Found a nice, lengthy video that further explores more of the RE2 remake.
.... has annoying commentary.
I hope the commentator chokes on a dildo.
.... has annoying commentary.
I hope the commentator chokes on a dildo.
I think i'm getting super confused/worked up over the change to Morrisson. Inherently I'm not against racebending and if it was a live action movie or the reboot I'd be ok with it.
I've been saying this since the term "SJW" was coined. Twitter's a great place to get your voice out, but users in there are a bunch of stupid idiots. That's not to say there aren't good people, because there are. I say the same for Facebook, Instagram, and other Social [Media] Network.Despite the constant arguments to the contrary, it doesn't half feel like games are becoming way too politically-minded for my liking. Agendas being pushed, anyone who disagrees being called names...why can't games just be games? Why can we not have at least one medium out there that ISN'T jumping on the bandwagon of "tolerance" (something I have very little respect for) and just let games be what they were supposed to be: fun.
I am dog-sick of so-called progress being shoved down my throat so far that I choke on it. From all this "gender-neutral" bollards to "hey, let's present EVERY role ever as female just in case someone gets upset"; enough, ok? The more we highlight our differences, the more we become segregated because of them. You only have to look at a bunch of preschoolers playing together to see that these notions and ideals we are so keen as a society to pummel them with from as early an age as possible are unnecessary. They don't give a crap about differences until some moronic adult makes a big deal out of something or answers a simple curious question with something complicated...and then boom. They are suddenly afraid of black/white people, ignore disabled people, laugh at homeless people and then grow up to become Audi drivers.
Does anyone of these idiots have the slightest idea how difficult it is to navigate the minefield that is parenting 101 WITHOUT the stupid stresses of how to explain all the minutiae of gender, sexuality, race, religion and which Teletubby is on crack?? Not to mention that as someone with a VERY secure view of the world around me within the context of my faith, I have to try and marry that with an ever-increasingly hostile world that DEMANDS I reject everything I believe in for the sake of some random person on Twitter's feelings??
If my kid wants to be best friends with a genderqueer mentally ill atheist identifying as a panda bear with roller skates, I genuinely do not care. So long as they don't force that agenda on anyone else, I don't care. So long as they don't tell me I'm an evil bigoted misogynistic Nazi who should die in a fire for not embracing Gay Pride and veganism and women in video games who don't belong there or whatever the current politics are, I don't care. I push NOTHING on others - they ask, I tell, nothing more - so push NOTHING onto me and mine.
I want to play video games. I want to continue to be terrible at them and cheat and enjoy God Mode and all the joys that come with it. Fable allows the player to be gay, wear opposite-gender clothing, force orphans to work like slaves, be a slum landlord/lady, marry multiple people at once and prostitute yourself as much as you like - and I find it beyond fun. Why? Because Lionhead never made a point of it. It's just there. You can do it or you can not. No one is forcing you to accept a role, it's entirely up to you. And whilst I know the VERY tired argument of "well no one is forcing you to play game XYZ", it also is an exclusive attitude in the other direction. Maybe I want to play game XYZ but I just do not want to have to reconcile myself to becoming a certain character I fundamentally disagree with the representation of or in a manner that simply smacks of politics. Maybe I would like there to always be a choice. But choice seems to only belong to certain groups now, and I find that very sad and marginalising.
tl;dr bring on the trolls
For me, I don't care if they want to have a reinterpretation of Morrison for a different medium (hell, I love black Nick Fury way more than the original one), what really grinds my gears is that by doing this within the DMC universe it essentially makes the DMC anime non-canon and while some people might rejoice, I genuinely liked the anime and it irks me that they couldn't have this black gentleman be Morrison's son or friend or something..... That.... that guy is supposed to be Morrison?
Sorry but... no. If Capcom wanted Morrison to actually be black, they could've made him that way in the anime when he first showed up.
Bayonetta? Had Rodin: a merchant, powerful demon, fallen angel, challenging boss fight, enigmatic, and also a black man voiced by Dave Fennoy. There's no real reason for Rodin to be a black character voiced by a black man, he just is.
DmC Reboot? Had Phineas: an adviser, prophet, strategist, political prisoner, wise old guy, and also voiced by Lou Beatty Jr. No real reason for him to be voiced by a black man, he just is.
DMC's only claim to remotely dark-skinned characters were foreigners with in-and-out accents in a despised game (Lucia, Matier), an antagonist that exists to be made fun of (Agnus), and a white woman in magical blackface (Trish/Gloria) who rips her fighting style from a previous character (Lucia) with the addition of a ridiculous walk cycle and an inexcusable amount of cleavage (not to mention her lack of underwear). Three out of four of those characters are voiced by white women. But after four games, they wait until now to have a relatively normal black character that isn't a gimmick or laughingstock, and it turns out to be a racebend of a white dude for.... what, exactly? Were black characters too hard to draw/color in in the anime or something?
I'm not against racebending either, but this isn't that. This is a cheap attempt to "earn points" on something other games and studios did with no fuss and made Capcom look bad over in comparison. It wasn't hard for the character designers at P* to make Rodin and hire Dave Fennoy to voice him for three games, and it didn't cost Ninja Theory an arm and a leg to hire Lou Beatty Jr. to voice Phineas. They introduced these characters and their voices in the first ever games in their respective series, but it took Capcom four games to finally get to anything remotely like that. This isn't intelligent or intuitive: they JK Rowling'd Morrison. They're trying to pull "I never said Hermione was white" on Morrison when he'd already been "cast" as white in previous media with no complaint from higher-ups.
Again, too little, too late.
For me, I don't care if they want to have a reinterpretation of Morrison for a different medium (hell, I love black Nick Fury way more than the original one), what really grinds my gears is that by doing this within the DMC universe it essentially makes the DMC anime non-canon [...]
[...]and while some people might rejoice, I genuinely liked the anime and it irks me that they couldn't have this black gentleman be Morrison's son or friend or something.
Capcom's flippancy with canon (especially how they handled the original DMC novel) has always annoyed me.![]()
Depends on what it's about. Adults are writing fanfiction, to be frank. See: literally any novelization of a well-known videogame, anything in the Star Wars Extended Universe, or any episode in a TV show based on a novel. But this generally has to do with other adults.Just saw someone complaining that adults shouldn't write fanfiction and saying that's akin to child abuse and should be illegal.And, while I admire the sheer length of that reach, I've got some bad news for them about just how much of their fandom and just how many of their favourite fics were written by people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.
Depends on what it's about. Adults are writing fanfiction, to be frank. See: literally any novelization of a well-known videogame, anything in the Star Wars Extended Universe, or any episode in a TV show based on a novel. But this generally has to do with other adults.
If adults are writing fanfiction specifically about children/minors/"characters young enough to be their kids" having, say, graphic sex with nothing to the fanfiction except portraying the minor characters as sexually desirable to people reading it (including themselves, since they're the ones writing it), you.... uh.... kinda have to wonder. I mean. The rant itself is a reach but I don't know the exact topic. If they were specifically referencing adults writing PWP about minors, they'd have a point, because there's a way to show "people younger than 18 think sexy thoughts/have sex/stuff happens" without "imagine this 15 year old's supple breasts bouncing while she rides her boyfriend" being rendered in 3000 words.
But see they weren't talking about underaged PWP. They were talking about all fanfic. Even fics of characters that were all adults, even family-related fics, even totally innocent fluff fics. Their argument was that fandom should be a place for children only. That adults have no place in it at all (which...I wonder if that includes the people who originally made the series cuz, like you said, adults write all that stuff) and that any adult who insisted upon writing it were...well, you get the idea.
But no one's gonna question your motives and qualifications if you write about dragons or giant robot cats or adventures in new worlds. And it's not really fair to judge the many who have innocent reasoning, or those who have never touched writing a delicate subject in their life, based on the few writers who are just sucky people.
"Tails suddenly goes insane and uses a gun to shoot Sonic"
(Sorry if that sounds like a rant. .-. )