WHYYYYYY are all my cousins so rich?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:greedy:
Looking at submission requirements for comics in hopes of going somewhere with U.v. and...what the hell am I thinking trying to get this published? No body wants writers anymore, they just want artists. I'm basically worthless to them since I can't draw for beans. Just...ugh. Screw it. Maybe I should quit. *shoves notebooks away and curls up in a dark corner with Stilts*
*Hugs*If there is a writer or artist alive who hasn't felt like this, well, I don't want to know them. Don't give up, Shadow; comics still need writers, too.
True, but it's like...everytime I start really looking into getting published something happens. And I'm just...getting sick of it. Wondering if it's not a sign. I'm just sick of getting my emotions played with when the only thing I could ever want to do for a living is write. I'm just...I dunno. Maybe I should go into self publishing. Might be less stressful.
I haven't had to deal with any rejections yet (I expect many in my near future, once the books are done) but I can relate to only wanting to write, so I can only imagine how bad you feel.Definitely don't give up--I think self-publishing has its merits, especially in situations where it's difficult to find the right publisher. It's not even a mark against you as a writer--I think it just boils down to this: there are so, so many publishers out there, that finding just the right one, the one that will see merit in what you're doing, is difficult. That's because, sadly, a lot of them are probably more interested in making a buck, than in putting out something with actual quality to it. I have no doubt of your quality as a writer; you know, if you ever need a second opinion, I'm always around, and I'll always be honest, since otherwise would be to cheat you, which I could never do.
Tbh, I'd rather I was being rejected. I keep getting people who are interested and then, when I contact them when they've asked me to, appear to have forgotten my existence. /== *just sick of feeling confident about her writing only to be treated like writers are insignificant* I think you're right about publishers, though. And I don't exactly aim to write things just because they sell well.If I wanted to do things just because they make a lot of money, I'd be a stripper.Thank you, though. ^^; *hugs**would do the same for you* I hope you don't have to deal with people being like this when you submit your books.
I agree, that's even worse; they're leading you on. :/ What pr*cks. I hope you find people who don't jerk you around, and soon. *Huggles* Thank you. ^^ I hope I don't have to deal with ass-hats like that, either, but I get the feeling I probably will. Fortunately, I've still got a ways to go, before I even have to think about it.
Seriously, what is the deal with airline food?
I remember they had the movie "Limitless" on one of my flights. I enjoyed it actually.Like the inflight movies and the reading material, I think it's designed to distract from the ordeal of flight with how soul crushingly bad it is.