I don't get the clothing thing. I just don't. It feels kind of political in motive?
I think it absolutely is.
I have zero relatability to the gender neutral/fluid subject as it's not something I have personally experienced, nor do I know anyone with it as a part of their life, so maybe that's why I don't understand it?
There's people with an actual disease that needs treating out there, and there's people who have politicized that and tacked it on the end of the idea of gender neutral expression in clothing and hairstyles and stuff like that. I don't understand "gender fluidity" myself in the slightest but I do know trans folk out there are already roughly 1% or less of all people on the earth, the actual truly "gender fluid" ones that swing between strongly mentally identifying male one day or female another are even rarer, probably 5% - 10% or less of that <1%. For such a tiny proportion of people, there is no justification to mess with the clothing departments of the rest of society just to please them. It's political in my view, having hijacked the "trans cause" to push it, and I don't like that they have. (By they I mean the activists and the people wanting this... which often isn't trans people themselves).
Sure, there's some people out there who feel men should be able to dress like women and vice versa without any criticism from society, but that's kind of a separate issue from medical gender fluidity in itself. If they want to do that, then by all means they can go sport a skirt along with facial hair for all I care.... people are probably going to look at 'em weird and they may not like that, but you can't force acceptance. I don't like how the medical issue of gender has been conflated in the media and social sphere at large with this idea we should do away with gender altogether. There's a simple test to find out who actually is gender fluid and who's in it for the "social justice" - one will tell you being gender fluid is awful, stressful, confusing and mentally exhausting... and the other will tell you it's great and fun and wonderful and we should all be working toward a gender-free society. Because any sort of social structure that exists already must be dismantled, right comrades?
I don't think society's broke in this respect so I don't think it needs fixing. Your son wants to wear pink? fine, let him.. and teach him to ignore what people say. He'll be mentally healthier and stronger for it than for needing all of society to accept and praise him, or to require validation from everyone he meets. But I suspect the motivation behind it is from SJWs, not non-binary types. After all, what do babies care what they wear? They seem to be wanting to push this on parents.
Places like John Lewis probably just think it's a smart financial choice to follow their lead. I think they're going to be surprised just how many people are ambivalent, but will go elsewhere when you try to shove an agenda down their throats.
I mean, are there no longer recognised fundamental differences between boys and girls? Even from a anatomical standpoint?
They'd like for that to be the case but as far as I'm concerned (after doing that biology degree in 2000) they are full of it. They're trying to make it offensive to state the facts, and the stats that back them up, which is not only ridiculous, but dangerous.