CT: isolation is very isolating. I miss MSN chat rooms...all my friends are grown ups with busier lives and no time for WhatsApp or video calls.
I miss people more than I expected to :frown:
I miss people more than I expected to :frown:
CT: isolation is very isolating. I miss MSN chat rooms...all my friends are grown ups with busier lives and no time for WhatsApp or video calls.
I miss people more than I expected to :frown:
My sister frequently gets in touch but only really to complain about her lot in life and spread doom and gloom, so I screen her calls most of the time.I too miss MSN, such simpler times back then. Barely seen most of my friends in around 4 years outside of texts/WhatsApp/Snapchat messages here and there. Mainly when Ava was born (followed by Poppy obviously) and I could no longer go to the pub late at night until early hours of the morning and that is the only place any of them socialise. Only people I properly managed to keep in contact with were those that didnt mind heading out for an early evening drink and catch up instead or like you and Steve play some online games with/go cinema etc.
My sister frequently gets in touch but only really to complain about her lot in life and spread doom and gloom, so I screen her calls most of the time.
MSN was awesome...met people from all over the world, no one was especially mean like they are now on social media and there was no show boating and "#bestlife" crap. People looked out for each other in chat rooms (at least the ones I was in) and not to mention that Steve and I did pretty much all our dating via MSN.
I saw a video with some of my friends in the other day that they made for our virtual church (4 of them recorded themselves and then another guy put it all into one video)...cried my freaking eyes out. Didn't realise how much I'd been missing them until then...
I did everything with these guys, saw them 5 times a week at least. And then nothing except texts. Which convey nothing of tone so you have to try and filter it for yourself.
I know, I know - everyone is having the same issues. But it still sucks.
Yeah, Steve mentioned her virtual pub sessions - what a great idea! Unfortunately, no one in my friendship group is able to get away long enough to sit and chat that way. There's some talk of perhaps a zoom get together but it hasn't gotten further than theoretical at the moment.
It'll all work out eventually but everything still feels so surreal, like it's not even happening.
Strength mode in Crysis 2 and 3 doesn't do justice to what you could do with it in the first game. Actually Crysis 2 and 3's whole combat system can't hold a candle to the first game's. You used to be able to throat grab people and use them as human shields as you shot down the rest of the enemies, or smash the poor bastard onto a rock, or against another enemy making them both fall down. Or, you could toss him against a shack and, by the power of the game's amazing physics engine, watch it crumble burying the poor guy.
You used to be able to punch trees down and create a makeshift cover against enemy fire, super jump over a ramming jeep to shoot down onto its tires in mid-air, making the vehicle vault over killing everyone on board, or its fuel tank to watch it explode.
Crysis 1 was just a joy to play because of its multi-approach design, even outside of just strength mode, although that one was one of its most downgraded aspects going into 2. I hope the new remaster will make people who never played the first game discover this underrated gem, smashing the poor optimization barrier.