Limbo, to him going out of his way to rescue Kat proves he’s got a good heart on him, he’s learnt to care for others in his journey, that by the end, he’s not the selfish rebel he started out as when living in a trailer by the sea, he’s become Dante.


2. For Vergil, that scene shows you how calculative and cold he really is. He wants to kill Mundus, take his place and rule over the humans. He doesn’t care at what cost that takes, if a small number die to save the masses. He wants power as a leader, and he’ll do anything to reach his goal.

So he abandons the members of his Order when they’re under attack, he forces Kat to stay behind to gather his data with time that could’ve been used to help her escape. And then once again, he risks getting her killed when shooting Lilith, causing Mundus’s outburst, which in turn injured and possibly killed thousands of people in the city when a flux in the Hellgate caused entire city blocks to collapse.
If Vergil had let the trade go on peacefully as Dante had planned, likely nobody would’ve been killed, if he hadn’t been so determined with his goals, thousands could’ve been spared. Dante is not the merciless one, Vergil is. But this is no real surprise since after all, Vergil was a villain in previous games.

One thing to remember though from Dante’s boss battle with the Mundus’s Spawn, is that it’s made clear the baby can hatch out of Lilith’s body at anytime. Even if Vergil had shot Lilith in the head on the first shot, that child might’ve still been alive and have broken out of her while she was dead. For Vergil, that was a risk to his plans he couldn’t take. But perhaps what would’ve been more menancing is if Vergil had shot Lilith through the stomach, and then left her to bleed to death. Him at least giving her a head shot afterwards showed he had some decency to put her out of misery rather than leave her suffer a long horrible death that she would’ve done if he hadn’t.


It’s not like this issue hasn’t been brought up before or in other games. Heather in Silent Hill 3 takes a pill and vomits up a foetus from her mouth, mocks “Looks like god didn’t make it” and proceeds to step on it before Claudia stops her and swallows the foetus whole. It also revolves around the same theme as DmC with that of a character that will give birth to a god-like creature that may possibly be evil.

Fortunately in all these circumstances nobody was killed or injured…because it’s not real. I think that’s something we need to realize. These are video games we’re talking about. Nobody really got shot, no omen babies died. Yes there are some things you shouldn’t have in a game or even a film, but for me, I didn’t find Lilith’s scene disturbing, offensive or gory. in fact, Raiden ripping out a man’s heart and crushing it in his hands at the end of Metal Gear Rising I found more graphic than this.

If this had been another character, say Kat or another female [human, demon or angel] that was pregnant and got shot, this probably would’ve been a problem, especially if this character had no impure intentions as Lilith did on rising to power and the baby didn’t grow up to be pure evil [which the game pretty much establishes by how eager he was to get out and kill Dante, so there’s a safe bet this kid would’ve grown up to be like his daddy.]

And yet in spite of all that, of this baby being the child of the man that murdered his mother and locked away his father for endless torture and suffering, and being fully aware that another Mundus might rise to take the demon king’s place one day, Dante still showed both the unborn child and Lilith mercy, when most [like Vergil] didn’t wouldn’t have. He didn’t let revenge make him slay the lives of a mother and her baby, and that’s something to really think about.

So it begs to ask the question: Has the line between reality and the virtual world of storytelling begun to blur as graphics become more realistic and video games are no longer blocks of pixels…? Or are people just overreacting? Because I for one was not offended by any terminations of life in DmC or DMC4-




Oh my god! NERO KILLED THAT DEMON’S UNBORN BABIES AND MOCKED HER! Quick, someone get Obama on the phone! Nero’s become like his father! We’re all gonna die! T____T

I think I’ve made my point @_@.


Well-known Member
could've have said it better myself. and no its not people overreacting, its the same anti fanboys that want to discredit anything they can with this game, in fact, nero and dante mocked the demon woman, dante in this game was shocked


Well-known Member
Like you, I didn't take it as offensive or gory. The scene from Silent Hill 3 was much worse than this, but didn't bring up as much of a conflict, from what I can remember. And I'm sure there are plenty of other games with similar scenes that didn't get an uproar like DmC did. I don't get why everyone would be so upset over DmC's scene and completely ignore what other games had.


Well-known Member
Like you, I didn't take it as offensive or gory. The scene from Silent Hill 3 was much worse than this, but didn't bring up as much of a conflict, from what I can remember. And I'm sure there are plenty of other games with similar scenes that didn't get an uproar like DmC did. I don't get why everyone would be so upset over DmC's scene and completely ignore what other games had.
you know there's something wrong with the DMC fanbase if they start ranting about how its unethical to kill demons


Fake Geek Girl.
Thing is, it's the fanboys just refusing to acknowledge the reality of the situation just because they have a massive bias towards DmC. -_-. It's fairly obvious Dante was willing to let Lillith live but Vergil being the superiority complex nut he was in the previous series needed to get rid of a threat to his ultimate goal.

Vergil in the previous series wants to basically destroy the world because he failed to save his mom when he was a kid. So you decide to kill a lot of people just because you feel as if you're not strong enough? At least Vergil in DmC had a goal to rule over the world giving him something to look forward to after you've won. He would enjoy the fruits of his labor. In DMC 3 it's kind of like a Resident Evil villain. What will you gain from destroying the world? Vergil just has a f*ck the world attitude previously.

Acting like Dante in DmC is some kind of hateful d0uche where it's pretty obvious he has a sense of justice and heart. He's fighting to save a world that actually hates him. In the public eye Dante is nothing but a psychopathic terrorist. He's also dead set on not abandoning Kat and is willing to put the Order's plans aside to save his friend and the person who saved his life. Kat is expendable to Vergil. Dante is the hero and he doesn't roll like that.

Isn't this exactly how the original series was? Dante being the cocky hero with a sense of justice and Vergil being the selfish power hungry villain who is willing to use people as a means to an end. Look what his view was with Arkham in 3. Means to an end.

What are you so upset about fanboys? This is exactly the same premise as the shallow ripoff plot that came before it. Oh yea, it's because it isn't a generic anime this time. So that's why everything supposedly bad about DmC can't be leveled with the previous series which is NOT perfect or special at the end of the day.

I would kill Lillith eventually too because she was going to bear the next ruler of the world. And who honestly gives a f*ck about Lillith? She'd kill you without a moment's hesitation and feel absolutely no remorse. She'll hide behind Mundus and all the power he has but alone she is absolutely nothing and Dante beating her made her realize that real quick. She had no clue who she was dealing with. Being Mundus's old lady makes her blind to her own vulnerability and she is just a b!tch who thinks she's better than anyone else just because she's got a demon king bf.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Because DmC makes it out to be a serious situation while none of the other games in the series take themselves seriously at all perhaps?

You say that "anti fanboys" want to discredit this game but all i ever see you do is discredit the previous games so that you can glorify this one.


Why no one complain about xenomorphs(children) and their queen(mother) getting killed by brutal marines or Ripley in movies? This is termination of life too!
I just love when people tag others as "ranting faboys" because they dont agree with them. Lets quess who acts like that?

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Or when you kill the Queen Ghoma in Zelda, after she's hatching her spawn. MOTHER AND CHILD KILLING! Ohmegherwd!

So yeah...remind me how people decided not to take the Trade scenes as proof of how devoid of morals Vergil was and how it contrasted with Dante who, despite being put through hell and hated by the world, still has a sense of honor and keeping his word?


Fake Geek Girl.
Because DmC makes it out to be a serious situation while none of the other games in the series take themselves seriously at all perhaps?

You say that "anti fanboys" want to discredit this game but all i ever see you do is discredit the previous games so that you can glorify this one.
DmC takes itself seriously? You have got to be kidding me. DmC makes an obvious joke about Fox news with Bob Barbas who is an obvious jab at Bill O Reilly. Which then proceeds to make a level made up of floating news icons and sh!t that actually try to kill you. And you think DmC takes itself seriously? LOL okay, whatever silly.


Devil hunter in training
DmC takes itself seriously? You have got to be kidding me. DmC makes an obvious joke about Fox news with Bob Barbas who is an obvious jab at Bill O Reilly. Which then proceeds to make a level made up of floating news icons and sh!t that actually try to kill you. And you think DmC takes itself seriously? LOL okay, whatever silly.
Then there's Dante flying through his trailer with pizza covering his junk while he's getting dressed....totally serious:p

I'm wondering is the reaction about Lilith so fierce because she looks human? The again, if that was true, wouldn't people be mad when DMC3 Dante shoots Nevan in the stomach? She's human, he shoots her, but there's not the same strong reaction.

I get where they were going in DmC with this part. It's to show what Vergil is like, give Mundus something to be mad over and a reason to leave his tower....also, well, what would Lilith have done if she had gone back to Mundus? She had to be killed off somehow, unless they wanted to do a revenge plot for DmC2 where she escapes and raises the child to want to kill Dante.


Well-known Member
All I can say is that I would have blasted a hole right through Lilith to destroy the hell spawn, so I know for sure that Dante is far more merciful and kinder than I.

Although I think most people think Dante is an ass not because of the baby situation but because he swears up a storm and uses sex and partying as a coping mechanism; but I still fail to see how that makes him a first class douche? That and the fact he pulled a gun on Kat ( she could have been a demon in disguise trying to trick him for all he knew anyway) which I see no problem with that part myself.

and since when did swearing and sex make someone a bad person anyway? I guess that makes me a b***h. :troll:

Oh and I like the time you put into this post OP. Great job! :cool:


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
DmC takes itself seriously? You have got to be kidding me. DmC makes an obvious joke about Fox news with Bob Barbas who is an obvious jab at Bill O Reilly. Which then proceeds to make a level made up of floating news icons and sh!t that actually try to kill you. And you think DmC takes itself seriously? LOL okay, whatever silly.

Pretty sure we're focusing on the trade scene right here, which DOES take itself INCREDIBLY seriously, not just that but you're taking one part of the game and using it as a reference as if the entire game is like that which... it really, REALLY isn't.

Unless of course you want to say that you consider the trade scene and everything involving it to be the funniest part in DmC.


It's One on One.
I thought that people weren't mad about the scene itself but rather the fact that it was a waaaay out of character thing that Vergil would do. That's what I usually hear anyway.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
I thought that people weren't mad about the scene itself but rather the fact that it was a waaaay out of character thing that Vergil would do. That's what I usually hear anyway.

If you were to ask ME that question, yeah sure i couldn't give two flying ****s about Lilith but Vergil's behaviour in that scene just struck a nerve with me.


Well-known Member
I don't know, from the way Vergil coldly disregards Kat previously I thought it was pretty in character but that's just my opinion.


Devil hunter in training
I thought that people weren't mad about the scene itself but rather the fact that it was a waaaay out of character thing that Vergil would do. That's what I usually hear anyway.
But it's not out of character for this Vergil. If you play the downfall DLC, you'll see that his calm outside was a disguise for an emotionally disturbed and unstable guy.

One reason put for the anger at this scene is 'he shot a pregnant woman', but as stated by OP, it's not as simple as that.


Smile it confuses people
Oh and I like the time you put into this post OP. Great job! :cool:
Thank you, I worked on it all afternoon. Don't tell anyone. >.> <.<

Pretty sure we're focusing on the trade scene right here, which DOES take itself INCREDIBLY seriously, not just that but you're taking one part of the game and using it as a reference as if the entire game is like that which... it really, REALLY isn't.

Unless of course you want to say that you consider the trade scene and everything involving it to be the funniest part in DmC.
A game can be made up of serious moments and funny ones.

For example DMC3, Dante has his amusing introduction as he smashes his jukebox after it fails to start, before battling demons with pizza. While later on, you get a sad, moving moment of Lady talking to her Father before he seemingly 'dies'.

DMC1 Ending, Dante and Trish make a little joke about how fast they can kill the demons before heading off, the same pair that had some intense and moving scenes together. DMC4, Dante keeps a lighthearted attitude when taking on the demons bosses and has some funny moments, where Nero is more serious one, even getting some sad scenes where he loses Kyrie after getting trapped inside the Sanctus and losing all hope.

DMC2, now that was serious. I'm not sure that even had any jokes.


It's One on One.
But it's not out of character for this Vergil.
Oh yeah I understand that. And I know about the reason behind Vergil's actions (I watched the cutscenes from Vergil's Downfall) And that's probably why there's a lot of hate towards that scene. It's just too different for those who were used to the original Vergil's persona. It just feels odd.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
A game can be made up of serious moments and funny ones.

For example DMC3, Dante has his amusing introduction as he smashes his jukebox after it fails to start, before battling demons with pizza. While later on, you get a sad, moving moment of Lady talking to her Father before he seemingly 'dies'.

DMC1 Ending, Dante and Trish make a little joke about how fast they can kill the demons before heading off, the same pair that had some intense and moving scenes together. DMC4, Dante keeps a lighthearted attitude when taking on the demons bosses and has some funny moments, where Nero is more serious one, even getting some sad scenes where he loses Kyrie after getting trapped inside the Sanctus and losing all hope.

DMC2, now that was serious. I'm not sure that even had any jokes.

You do realise you're making my point for me... right? That when something should be taken as humerous, the story should convey it and when it shouldn't, it should do the same. DmC conveys that scene as to be taken seriously while the OP's comparison to 4 is different because that's how the scene was conveyed.

But hey regardless of your intention, thanks for making that point clear! It makes my point all the more obvious.


Well-known Member
Oh yeah I understand that. And I know about the reason behind Vergil's actions (I watched the cutscenes from Vergil's Downfall) And that's probably why there's a lot of hate towards that scene. It's just too different for those who were used to the original Vergil's persona. It just feels odd.
those people REALLY need to accept that this ISN'T the original vergil, seriously, how hard is that a concept
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