An online friend of mine from the US messaged me on Discord and she was so distraught. She just wanted to vent about the Coronavirus situation and as someone who hasn't exactly kept in touch with how the pandemic has been handled overseas, the scenario she depicted to me was horrible. Just what in the **** is going on over there? Is what she told me true and as widespread as she made it sound?
It's a 50/50 split. The virus is real, yes. We're experiencing multiple issues with responses to the virus. I'll explain as I go along. It's a mess, but it exacerbated by protests. The media is pushing the divide between whites and other races. New groups are being born from these protests. There was a riot born from a black man's neck being pressed on for eight minutes. He's dead now, so bitch officer is fired, but the punishment doesn't fit the crime. So, the nation went into a series of protests. Not just one. The protests continue because these officers aren't heeding the anger. Just weeks after the riots. Guess what? Another officer does the knee pressure. Once again, another protest occurs. It's just gonna continue until something boils over the limit, and something has to give.
Record cases and deaths in the tens of thousands, the government letting individual States come up with their own regulations, barely any lockdown, no precautions, people actively boycotting wearing masks and using hand sanitizers, Trump himself mocking those who do have some common sense in that regard and not taking the situation seriously at all?
Basically, yes. It's not just the government, though. Everyone is being stupid about it. Stupid.
Each state has their own governor, and most of them don't want to listen to the higher government (White House). Its like this, we're seeing higher number of crime, higher number of police brutality, just in general higher numbers of abuse in every category. Most governors don't want military action. Trump just said the other day, he's willing to put high crime areas on notice if they don't stop their bullshit. He said the governors have to pick up the phone and ask for help. Trump is ready. They just need to eat their pride, and say "I need help, Mr. President."
The virus is still out there, and people are just oblivious to it. Hell, there are even people who won't wear a mask.
We had a lockdown, but it wasn't working for everyone. People still go out, regardless of the mandate. People lost their jobs during lockdown, and that's how our economy was hit. But spending is very much the same as before. Usually when we have a recession, it's because people are adverse to spending. So, businesses go out of business at this time. During lockdown, we're seeing more, and more businesses go out of business - mostly mom and pops owned businesses.
Like, Jesus, I suspected the Covid emergency would get worse because of all the protests over there but apparently the problem has its roots deeper than that. What is that orange clown doing? Why's he been letting his country go to **** like this? Why are people so against basic precautions? Why does everything seem so disorganized (again, from the perspective of someone who's not living all this, but just hearing it from someone else who's there)?
Well... people are just oblivious. The media isn't doing any better. They want people to hate each other. [Ahem, create division.]
There are even ideas that the virus is terrorism. There was a story two weeks ago in Alabama (southern east state, near Florida), in this story, a person created a party to see who would get the virus first. Guess what? One walked with COVID19. Hospitalized. Idiots.
They thought COVID19 was a joke, well now they look stupid.
I could feel she was about to burst out crying cause she was afraid for her and her family. She asked me about how WE're doing and I kinda dodged that question, kept it vague, cause telling her the truth, I felt like it'd maker sink deeper into depression.
Nothing you can do, bro. Sorry but no one is safe.
Just what in God's name, man, it sounds like hell over there. Forumites from the US, are you ok? Now I'm genuinely worried.
I'm ok, but it's because I wash my hands frequently, I keep my distance, I take frequent baths, I rest a lot, trying to keep my hygiene up to snuff. I'll worry about my health later (dieting kind of health), I just want to get past this virus. ****ing China.
We are in election year, so I expect more virus chaos to continue.