I agree with you there but ironically those are the ones that bother me the least. The ones that REALLY grind my gears are those games that do have substantial gameplay, but it's constantly interrupted by real time, scripted - thus unskippable - sections, walking-and-talking segments, frequent and looooooooong ass cutscenes even in the middle of a boss fight or something, etc etc, you get the gist.
Interactive movies a la David Cage or Telltale Games are right below those in my **** list though. Whatever happened to adventure games that did have a focus on story but weren't reduced to basically just having you watch them, and actually had meaningful gameplay, exploration, puzzles to solve as well like Myst or Monkey Island? But no, the industry standard for an adventure GAME is not that anymore, it's quick time events and watching lengthy ass cutscenes that make for 90% of the experience with the occasional button press to choose a dialogue option or choice to make. Yay. Videogames. Except these are all video and no games.